Leading film production company Cinedigm acquires Dove.org and Christian Cinema. Jordan River. When Egypt is thought of at all, it is in the context of the stories of Joseph, Moses and the Exodus. Surprisingly, it is not always easy to locate the areas where the Christian faith was shaped. Daniel and his colleagues lived in Nebuchadnezzars Babylon and from this territory he was cast into the lions den. Isobands are a kind of contour line that here indicate confidence levels. The Place of the Bible in the Life of the Christian. Palmyra Aramean state in Syria Ashdod The Garden of Eden was not the first occurrence of cosmic treason against God. Bible places, Ekron Enoch Goshen was described as the best of the land (Genesis 47:6) because it was well-watered by various distributaries of the Nile. The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. However, Joseph needed to continue to trust God through some difficult trials before realizing those visions. God specifically requested Moses to approach him on the mountain, but the Israelites were not to set foot on the holy ground. Megiddo is better known to some by its Greek name of Armageddon, which some Christians believe will be the site of the end-times battle prophesied in the Book of Revelation. Recent excavations of Roman-era ruins at this site located at the delta of the River Jordan, on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee, suggest it may be the ancient Jewish fishing village of Bethsaida, later the Roman city of Julias. The Mount of Olives is an important site in both the Jewish and Christian traditions. Author: Ron Graham Useful Bible Lists Useful for study These pages are simply lists. Ashur/Asshur/Assur Capital city of Syria All Rights Reserved. Miriam Eridu Mesopotamian city When it comes to quickly grasping and retaining information, the human brain functions best with a combination of both words and pictures. In prison, Joseph earned a position of notice. He later met Delilah in the valley of Sorek and for several thousand pieces of silver, she betrayed him to the Philistine lords. Meet News Bitty. Evangelist Andrew Palau Joins Dozens of Churches in Austin, Texas for Historic SXSW Outreach Event. When we have concluded Revelation, we will start over again in Genesis, so if you are with us for five years you will not miss any part of the Bible. Galilee or Ha-Galil (Hebrew) can today be found in northern Israel and is divided into two parts, Lower and Upper Galilee. We know Jesus lived there (Matthew 4:13), taught there and did miracles (Matthew 8:14). One man was waiting for his turn to be healed for over 38 years! Tarshish In fact, much human understanding occurs visually. The mountain has served as a burial ground for the Jewish people for 3,000 years, and among the 150,000 graves there are the tombs of the prophets Haggai . The ancient city of Jericho was well known for its outstanding fortification. As such, the burial place of Christ is now somewhere within Jerusalem rather than just outside of the city. : King Solomon, David's son, builds the Temple in Jerusalem (1 Kings 6-8) Around 925 b.c.e . Given the increased fighting near Damascus, however, the fate of the church is somewhat uncertain. So many different stories from the Bible took place on the Jordan River. Some scholars believe Qumran was home to the Essenes, an isolationist Jewish sect often credited with authorship of the Dead Sea Scrolls. I pray these have helped you appreciate all that God has done for youbut if Gods never brought you to a time of repentance and youve never placed your trust in Christ, then God only has His wrath awaiting you (John 3:36b), right after death (Heb 9:27) or at the Lords return to judge the world in righteousnessand at which time, the Lord will take to Himself the children of God and He will be in their presence for all time (Rev 21:3, 22:4). When it happened, Joseph demonstrated incredible humility and faith by assuring them that what they had planned for evil his brothers selling him into slavery God had meant for good. Paul's first missionary journey begins, and he strikes Elymas the sorcerer blind. The Bible Says Jesus Was Real. Jesus was not. Why this is important. There are also many important Biblical places that are described in Scripture based on local, natural landmarks. Moab Cannanite state This page attempts to identify all possible locations for every place mentioned in this book of the Bible. That moment of resurrection is the core of Easter . 3. Thru the Bible takes the listener through the entire Bible in just five years, threading back and forth between the Old and New Testaments. Although at first He said that His time has not yet come, in the end Jesus performed here His first public miracle by turning water into wine. Ashkelon Abraham obeyed God and just before plunging the knife into Isaac, the angel of the Lord stopped him (Gen 22:11-12). Harran Assyrian City Samson the man of extraordinary strength was familiar with this place. Despite Johns hesitancy, Jesus asked to be baptized and many witnessed the most beautiful declaration of Fathers love: This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. (Matthew 3:17). Make sure you are signed up for our emails, so you dont miss more fascinating articles like this one! Ruth is a notable personality who was Moabite. The very first time Jesus was in the Temple was probably about a month after His birth. On most Sundays it probably doesnt feel that way: getting ready and off to churc Get expert commentary on biblical languages, fresh explorations in theology, hand-picked book excerpts, author videos, and info on limited-time sales. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. In 200 B.C., the aquifer of Bethlehem became the water source for Jerusalem after Jerusalems water supply was corrupted. https://www.history.com/news/10-top-sites-biblical-archaeology. Memphis You are absolutely right! Despite the Syrian population being predominantly Muslim there are still a few vestiges of Pauls historical presence in the area. Easter commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after his execution on a Roman cross. As recently as the late 1800s the area was still called Moab. Will More People Go To Hell Than Go To Heaven? Shechem There are places all over the Old World that witnessed the events that shaped Christianity as a faith. The remains of pagan shrines are thousands of years old. After its destruction by Roman troops, King Herod the Great rebuilt Machaerus and used it as a military base. : Moses leads the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery (Exodus 1-15) Around 1000 b.c.e . You can also join the Jewish people in prayer at the Western Wall, right below where the Temple used to stand. Bethlehem This ancient city, carved into the red rock cliffs of Jebel al-Madhbah, near the Dead Sea in southern Jordan, was known as Sela in the Bible. Kish Mesopotamian Ciy State Although Galilee is often associated with the New Testament, there are several mentions of it in the Old Testament. What was Canaan now stretches over Israel, Gaza, Jordan alongside parts of Lebanon and Syria. He saw that the light was good. It is presently a significant producer of grain and cotton for export. It was in Ananias house that Sauls sight was restored, and he became Paul. Bitter Lakes. Micah the Prophet foretold this day when he wrote, But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days (Micah 5:2) and this city itself is ancient (Gen 35:19) but the ancient of days is obviously Jesus Christ and whom the Apostle John wrote the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth (John 1:14). Its quite possible that there were a few human skulls near there but that seems unreasonable to assume thats how it got its name. Chaldea Mesopotamian state, eventually encompassing Babylonia, Damascus Aramean city and state A-Z list of 1,173 biblical places. The once small town is now a good size Arab city right outside of Jerusalem. Despite Johns hesitancy, Jesus asked to be baptized and many witnessed the most beautiful declaration of Fathers love: . Nothing more impacted billions of souls than the atoning work of Christ on the cross. Paran It also was not a village but a military installation. Jerash Nevertheless, it was an important town in His family line, as it was the hometown of King David. Unless otherwise indicated, all content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Tagged as: Meluhha Pre-Arab state in the Arabian Peninsula Patmos Island image from CTD Timnath-serah In a doctrinal statement of sorts that foretells the coming Son of God, Isaac asks about the animal to sacrifice and Abraham responds, God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son (Gen 22:8). Capernaum is one of those unique places in the land of Israel that we know the exact location of. The modern-day Bethlehem is very welcoming to tourists; despite being part of the Palestinian Territories that Israeli citizens are banned from entering. 25. Hill of Gash 24. And Simon was called Peter after recognizing that his Teacher is the Son of the living God (Matthew 16:16). Nimrud later name for the Assyrian city of Kalhu/Calah (Lyons Press, 2017), which chronicles some of history's most famous disappearances. Ariel. And there was the cloud and the darkness. Acre (Ptolemais) a. Paul stopped here on his final trip to Jerusalem. Mount Carmel You think we missed a few more important places? It is considered holy by many people and religions. A pilgrimage site since the fourth century, it was home to a church built around that time, the ruins of which were discovered in the 1930s. He was not there because He had been raised from the dead and this important event ties into our own bodily resurrection someday. Easter is the reason the Christian church exists! John the son of Zechariah carried out baptisms in the same river. Christians can look at funerals much differently than those without the hope found in Christ because for us, its not burial ground, but resurrection ground! The young shepherd David stood up and volunteered to go against him. Abraham was asked to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, and offer him up to God on Mount Moriah. And it lit up the night without one coming near the other all night, Yankee Manager Joe Girardi Thought of Quitting Baseball After His Mothers Death, 25 Encouraging Bible Verses About Strength, Words of Encouragement: 30 Uplifting Quotes. Sign up for the Bible Blender newsletter and periodically receive the latest Christian news, Bible study articles, modern-day life lessons, new product announcements, and more. The complete list of nations that once inhabited the biblical land of Canaan. . In recent times, two gates were discovered that fit with the ancient city Shaaraim (1 Samuel 17:52). Nibarti-Ashur Assyrian city He performed countless miracles there not least when he walked on waters of the sea. He saw it as a sign and made a vow that if he won the battle, he would convert to Christianity. Take a look at this collection: Bible Answers to Questions. Thanks for the information! Paul was one of the most influential figures in early Christianity, and his journey began on the road to and within Damascus. A young shepherd who conquered Goliath, was anointed king of Israel, and authored many of the psalms. In order to bring us salvation, He became fully human and lived a normal (for the most part) life among the Jews. Jerusalem and all Judea and the region about the Jordan were going out to him, and they were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins (Matthew 3:5-6). Egypts influence on Christianity, however, remained long after the Israelites fled across the Red Sea. Contact me: openbibleinfo (at) gmail.com. Cappadocia Region in Asia Minor Ophir Carchemish Assyrian city Published April 25, 2023 Updated April 26, 2023. . Get updates from Zondervan Academic directly in your inbox. The historical capital of Moab Dibon can be found in Jordan and is now called Dhiban. In the Bible Mount Sinai is referred to as Mount Sinai twice but it is also called Mount Horeb. In many ancient writings it is described as a center for merchants and trade. Ephesus (Turkey) An important centre for early Christianity, Paul himself lived in the city from AD 52-54. New transgender policy for public schools empathizes with those with gender dysphoria while being steadfast in opposing gender ideology. Gomorrah This page attempts to identify all possible locations for every place mentioned in this book of the Bible. Bible Verses, Quotes, Christian Answers, Songs and More. Though it eventually fell to the Medo-Persian Empire, the emergence of a new Babylon is prophesied in the book of Revelation, a final global empire to . Bethel The Chapel of St. Paul is one such example. The location of Peters death in the Circus of Nero is also located in Rome, and. Terms and Conditions He also delivered people (Mark 1:21) and healed both body and spirit of those willing (Mark 2:11). Among them was Athanasius of Alexandria whose First Letters to Serapion heavily influenced later doctrines regarding the Holy Trinity. It was also a part of the greater province of Rameses. Privacy Policy Soon after Joseph received a promotion in his slave masters house, he became the victim of more adversity. Nebuchadnezzar II had invaded Jerusalem with his army and took a sizeable part of the population to his kingdom. Located in the Negev desert in southern Israel, this site is thought to be the remains of the biblical town of Beersheba; it lies a few miles east of the modern city by that name. Midian As National Day of Prayer approaches, Pope suggests we spend time with Jesus every evening to reflect on the day. That was the first sin in historybut mankind would get lots of experience in that area. In the Bible, the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were mentioned initially in the book of Genesis. Many archeological findings confirm the locations mentioned in the Bible. Jesus warns against hypocrisy the greatest threat to Christianity today (Matthew 23:1 23:12). It was in Nazareth that Mary received the news that she was to be the mother of Christ and where Jesus Himself was raised. We strive for accuracy and fairness. This epic event was going to be so burned into the nations mind that centuries later Stephen the Deacon referred to it as part of his defense of his faith in Christ (Acts 7:36). Right in the center of each of these nations was . Cimmeria Nation in northern Asia Minor 1. The obvious answer is not even one is good (Rom 3:10). Images remain the copyright of their respective owners, where possible permission for use was sought. . It begins with Genesis in the top left and concludes with Revelation in the bottom right. Two tablets of stone were engraved with inscriptions of the commandments on the mountain. Subsequent excavations revealed the ruins of buildings and an extensive aqueduct system. Beer-Sheba Ai Here are the seven most important places in Christian history to visit. These siblings went through a chilling experience when Lazarus passed away, but not long after he was raised from the dead by Jesus (John 11:1-45). It now boasts several cathedrals, but the importance of this place remains more spiritual than physical: this miracle began Jesus supernatural ministry. Zior If you've been a teacher or pastor for long, you know that people learn in different ways. Archevite Really enjoyed this. God directed Abraham to resettle in Canaan and the patriarchs of Israel made it their home. Join the 28,126 who get encouraging articles, an exclusive insider view, and connect with what God is doing in Israel every week. Dilmun Pre-Arab state in the Arabian peninsula Mount Ephraim Joseph remained a prisoner for two more years (Genesis 40; 41:1). Why Your Church Needs Vacation Bible School, Gods Amazing Conversions Through Dreams and Visions Part Three, Gods Amazing Conversions Through Dreams and Visions Part Two, Ice Dragon: Legend of the Blue Daisies Movie Review, Phoenix Wilder And The Great Elephant Adventure Movie Review, The Boxcar Children: Surprise Island Movie Review. All that is left of Nebuchadnezzars grand palace is a mass of ruins known as Babil. It was the Jordan River that the prophet Elijah struck with his folded cloak and parted the waters (2 Kings 2:8). The events of the Bible happened in real places, with real people. HISTORY reviews and updates its content regularly to ensure it is complete and accurate. Jesus spent the first weeks, possibly months, of His life in this House of Bread (the Hebrew meaning of the citys name), less than 10 miles away from Jerusalem. Zeredathah Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all mention Mount Sinai in their holy texts as the place where Moses was given the 10 Commandments by God. This does not mean, however, that these forgotten holy sites are any less important. That infamous event is claimed by Lucifer and today is known as Satan or the Devil. Simon the Tanner's house. Before the exodus, Joseph gave this land of ancient Egypt to his relatives. in the region between Gerar and Beersheba, intersection of Kidron Valley and Valley of Hinnom, Davide Mauro, Bukvoed, Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2019, Hanay, , Ren Hourdry, Iri-en-achti, Mboesch, Radomir Vrbovsky, Ahmed Mooky, zin_live, Adeeb Atwan, , Matson Collection, Davidbena, Davidbena, Bukvoed, Biegel, Dvirraz, Deror_avi, , Bukvoed, Berthold Werner, MEDIACRAT, Gottlieb Schumacher, Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin FRCP(Glasg), Bukvoed, gugganij, Daniel Barnek, The devious diesel, Berthold Werner, Uri, Staff Sgt. Or he who is born of a woman, that he can be righteous, God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son, But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days, the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth, I will harden Pharaohs heart, and he will pursue them, and I will get glory over Pharaoh and all his host, and the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord. And they did so, the angel of God who was going before the host of Israel moved and went behind them, and the pillar of cloud moved from before them and stood behind them, coming between the host of Egypt and the host of Israel. We hope you liked our list of the 10 places where Jesus walked. Mount of Temptation (Jericho, Palestine) The Mount of Temptation is located in Jericho, the oldest city in the world. Jerusalem is at the center of much of the Old Testament and where the most important events of the New Testament take place. Are the pyramids mentioned in the Bible? Josephs life illustrates how trusting God through dark times can lead to greater blessing. 4.1K views, 50 likes, 28 loves, 154 comments, 48 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from 7th District AME Church: Thursday Morning Opening Session Growing up in Nazareth, Jesus learned carpentry and stonework from His father, Joseph. I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me, What is man, that he can be pure? Acts 13:13-42. Your email address will not be published. You can discuss this post and others in the Faithlife Today group. Interestingly, we get our word Calvary from the skull because in Latin, skull (calvria) is translated into Calvary. The cross is the fulcrum upon which all souls eternal destiny hinges. Ephesia/Ephesus Greek city in Asia Minor that is the holiest site Jews can go to pray. If you like what you're reading, you can get free daily updates through the RSS feed here. Get a roundup of new Word by Word articles in your inbox each Friday. Abraham typifies what God the Father sacrificed in His Son, Jesus by offering Isaac but Isaac was spared. Jesus and his family attended a wedding in Cana. Please check errors and resubmit. See the story described in the Gospel of Matthew 14:22-34.. But there was something else that was uniquely special about this basin of water. Some places may be listed twice or under two different names. During Moses time the area was a sanctuary for the Israelites as God judged the kingdom that enslaved them. In under 200 pages it presents dozens of at-a-glance snapshots that visually communicate key stories and insights in the Bible in an informative and understandable way through: Today we are highlighting one of those character sketches: Joseph. Mary and Joseph, Jesus earthly parents, had to return to Bethlehem to register for a census decreed by Augustus, the Roman Emperor. Bartimaeus the blind beggar sat on a road within this city. This holy site, like Jerusalem, is a popular . Genesis 25 (10 places) Genesis 26 (7 places) Genesis 27 (1 place: Haran) Genesis 28 (6 places) Genesis 29 (2 places) Genesis 31 (6 places) Genesis 32 (6 places) . Shalem The books of Joshua, 1 Kings and Chronicles also have references to this geographical region. Have the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah been found along with evidence they were destroyed by a meteor? In earlier times it was called Ephrathah and in other instances Bethlehem of Judah or Bethlehem-Judah. 100 Cities in the Bible . Excavations are ongoing, and though some evidence of burned materials and structures have surfaced, archaeologists are still debating whether the biblical battle actually took place. But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised (1st Cor 15:12-13) and even worse, if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain (1st Cor 15:14). The modern city of Jerusalem is noticeably larger than its ancient counterpart, but the Old City is well preserved in the heart of Israels capital city. Do you realize the Sabbath is a gift? Zelah Bochim Mamre Plain The main attraction is the Church of the Nativity, the place believed to be the birth place of Jesus. Like an infographic survey of Scripture, this visual guide to . Jordan River is one of the holy places of Christianity. Achaia 26. Urkish Mesopotamian state and city The Bible (and Jewish historian Flavius Josephus) identified the palace-fortress as the site where John the Baptist was imprisoned and executed on the orders of Herod the Greats son Herod Antipas. has pastored on Capitol Hill and with the Evangelical Covenant Church in Michigan. A leading Canaanite city during the Bronze Age, it later became an important royal city in the Kingdom of Israel, according to the Hebrew Bible. Rome Roman Empire, Samaria Nation of the Samaritans During the Byzantine period, Nazareth was a Christian stronghold, but its many churches were built and destroyed as the city alternated between Muslim and Christian hands. Some places may be listed twice or under two different names. 3 Interesting Facts about Mount Sinai in the Bible. According to the Old Testament, the Hebrew patriarch Abraham negotiated a deal with the Philistine king Abimelech over a well here, and planted a tamarisk tree. So if a Christian wants to visit places that are important to their faith, where should they go? A few impressive Christian churches allow visitors to retrace Biblical stories through the artwork created over centuries. A verse by verse study. Years later, He confronted merchants in the courts of the Temple, saying they turned His Fathers House into a den of thieves (Matthew 21:12-13). These cities in Jordan allow people to better understand and experience the stories of Jesus Christ and past civilizations. Over the next few years, other, similar remote caves in the area were found. It is here that Jesus Christ was born over 2,000 years ago. Tyrone, I am pleased to know you enjoyed reading the post. These verses describe events after Peter's escape from prison. Logos Bible Software sent photographers all over the Holy Land, and they assembled 400 photos, videos, infographics, and maps of biblical places to guide your studies and help bring the Bible to life. She brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn, Luke 2:7 says. TopicalBible Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Sodom and Gomorrah. Elijah A prophet who was vital in saving the. Using media and technology, Back to the Bible meets people at their own spiritual level and walks with them daily into a living, growing and passionate relationship with Jesus Christ by equipping and motivating them to engage Scripture daily. Roman hippodrome, Caesarea. He did his graduate work at Moody Theological Seminary. a sarcophagus believed to contain the remains of St. Paul, began to be brought back together to form a single faith. Jerusalem is central to many important events in the Bible. Lachish To that end, the First Ecumenical Council, or Council of Nicaea, created a single statement of faith that would apply to all Christians: the Nicene Creed. Most Christian interest in the African nation ends when the Israelites reach the Promised Land. Ammon Canaanite state What is the significance of the Jordan River in the Bible? When Jesus visited the region, according to the New Testament, many came out to hear him preach. Smyrna Mesopotamia Includes the kingdoms of Sumer, Akkad, Assyria, Babylonia, Chaldea, and the neo Assyrian states of Adiabene, Osroene and Hatra. An ancestor of Jesus. If you have any questions, please review our. Parthia Nation in Iran This made it suitable for crop farming and livestock rearing. The First Ecumenical Council took place in Nicaea at the behest of Constantine, and it was here that the many different versions of Christianity that existed in the second century began to be brought back together to form a single faith. It is a traditional pilgrimage destination that boasts many ancient sites from Jesus day. Clement created a number of famous religious writings including three of which survive today in their entirety: Paedagogus, Stromata and Protrepticus. In Protrepticus, Clement uses his knowledge of Greek Paganism to create a convincing call for Greeks and Romans to convert to Christianity. The rest is historyor His-story. It was a source of water for Jerusalem residents as well as for the Temple. All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. Hebrews 11:22 tells us, By faith Joseph, when his end was near, spoke about the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and gave instructions concerning the burial of his bones. To the end of his life, Joseph continued to trust God and believe Gods promise that the Israelites would one day return to the Promised Land. In result, at 12 years old He was already debating scholars at this holy place. The Gospels give us a pretty good idea of where He spent His days. It is for this reason that surviving antiquities and sites hold such great value. He tried to overtake the throne of God because of His pride but was cast out of heaven because of his rebellion. The Parable of the Ten Virgins Keep watch because you do not know the day or hour of His return (Matthew 25:1 25:13). Calneh Assyrian city (Exodus 15:1 15:21). She has been a frequent contributor to History.com since 2005, and is the author of Breaking History: Vanished! Antioch of Pisidia Armenia Indo-European kingdom of eastern Asia Minor and southern Caucasus. The Jordan River connects the Galilee with Judea and runs right past Jericho. What we do know is, when the wine supply had run out, Jesus mother brought attention to her son saying. We get it. Some believe that Mount Moriah and Golgotha or Calvary were the very same place but is this true? God chose this piece of land to send His Son to live on earth. Sign up for the Bible Blender newsletter and receive the latest on science and tech news, new product notifications, exclusive features, and more. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! The ancient Moabite territory is now part of the state of Jordan. Berea Zoba. With every 25-minute study, you'll gain a better understanding of what the Bible says, what it means . Laish This holy site, like Jerusalem, is a popular destination for Christian pilgrims who wish to visit the places where Christ Himself once stood. Nazareth The ancient city of Nicaea is often forgotten by Christian pilgrims who are looking to visit the places that shaped the Christian faith. It is from this cave that John received the revelation. Updates to Faithlifes Strategic Direction, The Apostles Creed: Its History and Origins. Penuel The Exodus, For geeks and other superhero types, Geek Slop provides the latest science and technology news, features, and an online shop chock full of geek gear. Dead Sea Scrolls. What we learned from the Asbury Awakening: Attendees reveal surprising lessons during interview with Oregon Faith Report. The giant was defeated and Israel overcame the Philistine army. Clement of Alexandria was another famous early Christian associated with Alexandria. Although not as well-known as most of the places mentioned previously, the Island of Patmos holds much significance. They provide what no book can: a firsthand understanding of times gone by. That is assuming the town still exists at all. Bethlehem. Several aggregated debris of past settlements were discovered by archaeologists on a plain in the Sorek valley. Etham, Gabbatha There is no greater event in all of human history than that which took place at Calvary and it was because of the great significance of what happened there that anyone could even be saved. Shubat-Enlil Assyrian city
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