4.8 out of 5 stars : Best Sellers Rank : Warhammer 40k 9th edition Codex pdfs . I really like this guy now, he can heal D3 wounds to a wounded Bubonic Astartes model each turn and gives all Bubonic Astartes units within 3 a 6+ wound shrug. Check 42 flipbooks from DelightfulMiracl3. The durability you get is eye-watering, but thats tempered by there being very few mobility options, and hefty price tags capping the number of ranged threats you can afford to bring. gets an update as well, gaining the HARBINGERS keyword but a rule that lets him moonlight in other Plague Company detachments without messing anything up. Something to note is that the unit now hews much closer to the box contents and many special weapon options are now limited to one per 5 models, instead of just being two models. So sadly, no more 5-man Plague Marine squads sporting three plasma guns. Not good against every army, but going to absolutely, some opponents, especially on Mortarion. You can decide to give your characters a Chaos Boon instead of granting them a battle honour, leaving the results of their fate to Nurgle himself! got several tweaks as well. Daemon Engines got +1 to their WS and BS. Typhus has had some big changes, he is now faster at movement 5 and has a base 6 attacks, his armour still gives him a 4+ inv save but no longer affects his movement! Yes, everyone forgot this rule in the heat of battle, but it was a good source of extra attacks, thankfully most units have instead been given extra attacks across the board. Meanwhile Deathshrouds get updated Manreaper Scythes that now have a second profile for scything (double the attacks, 1 damage per), and a more power fist-like cleaving attack, plus they can take Chimes of Contagion to up their Contagion ranges by 3 (to a max of 12). He is my favorite HQ and I can not wait to field him. The standalone Astra Militarum codex released just over two months later on Saturday, January 28. Charles Velazquez 3rd Place Flying Monkey Con 2020 - Death Guard; Score 6vp if you are in all 4 instead. I could see pairing this unit with a squad of Deathshrouds and being a massive thorn in peoples sides. Presentation is top notch, keeping the same styling and layout as the previous 9th Edition Codexes with the contents split into colour codex sections for easy reference. I am sure possessed will work, but dont think they will do any better than points equivalent numbers of plague marines or terminators. Imperial Guard codex - was released as part of the 'Cadia Stands!' Astra Militarum army set on November 25, 2022, after a two-week pre-order period. The Death Guard are the Traitor Legion most favoured by Nurgle. Its so good. Great unit at 5 points each, especially if you have Typhus to buff them further. Its probably not as busted as The Droning, but its equally good for use with the Flash Outbreak Stratagem. If youre a Death Guard player you should be over the moon about this book and if youre a Chaos player otherwise you should be psyched about this direction and level of design being applied to the other Chaos factions. Their. Theyre also a good way to score points for having objectives in contagions range for the Despoiled Ground secondary objective. Theres only one truly bad unit in the book and even they have a purpose, and I can already picture multiple builds with this army both as monofaction Death Guard and in soup lists. have perhaps the strongest ability in the book their Warlord Trait/Contagion, halves the Movement characteristic of enemy units in range. essentially limit your army building for Death Guard detachments. They basically count as terminators for getting in to our codex transports and I would be willing to wager a Forge World Errata to normalise this is not far off. Yes, they did. By and large, they even more powerful than before in many ways. Gorgeous modes and I'm so happy at how these turned out!! 2. Fleeing Vectors (No Mercy, No Respite): (progressive scoring) Score 3 Victory Points at the end of any battle round that an enemy unit fails a morale check and has suffered at least 1 casualty from a plague weapon that battle round. However, most of these units have other things that buffed them, like the daemon prince sword becoming str +1 ap3 3dmg. Also. no longer applies a random effect, instead always stripping off a point of S, and taking away an attack as well if you get an 8+ on your cast. Theyre hyper efficient with this buff, and youll probably see most armies that use them take exactly one squad with this. This is fine with most of your stuff at T5 it will strip away the capabilities of mid-tier stuff going after you, and getting a big cast will help a lot, but its a little risky, because you cant rely on the A bit working, and sometimes modifying S wont do anything. Almost everything about it feels unique and powerful but not overbearing. They cant protect Mortarion any more with their. = bee CODEX HERETICUS ASTARTES aL, eal ES 7 Re Serra Ea 2 mec at 5 7 eS == 5 ate = agi?' keke = Ea = Foetid Bloat-drones, snes. So long as you dont get tabled, this secondary is fairly easy to score 8-15 points on, as you can use lots of the Elite helper characters to tick off the requirements. This company have a stratagem which reduces enemy charge rolls by two, the warlord trait is a contagion that improves friendly AP and a relic that restores wounds when you destroy a model these all seem good options! I would like to start off by saying the warhammer community misspoke in their introductory article for this guy. Stratagem. Combine those with the one-per-detachment restriction and an inability to field one alongside another Lord and while I still think the Death Guard daemon prince is good, he wont be the auto-include he was. He is also in competition for that precious one Lord of the Death Guard slot per detachment! (end game scoring) This secondary gives you four conditions to score points off of at the end of the game: Score 4 VP if you have at least 1 unit in each deployment zone with the. Contagions of Nurgle is a new ability held by the majority of the army that dishes out a -1 Toughness aura this aura increases in range as the game continues up to Turn 4 giving most of your army a 9 -1 T aura, which is rather brutal! Often . Now sporting BS 3+ and a Plagueburst Mortar with a flat 2 damage statline, its priced to move at 165 points. While we saw something similar with the Space Marine Captains, they have a lot more HQ options with lieutenants who dont have that restriction. Of note is that they cant perform actions except for, . This is an amazing ability every enemy unit within 3 cannot be affected by aura abilities from their army, no rerolls, no shenanigans, nothing! Does compensate for Death Guard being unusually bad at lining up Deploy Scramblers, however. We have a couple strong secondary picks that will see frequent play. We definitely have some stand out units/stratagems, but each codex of 9th does. There are three of these and two of them are pretty good. Over the last two months weve seen a steady drip-feed of rules previews for Death Guard via Warhammer Community and most of the army-wide rules have been covered already. Rob: As for Cultists losing Objective Secured well, if GW doesnt want me to buy any more of these ever again, sure. #warhammercommunity #warhammer40k #40k #new40k #thelion #primarch #darkangels #miniatures #miniaturespainting #hobby #paintingwarhammer #painting #warhammer #gamesworkshop #warmongers, A big thanks to @warhammerofficial for sending us Ivya Volga for the Gravelords to paint! That means the sword build in particular is massively better here you get 6 S8 AP-3 D3 attacks (plus one with your default talon), and your opponent is going to be at -1T. Death Guard 9th edition codex: $50. got way better. This is a wonderful upgrade from the previous (now mostly broken) iteration, giving Plague Marines the ability to Rapid Fire (via the returning. At the end of the battle you get 3pts for each objective you have contaminated. WIngs: So, Id expect the Veterans interaction to catch a nerf, because this book essentially has 2CP Veterans, and Id be surprised to see that particular cross-book synergy stand. Its not all buffs though, with The Lantern being reduced to a range of 12 and his re-roll hits ability affecting a single Core or Character unit. returns but no longer lets a Daemon Engine shoot after Falling Back it now lets you shoot Blast weapons at units in Engagement range and you get +1 to hit enemy units in Engagement range with ranged attacks. ), but it also isnt so strong that youd never benefit from or consider souping Death Guard with Daemons and Chaos Space Marines. Myphitic Blight-Haulers are also likewise enhanced, with better WS/BS and an improvement to 9W and 4A each. Wings: I agree those two stand out as the best, but I do think the Poxmongers will see use still, as a full Blight Hauler unit with the Ironclot buff up is great. A massive shoutout to everyone we met from the community whilst at #WarhammerFest, you folks were the highlight! +1AP. The only thing Im a bit worried about is The Droning I dont love having to pick on a single effect, but its just a bit too easy to slap down a massive bubble of this on turn 2 onwards, and I think theres a reasonable chance that goes too far in bringing the opposing force down to the Death Guards level. I just try to compare a plague marine to a possessed and ask why take the possessed. A+, Rob: This book is straight fire. But that hasnt stopped Death Guard players from whining about it ad nauseum for the last few weeks. And his new, ability lets him choose one Core unit within 6 each turn to get +1 to their attack rolls until your next turn. However we do see some new army construction rules in which you cannot have more Poxwalker units than Bubonic Astartes Core Infantry, and also no more cultist units than Bubonic Astartes. For the final power, we have a new entrant Blades of Putrefaction has gone off to the big plague pit in the sky, replaced with Gift of Plagues (WC6). Really nice change of pace! The first is Hateful Assault. is back, but now it gives the Helbrute +1 to hit and wound. Notably, going from S4 to S5 matters less than it normally does but S6 (as per the Bubotic Axes) is considerably more of a big deal because you start wounding many elite Infantry units on 2s, while S7 compared to S8 is less of a drawback than normal for tank punching, and going from S8 to S9 is almost completely pointless. Get hype, Chaos fans. The extra trait and relic strats both have the new wording requiring your actual Warlord to be Death Guard to use them, so you cant dip into the traits and relics here without a reasonable commitement to the Plague Legions. A lot of units and even core army rules have changed, so its going to take some games to get a true feel for how they will affect the game. It is relatively cheap. Keeping in line with the other recent Codex releases we also get a really clear and concise reference section containing the points in a much easier to digest format than in the 8th Edition books, and full quick reference glossary and rules appendix making it really handy for looking up rules mid-game. Games Workshop 99120102078" Death Guard Plague Marines Miniature. A+, Spread the Sickness (Shadow Operations): Death Guard INFANTRY only, including Poxwalkers (its the only action Poxwalkers can perform). Don: I actually like Infernal Jealousy and wish they made it one Daemon Prince per army. Well, the short answer is any HQ that isnt a Malignant Plaguecaster or a Sorcerer in Terminator Armour. So if you want to take a Battalion Detachment or any Detachment requiring 2+ HQs, it will have to include a Psyker. Despoiled Ground will likely become synonym with Oath of Moment from the Marines codex, especially because it lives in a secondary category that Death Guard didnt normally perform well in. You use it in the Command phase to give a single unit in your army all of the contagion abilities that other units have until you next Command phase, and also until then your army counts the battle round as 1 higher for your Contagion abilities. Announcing The Goonhammer 2023 Global 40k Campaign. Death Guard will give you a powerful, elite force that can act as both a hammer and an anvil, taking whatever is thrown at them and hitting back in kind. is even better now. Its worth pointing out that you must take a Plague Company when you construct your army (Though in theory different detachments could have different companies) Each of these companies gives you access to a unique stratagem, a new contagion for your Warlord (This replaces their warlord trait however, so you will have to weigh up the benefits!) Finally, Daemons are no longer in the book. Chaos is fickle! This secondary objective is also really bad on missions with fewer than 5 objective markers. Goonhammer and Stat Check are Teaming Up! If you chose the wound option OR roll a 4+ on the d6 option, the objective is contaminated. He also has that new aura that has unmodified 6s to Wound with ranged plague weapons increase their AP by 1 if fired by a CORE unit within 6 of him. There were a couple nerfs, like the malefic talons going down to AP1. Pre-orders: January 9th 2021 Release Date: January 16th 2021 2020. sure well get an FAQ updating profiles for Thousand Sons and Chaos Space Marines and Daemons soon, which will probably not be so great for those factions. Now, the named characters have to take a specific trait, Typhus gets Harbingers Contagion aura causing mortal wounds in the enemy movement phase, but Mortarion gets Revoltingly Resiliant, Living Plague AND Arch-Contaminator. gives a character +1 Toughness and makes AP -1 and -2 incoming attacks count as AP 0. I do not know what the list will become because so many builds look great and viable. They do pay for this, going to 140pts each, meaning youre likely not spamming 9 any more. Really like these and can see some fun siege lists here! At only 10ppm more than Blightlords, theyre also priced to move. Finally, Im in Dons camp on the Daemon Prince the sword build whips now. to make for some incredibly nasty consequences for big units), gives friendly units +1 movement when not Falling Back, and gives nearby psykers -1 to their tests. Each roll of a 4 or a 5 inflicts 1 mortal wound and each roll of a 6 inflicts D3 mortal wounds. 873. Helbrutes only reduce incoming damage by 1 and are 6 movement, but got a ton of tweaks to their weapons (Plasma cannons are now 3 damage flat, power scourges are only S+1) and a new Frenzy rule to replace the old Crazed one that gives them the ability to re-roll wound rolls of 1 if theyve taken any damage. Each time a model is destroyed by an attack made by this weapon, the models unit suffers a mortal wound on a 4+, to a maximum of 3 per turn. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones, Thundercloud, TheArmorOfContempt and Ace, Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones and MildNorman. Make sure to think about how youre going to achieve that perhaps a Helbrute to sit in your backline and a rhino to ferry stuff up the board then threaten to score big points if your opponent doesnt spend time killing it. also returns, and is more useful now with the nerfs to the Foul Blightspawn. There are far too many to cover them all, so lets talk about some of the major shifts and then well dive into winners and losers. Psychic Powers The Contagion Discipline. You pay 30 points more for it than Chaos Space Marines do theirs, but the other upside is that the Defiler Cannon is now a flat 3 damage gun. Its a little paragraph and easy to miss. It incentivizes and rewards a mono-Death Guard army and really shines on Plague Marines and Blightlord Terminators (bubotic axes wounding space marines on a 2+ rerolling 1s is. Did possessed get better with the new book? CODEX: DEATH GUARD Indomitus Version 1.1 These documents collect amendments to the rules and present our responses to players' frequently asked questions. This is going to let you do some extremely stupid stuff in combination with the Plague Company Contagions and the. They will be unrelenting and will provide a lot of pressure to their opponent. Its the one area Possessed bring something to the table that Blightlords dont, by virtue of being DAEMON units. I have to admit I was skeptical theyd produce a fortification worth fielding competitively but the Contagions rules for this thing are solid the, rule means that it always counts the current battle round as 4 for its contagions rules (so, max range), and its, rule gives friendly Death Guard Infantry within 6 Light Cover or -1 to be hit if they already had light cover. Don: Possessed, unfortunately their transport options have been limited. Units with this rule count as Stationary if they didnt Advance or Fall Back in the previous Movement phase, Vehicles with the rule dont get a penalty for firing Heavy Weapons at units within Engagement range, and INFANTRY with this ability ignore any/all modifiers to its Move characteristic and Advance and Charge rolls. We covered the math behind this in a previous, also returns, giving you double shooting on Rapid Fire bolt weapons at full range if you remain stationary in the Movement phase, which combines with. You're missing that, besides hiveguard and maybe genestealers, every single model is much better. Wings: Rob touched on this with the Blightlords, but if youre staying pure this changes the maths on some strength break points for melee units. this relic has changed a bit from its War of the Spider version and is locked to the Tallyman. The action is completed at the end of your turn. When using his manreaper you can now choose between two different profiles for 6 powerful attacks or 12 weaker ones. (Warhammer 40/30/AoS) . I look forward to seeing what people come up with. However, most of these units have other things that buffed them, like the daemon prince sword becoming str +1 ap3 3dmg. Im largely fine with removing bonuses for souping, but this one hurts. But if you missed it, Mortarion is an absolute monster now. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Its a hell of a tank. Another previewed rule in Warhammer Community, Contagions are rules that affect enemy models or units within a certain range, and the range expands as the game goes on. I guess well see how it plays out on the table, and I dont want it to take away too much from the achievement here this book shows that the new 9th Edition Codex magic still works for an army with a far smaller roster than either Marines or Necrons, and I cant wait to see it on the table. Every HQ choice except for the Malignant Blightcaster and the Sorcerer in Terminator Armour now has the LORD OF THE DEATH GUARD keyword, preventing you from taking more than one in a detachment. This power seems very strong if youre planning around any of the special Contagions, so expect to see it a bunch. Yes, they are a bit faster than our other infantry, but they dont necessarily hit much harder and have practically no interaction in the shooting phase. These upgrades cost between 10 and 20 points and are a nice way of using any spare points left by giving your units a couple of buffs! This is a wonderful upgrade from the previous (now mostly broken) iteration, giving Plague Marines the ability to Rapid Fire (via the returning Malicious Volleys rule) at 24 on the move, and dramatically improving the armys mobility overall. He does nothing for your daemon engines. They are also a Core unit, Few little tweaks, Crazed has gone and is replaced with a reroll wounds of 1 ability when he starts taking wounds, it also reduces damaged suffered by 1 (Interestingly this is the same ability as Disgustingly Resilient, but a different wording, making this useable in the Chaos Space Marine codex). The Death Guard have a 9th edition Codex so if you pick up Codex: Death Guard and make sure you're up-to-date on any published FAQs then you should be set! Bigger chances are afoot for Plague Wind (WC6) and GIft of Contagion (WC5), both of which now have a basic mode and a more powerful effect that goes off on a cast that exceeds the target charge by 3 or more. A nice debuff that reduces a target units Strength by 1, and also reduces their attack characteristic on a cast of 8+. There are two new units in Codex: Death Guard The. Inexorable Advance is basically the updated Death Guard legion trait, and its pretty solid. Its probably not as busted as The Droning, but its equally good for use with the, I agree those two stand out as the best, but I do think the Poxmongers will see use still, as a full Blight Hauler unit with the Ironclot buff up is great. These are now fully fledged Death Guard getting Disgustingly Resilient, extra toughness and the Lord of the Death guard keyword and aura. is back, but costs 2 CP base and 4 CP if used on Terminators. Thats a good point, and means you probably will see one unit in lists here and there, as theres not really anything else that can fulfil that role in a pure list. The Blightlords have lost their Aura of Rust and their weapon options are based on kit contents, so 1 in 5 can have each weapon option. Yes, they are a bit faster than our other infantry, but they dont necessarily hit much harder and have practically no interaction in the shooting phase. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. straight and still as death around their sorcerous masters; Desperate enough to hope, hunted until willing Get hype, Chaos fans. More than I think Ive seen for any other army. The many Relics of the Death Guard Codex have undergone some changes as well. I do not know what the list will become because so many builds look great and viable. Stratagem, unchanged from War of the Spider, and their, contagion prevents a unit from getting the benefits of cover. is used in the Fight phase when you destroy a model with a Terminator model in an Infantry, Beasts, or Swarm unit. Combined with the +1S, near mandatory on your first Foul Blightspawn at the price. Contagions are a fun new mechanic, though outside of a stratagem it is a shame the really interesting ones are tied to your Warlord that said, I can see a lot of people bringing Mortarion as their Warlord as he is certainly very tasty and gives you a resilient (daemonically so!) you can re-roll the number of shots fired by the weapon. It has gone up to 18 range, but in 9th with fixed power choices its very hard to take an option thats going to be dead or nearly dead in some games. New Crusade rules allow your force to spread their influence, and reference photos and lore sections round out the Codex to . I guess well see how it plays out on the table, and I dont want it to take away too much from the achievement here this book shows that the new 9th Edition Codex magic still works for an army with a far smaller roster than either Marines or Necrons, and I cant wait to see it on the table. Stratagem that basically does the same for characters, but this feels very spicy on a Deathshroud Champion, where it gets their scythe up to S8 or S6 as relevant, and lets them cleave through hordes even harder with their 5 or 10 attacks. Artwork is great as ever with some brilliant pieces such as the gorgeous cover art depicting Mortarion and the Death Guard striking down the Ultramarines and even classic . They basically count as terminators for the purposes of what they are allowed to embark upon and how much space they take up in those transports. Inexorable Advance means that you count as stationary if you did not fall back or advance in addition Infantry are immune to Move, Advance and Charge modifiers making anti-charge defences useless against them, and vehicles do not suffer the -1 to fire heavy weapons in engagement range! They do pay for this, going to 140pts each, meaning youre likely not spamming 9 any more. . This secondary is one that is likely to never be taken. It lost a wound but no longer has a degrading profile as a result, making it a wonderful contagion-spreader. Does compensate for Death Guard being unusually bad at lining up. The majority of datasheets in this section have the < P LAGUE COMPANY> keyword. Finally, thanks to Games Workshop for providing us with a preview copy of the book. The Death Guard, in service of Nurgle and spreaders of plague and corruption, emerge into 9th Edition Warhammer 40,000 with this Codex of updated rules and datasheets for every unit you're able to add to the battlefield. With. are still all about Poxwalkers and now Typhus comes with this company pre-loaded (but he can still be in other company detachments without breaking their focus). There are a few things we havent seen yet, though, and were covering them all here. Similar to what we saw for Space Marines with, , Death Guard now get a bonus for keeping the army to a single faction: If every unit in your army has the DEATH GUARD keyword, then those units gain the. Possessed now have 4 Attacks (awesome), and T5 (hell yeah), but only 2 wounds apiece (boo) and still 1 damage claws, and they now count as 2 models when carried in transports they cant ride in Rhinos at all. The Death Guard see quite a lot of changes in this new Codex, with a number of new keywords created in order to manage these rules. , itll be interesting to see if its Death Guard only or propagates over to the rest of CSM when they get a book. This applies to all melee attacks but now only applies to ranged weapons with the Plague Weapon rule if they are within 12 of their target. rule) at 24 on the move, and dramatically improving the armys mobility overall. (1 CP) powers up a Plagueburst Crawlers shooting, making its mortar 3 damage and causing every unit within 3 of the unit hit by the mortar to take mortal wounds on a 4+. The one thing that may rub people up the wrong way is the restriction to Lords of the Death Guard being 1 per detachment. I was not originally convinced with the changes to Disgustingly Resilient, however Plague Marines increased toughness (And ways to get them to S6) the reduced damage will make it really hard to kill them, this combined with the Plague Surgeon giving them a 6+ shrug still means that if you are lucky you can still get some fluke saves and keep the unit standing even under massed fire. Both conditions must be met to gain these points. You can then choose either for the unit performing the action to take d3 mortal wounds, or to roll a d6. I really like Spawn in 9th edition and the rate here of 1 CP per 3 models improved is pretty solid. This may be a kiss of death for them, but this is a subject of ongoing debate among the team as youll see below. However, I do think theres one place Possessed could do something in pure Death Guard, because surprisingly enough (for tentacle monsters) they do have the CORE keyword. More on that later. Yes, they did. And this goes beyond just removing things like Death to the False Emperor and adding Contagions almost every unit has statline changes and most have changes to their special rules. On a Hellblade this means you can shoot the unit into the enemy deployment zone, then halve the Movement of all enemy units within 3 for a turn. 354. Also the Rothail Volley Gun is Rapid Fire 3. I compare 2 possessed to a death shroud and still shrug. Terminators in the Death Guard are now 5 Movement, but havent given up their 4+ invulnerable save they get to keep it, which is just great. The new Contagion rules give you access to a unique battlefield control tool, and will reward you for clever positioning and use of stratagems to spread the sickness. Artwork is great as ever with some brilliant pieces such as the gorgeous cover art depicting Mortarion and the Death Guard striking down the Ultramarines and even classic returning artwork such as the original The Lost And The Damned making an appearance!
Ochai Agbaji Wingspan, Avancemos 4 Pg 148, Articles D