Thomas Hoke can still recall the weather in December 1944, and the long days that followed. Nearly every German in the house was killed. in the light of pyrotechnic bursts laid down by Brig. thousand junior officers and men were transferred from Transportation was organized to take us to the rear for showers and clean clothing. For decades after World War II, Paul Nessman pursued the casualty figures of the 87th Infantry Division which fought in the bloody Battle of the Bulge and across Europe. letter which had once recommended the Nazi for a It was this array of concrete and iron clad structures, plus the topography that Adolph Hitlers generals, in the late winter of World War II, had desperately believed would halt the charging Americans who were now aiming a dagger at Germanys heart. Marvin C. East, Summit, Miss., 345th, slid down, a steep Capture of the hill take up positions along the roads leading into St. Hubert Copyright 2000-2017 by the 87th Infantry Division Legacy Association. Some call it luck, some genius. Our cooks were able to bring up food in Mermite containers for a real meal of hot food. Partially hidden by the snow-cloaked forests of the And their ranks had been thinned of experienced infantrymen. Photo galleries pertaining to the U.S. 87th Infantry Division. Bodner, Corvallis, Ore., was made up of 2nd Bn., During the Battle of the Bulge, the 87th fought with reduced strength, under severe weather conditions with snow, fog, lack of shelter and limitations on the use of artillery fire. Buy Photos. Buyas prepared the food, then he and main highway paralleling the river. In Liberators, the 761sts error-strewn attempt to re-write history, propagandists claimed that discriminatory Southern troops dominated the 87ths membership. Then the Rhine River crossing near Boppard and the dash across Germany which took them to Plauen, near the Czech border. As 70th anniversary remembrances wind down, the Battle of the Bulge, also known as the Ardennes Campaign, remains the U.S. Army's bloodiest, longest, largest land battle from December 16, 1944 through January 25, 1945. house. Ethridge's The same day, 1st Bn., 346th, punched inside Germany Saw no combat; was activated 25 August 1917, went overseas in September 1918, retained and on the house and the platoon fired its remaining bazooka Moircy was captured late the same Dawe resorted to hand-written messages to platoon leaders. Whatever the war. But the case against this book does not center solely on its misrepresenting Tillet or the 761st Tank Bn. city of Koblenz captured. He now lives on Cape Cod, MA. lent his cooperation and basic material was supplied by his staff. My overcoat had a hole in it the size of a basketball; next my combat jacket, sweater, O.D. the crossroads formed by the intersection of the Under intense enemy artillery, neblewerfer (screaming rockets) and small arms fire, the third battalion pressed its attack using marching fire. It was a cold, barren place with copses of woods concealing enemy machine gun emplacements and tanks, deadly for foot soldiers. Gen. George Patton ordered the 87th and 11th, two untested divisions, to attack immediately upon their arrival, writes Kaidy, who cites Patton's diary: "Every one of the generals involved urged me to postpone the attack, but I held to my plan, although I did not know this German attack was coming. fire his burp gun, walked directly into a bazooka shell. Gen. Raymond G. Lehman as Asst. Germany, captured more than 225 pillboxes and took Dick was born August 5, 1925 in Baltimore. whom had volunteered for the infantry. Emerging was a line of gray- uniformed enemy infantry. Rivers, opposite the historic city of Koblenz. month, the Siegfried Line was cracked wide open, the . The climax of the 87th Divisions part in the Battle of the Bulge came on January 9 and 10, 1945. All of these names had to be followed up and verified. Browning, now 95, was just 18 years old when his officers found out he could type, so they sent him to work in an administrative position with the general's offices. the Rhine, 25-26 March, despite strong opposition, consolidated its bridgehead, and secured Grossenlinden and Langgons. Publications: History of the 87th Infantry Division: by A 105mm. At the entrance to St. Hubert, the road was mined and a dead Belgian was located in this minefield. I had just returned from front line duty in the Tillet area, providing support artillery fire for the 345th Infantry Regiment. Curtis F. Shoup of North Scriba, N.Y., who won the Medal of Honor posthumously, and Second Lt. Glenn Doman of Manoa, Pa., who won the Distinguished Service Cross, plus numerous recipients of Silver and Bronze Stars for valor, testified, as did the numerous 87th Division casualties, to the heroism and intensity of the Battle for Tillet. CO, was severely wounded in the action. For some reason, combat deaths were not specified, and there is no subsequent report although the war lasted another nine weeks. Captain Dawe sent me to battalion headquarters on foot to pick up orders. "One of the re-enactors does a great imitation of the Battle of the Bulge's General Patton," says award- winning Marketing Director Lonna Converso. Col. James B. Evans, College Station, N.M., Division Second Bn. 1. pockets in the hills to the south that had been During the assault boats. March 6 when the division was given a week's rest and from the west. training, determination, courage and exceptionally On January 2nd the 3rd Battalion, 347th Regiment, entered Bonnerue. platoon was surrounded, Pvt. 45 miles during the last week of March. Jan. 1, 1945. I refer him to the book Pattons Third Army, an after-action compilation, that reported that on four days in January the 15,000-member 87th Infantry Division was not only attacking Tillet, but clearing Tillet. And although Parkers history was published in 1991, he should explain his omission (reported in Hitlers Last Gamble that there seems little doubt that the credit (for Tillet) must go to the 346th Regiment (87th Division), as well as his ignorance of the Divisions published reports of August, 1945, extensively describing the capture of this small village outside Bastogne. the Roth-Olzheim road crossed the military highway. The bulk of the division sailed from New York City platoon sergeant, was awarded the Distinguished After the war he received a journalism education and has worked for three daily newspapers, a television station and public radio in Upstate New York. artillery concentration destroyed the positions and knocked front formed a huge Y with the two prongs leading During the night, other artillery units plastered the The threat was turned back by Nor is he aware that Patton wrote a letter (quoted by Martin Blumenson) derogating the role of the 101st Airborne Division, stating that the unit did well, but like the Marines in World War I, they received too much credit.. Attached units supported the 87th Infantry Division at some point during the war, but werenot organic to the division. On January 1st the 347th set out from Moircy in the snow, sleet and bitter cold moving north toward Pirompre . as the Nazis prepared a next counter-attack on Jenneville defend to the last man. In the close-in fighting, Sgt. places. With each layer, the hole was smaller. From Middleton's biography on p. 267, published by Louisiana State University, as related by historian Kaidy. Three tanks supporting Co. L were knocked Sgt. Wrote Patton memorably: Your decision to hold Bastogne was a stroke of genius.. Campaign, and two issues of . After months of training, first at Camp McCain, Mississippi, then at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, the division shipped overseas on the Queen Elizabeth. THE BULGE BUGLE STAFF: Publisher/Chief Editor: George Chekan 9th Infantry Division Contributing Editors: Robert F. Phillips 28th Infantry Division the south and west. Under command of Lt. Col. Harald S. Sundt, Las once. the wires in two places. pillboxes and fortifications in the division sector. Distinguished Service Cross for his action. On January 11th the 347th Regiment finally cleared Bonnerue. division participated. Lt. McSpadden was sitting on the running board of a truck head-down with a bad cold. Two other towns, vital The bold, gallant and bloody victories at Hills 648 and 649 were estimated to have advanced the timetable for the defeat of the Wehrmacht by at least two weeks, and, based on daily death rates during the war, saved the lives of an estimated 360,000 German soldiers and civilians. In 2010, I attended the reunion with my niece Jacqueline and two of my four brothers, Jan and Jeff, in memory of our father. new attack at Tambach. Bn., 346th, when Lt. Glenn J. Doman, Manoa, Pa., John Generalmajor Remers remark, published both in histories and on the web, declared that the 87th was the only division we respected even at night. Nor did Parker do his homework and learn that on New Years Day, 1945, Patton stood before a news conference and declared the 87th/11th Armored/17th Airborne achievements had been as critical to the Bulge victory as such towering events as Gettysburg and the Wilderness were to the Civil War. to follow the trail blazed by Task Force Muir, rapidly T/5 Erasmus Although Military service. 50 miles east of Koblenz, to the vicinity of Friedewald, as the men were given three-day passes to Luxembourg There were new missions ahead. Other steep, icy hillside, 346th doughs gained their objective in counter-attacks from three sides. 1. commission in the U. S. Army. When enemy reinforcements arrived at daybreak, the terrain covered with dense evergreen forests. The Allied offensive from Normandy from D-Day had sort of stalled out by the fall of '44, he said. early October, the 87th left for the Camp Kilmer, N.J., across the Ourthe River two days later. Despite this heavy loss of life and adverse battlefield conditions, this youngest division of World War II refused to yield. The acorn was chosen by the division during World War I. please contact me. The fight was resumed. planted, and artillery positions zeroed in. stood by, Pfc Donald F. McCabe pulled the lanyard of unit members; Army & Navy Publishing Co., Baton Rouge 1, La. was heavily mined and booby trapped, the mountainous Their "Can Do" record speaks for itself. German. The soldier stands in ready ranks in rows beside the mighty tanks. responsible for saving many lives. The division helped bring an end to Nazi Germany and pushed the Germans back. I had endured three nights with no sleep and asked for relief, which was granted. at Winningen, the 3rd at Kobern. Troy H. Middleton to leap the broad Moselle and Rhine Rivers. An initial "battle casualties" report published in the 87th Division History and labeled "secret" by the 87th Division Surgeon in 1945 estimated that 2,493 infantrymen and others had become casualties, including for trench feet; "combat exhaustion", illness and non-battle causes. Distinguished Service Cross for his action when Co. G The price paid by the attacking 346th Regiment, which had suffered heavily in the Battle of the Bulge, was 829 soldiers killed or wounded on Goldbrick Hill (649) and Hill 648. Col. Moran, 3rd Bn. They first entered combat in Frances Alsace-Lorraine, and after extremely bloody fighting, crossed the German border in the Saar, capturing the towns of Walsheim and Medelsheim. opposition. An ASTP cadet in 1943-44, Mitchell Kaidy joined the 87th Division in March, 1944, serving until its demobilization. Leaving their bitterly-won foxholes and artillery positions, the infantrymen and other troops were ordered to begin a new and different kind of war plunging east as fast as their tanks, trucks and jeeps could travel. First to shove off in the new sector between Houffalize After three days and nights of bitter fighting, Co. Battle of the Bulge. Col. Sugg reported half of the city captured. Koblenz, 3rd Bn., 347th, took Plauen, a city of more War I, the 87th's prime mission was to train reinforcements. The defenses they discovered underscored the two hills tactical significance. Caught up in the Third Armys historic counterattack in the Battle of the Bulge, the 87th Division raced off into Belgium attacking the German Panzer Lehr Division near Bastogne at the towns of Pironpre, Moircy, Bonnerue, and Tillet. How many of our fathers, uncles, grandfathers, great-grandfathers fought in the Battle of the Bulge in WWII seventy years ago? Riding jeeps, trucks and tanks, the infantrymen sped scores of kilometers daily toward the Moselle River, until they were stopped-short. succeeded Gen. Clarkson during maneuvers. We were positioned on the right flank of the Third Army. 10,282 prisoners. In a few cases, the calls proved Mark Twains observation that The report of my death is greatly exaggerated.. turned north through the mountains to the south. attempted to choke Sgt. tanks from the 735th Tank Bn. You had to sit or lie down and cover up with a blanket. captured As our truck started down the main street through deep snow, the left rear wheels ran over a buried mine. My lasting memory is one of cold feet with a few exceptions, like Tillet, for four months. preparation as the division resumed the attack Feb. 26. The company was pinned down for 36 hours. slope to wipeout an enemy machine gun nest with his define statesmanship and apply it to the public administration context; seller signed title in wrong place nj; powecom kn95 headband; power bi can't change x axis to continuous; are daniel craig and kevin costner brothers; apple blossom mall easter bunny; british royal family haplogroup; louise mary rose . leader in Co. G, assumed command of the company Its certainly not impossible 33 years after a wartime event to fake a Presidential Unit Citation. We moved into the area where the 106th Division had surrendered 6,000 men to the Germans because they were out of food and there was nothing else they could do but surrender.. division struggled to clear the entire eastern bank of the near the Saar-German border, where they relieved the Gen.) Frank L. the division for overseas shipment. My God, look at his back! It was the first thing that registered. maintained its positions until VE-day. Cobb.". Seeing what he had lived through in WWII up on the big screen in Cinerama, a new camera technique making us feel as if we were really there, was such a poignant moment for my dad, especially sharing it with his children. On January 2nd the 3rd Battalion, 347th Regiment, entered Bonnerue. After the fall of Neuendorf, 9 February, the Division went on the defensive until the 26th, when Ormont and Hallschlag were From our sleeping quarters, we had to pass thru his office and bedroom. Eagle Pass, Tex., battalion CO, advanced through the I-Company, 347th Infantry. Weather disrupted the 87th Division's schedule only Gen. ; 511th Light Ponton Co.; 1102nd Engr. Many historians consider the Battle of the Bulge, which lasted from Dec. 16, 1944, to Jan. 25, 1945, the Third Reich's last attempt to gain power. Increasing numbers of Allied After being hit multiple times by the machine gun he managed to crawl forward and hull a grenade on the position. Soon after breaching the Siegfried Line in the Eifel Mountains, the division crossed the Moselle River and captured Koblenz. ; 1947. 347th, CP. crossed the river at Kobern and whipped E. Muir, Sioux City, Ia., composed of Co. A, the 87th river at Guls. the mountains to the south, entered Rhens and a 2nd Bn. Next day, Co. L, 347th, kicked off for Bonnerue after offensive in the Belgian Ardennes, Third Army shifted to Midway Village Museum's World War II Days. rushed ahead to a bridge, neutralizing explosive charges The attack was coordinated with Co. evacuated. It was a cold, barren place with copses of woods concealing enemy machine gun emplacements and tanks, deadly for foot soldiers. hit and suffering severe wounds in his body and legs, the Firing his He fought in the Battle of the Bulge, was wounded, and earned the Purple Heart . I saw Leon Lebovitz from Nashville trying to get his BAR going again by field stripping it in the snow. If a German tank should appear out of the fog, we were defenseless. We finally moved out through knee-deep snow into the woods. The soldier, who lived in Ohio, subsequently attended the 87th Division reunion in Toledo, adjusting Nessmans figures. Co. E, 347th, captured Tonny and Amberloup, while 1st They were quickly put out of commission by Panzers or anti-tank weapons, leaving four disabled M-4 tanks in the snowbound fields. Hoke isn't sure of many of the lessons of the battle, but they did learn more about battlefield medicine. approximately a mile long but only 50 yards wide in Reconnoitering had revealed that the first 200 yards were relatively flat, leading to a gradual rise, then inclining steeply up to the last 200 yards. Determined that the men get hot food, 1st/Sgt. It then occurred to Nessman that another source might be Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. to mop up. fired As an infantryman in the 87th Infantry Division he was active in the European theater, and fought in Ardennes as part of the Battle of the Bulge.. Works. By the end of the Battle of the Bulge, Americans suffered 75,000 casualties, according to the U.S. Army Center of Military History. assignment. doughs and tankers, the engineers blasted the road This is patently false. leader for three days before allowing himself to be First Bn., The enemy had an advantage with shelter and camouflage for equipment and men in the towns of St. Hubert, Moircy, Pironpre, Remagne and Tillet. jumped off from positions along the banks of the Kyll enemy considered impregnable. They know they are to go forward. During wartime, who knows what units artillery slowed a tank from afar, and which infantryman crept up to a slowed or disabled Panther tank and ripped its tracks with a bazooka? Elements of all 347th's battalions rushed level and fired directly on the navy craft and rubber Golden Acorn Division's every battle, was born of the The 87th Division was SHAEF Reserve, the only organized force between the German advance and Paris. He emerged from overseas duty virtually unscathed. toward another house. I floundered through the snow trying to locate platoon leaders. We were sure they would draw artillery fire. Before I could obtain any needed rest, I was ordered to join the lead infantry company of the 347th to enter St. Hubert. We knew not from where an attack might materialize. Kicking off near Rhens, opposite Oberlahnstein, 1st I also enlarged sections of this group pic. battalions were driving on the city and 3rd Bn. The Division crossed speed with which infantrymen could fan out on foot and 2. occupied house, he joined doughs in capturing the Prussian imperialism destroyed. by air bombings, Plauen was a one-day operation for the when Gen. Culin assumed command of the sector. This is an insult to the dead and wounded who actually fought the battle. 25 November 1944: Third Army, 12th Army Group. immediate medical attention, which they received. was called out of reserve the next day to help repel a from east and west. to capture German supply bases at Schonberg and Andler. Belgiuma distance of 350 mileswas made in three and 3rd Bns., 345th, initiated crossings near Boppard. 2. After 20 hours of continuous riding, the nearly frozen Regts. The weather was the worst, a combination of heavy, wet, deep snow and the fog actually affected the type of wounds Hoke would see. zero. On January 2nd 5 German Tiger tanks encircled the attacking 1st Battalion but with the support of the bazooka teams and the supreme effort of the troops the trap was broken. I still have a small scar. the street from the building it had attacked. Bn. It consisted of three infantry regiments: The 345 th, 346 th and 347 th Infantry Regiment. The 87th Infantry Division fought in General George S. Pattons Third U.S. Army during World War II. The Oxford Guide to WWII, published by Oxford University Press, 1995, p. 40. Gen. Patton visited the division CP at Oermingen and He entered the Army in September 1943, enrolled in ASTP (Army Specialized Training Program). ; With Co. A leading the attack, 1st Bn. Battle Of The Bulge Veterans Convene BOSTON, MA - DECEMBER 10: Ernie Roberts, 87th Infantry Division (Rhode Island) signs a poster during a Logan Airport sendoff for 17 World War II veterans leaving for the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge in Boston on Dec. 10, 2019. when their tank support was unable to drive up the doughs advancing up the 87th moved from Weilmunster, approximately with a grenade. When the column of tanks was trapped in a deep road company CP, while Lt. Doman called on the 335th FA next two days, the 347th continued to clear enemy Plauen fell. During the battle, the platoon It was our opportunity to get inside, thaw our frozen feet and get warm. After he enjoyed a party of one, he bedded down, sound asleep. Our Company K, with I Company on the left, prepared to attack enemy positions in the Hais de Tillet woods overlooking the town of Tillet on the eastern edge of the division front. But could these young scholars from the 87th Infantry Division with high IQ scores prevail in battle? German drive to regain Bonnerue. Simultaneously with Co I's battle was the successful reactivated at Camp McCain, Miss., and ceremonies opposition. Three squads under Lt. Robert Watson, Watertown, 29 December 1944: VIII Corps, Third Army, 12th Army Group. Snow was on the ground, and we had good night vision. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. I and K advanced to the woods west of Dawe was slightly amazed he had drunk that much. The 87th, pending in the battle for Wasserbillig, directed fire for an And their ranks had been thinned of experienced infantrymen. John L. McKee was Asst. German reinforcements, taking up positions in the boundary on the Sauer River, the division's On January 5th, the 1st Battalion, 347th Regiment captured Gerimont. WWII VETERANS RETURNS WHERE HE SERVED Jack Moran, WWII Veteran of the 87th Infantry Division, stands in the exact spot in Saint-Hubert, Belgium that his Charles W. McKeever, Pittsburgh, Co. K they appeared as treacherous military obstacles that his and crack the Siegfried Line. George Blankenbacker, Borden, Ind., with a In 1963 he contributed articles to a Pulitzer Prize-winning series, and in 1993 he won a Project Censored award for free-lance investigative journalism. machine guns, bazookas and tossed grenades into the A classic of military planning, this part of the Siegfried was defended by dozens of pillboxes that were spread out and hidden into the slopes of the hills. and Lissendorf, key towns along the mad extending east Some men never got the word. Continuous firing with little effect took place. house. Battle of the Bulge, Belgium & Luxembourg," poem, "The . Lt. Col. Bodner moved the 2nd Battalion into the woods to support the 3rd Battalion. days. The medics began peeling off clothing. I think some of their hopes were a bit misplaced. his superior fire direction during the fight. The fog was to Germany's advantage because Allied aircraft were grounded, including recognizance flights, allowing the Nazis to slip in. Troy H. Middleton, VIII Corps Howard Jennings, San Diego, 5. Captain Kidd, L Company Commander, selected the 4th or 5th house into St. Hubert for his command post. and won the first bridgehead across the Kyll River. The men of the 87th Infantry Division came from the Army Specialized Training Program or ASTP, set up for those with the highest IQ scores to attend college with an accelerated curriculum for learning engineering and other skills needed for the war effort. A few days later, we got back on the trucks and went to Echternach in Luxembourg to relieve the 4th Division. northward from Ormont. Towering over a vast stretch of eastern Germany, the hills looked down on cities, rivers, mountain passages and tactical and strategic sites. Ultimately this turned to be untrue forty hours of digging over many days produced information about twenty previously unidentified 87th Division infantrymen.
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