Dao ______. I will then discuss some of the fictitious anecdotes that appear in the Zhuangzi. Les fondements philosophiques de la rhtorique chez les sophistes grecs et chez les sophiste chinois. %PDF-1.5 Master Sacrifice went to ask after him. Emotion and Agency in Zhuangzi. Asian Philosophy: An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East 21.1: 97121. 2005. I planted them, and they grew to the size of five bushels. I planted them, and when they grew, the fruit was a yard across. 1913/1983. 28Traditional Western thought experiments and stories in Zhuangzi serve several purposes that might be harder to achieve with more straightforward argumentation or prose. Zhuangzis and Huizis stroll is described as rambling around, which is you () in Chinese. For example, one could say, as a utilitarian, Im committed to maximizing happiness and minimizing pain so if there is a choice between letting five people live and one die or five die and one live, then I will do the former. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11712-020-09765-6, https://www.academia.edu/35172330/Zhuangzis_Doctrine_of_No_Emotions_forthcoming_in_Dao_Companion_to_the_Philosophy_of_the_Zhuangzi_Kim_Chong_Chong_and_Kai_Yuan_Cheng_eds_final_draft, https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/handle/2022/23427, http://www.terebess.hu/english/chuang.html. 10While no doubt many thought experiments do function in this way, Dancy is acutely aware that there is something very odd about the idea that we can learn important truths about the way we should behave from an examination of cases which are creatures of our imagination.11 He points out several reasons why we might worry about reasoning from an imaginary case to an actual case. This so-called Trolley Problem was originally introduced by Philippa Foot5, but arguably was made famous by Judith Thomson6, and it is used in many discussions of either utilitarian moral theory or the ethics of killing versus letting die, with regards to certain scenarios in bioethics. In the same way, your teachings have no practical use., Zhuangzi replied, This tree may be useless as lumber, but you could rest in the gentle shade of its big branches or admire its rustic character. If, in time, he turns my left arm into a rooster, Ill use it to crow the day. 18In this vein perhaps we could draw an analogy between Zhuangzis work and some works in modern art where its not always clear to the observer what the artist was going for. Eifring, Halvor. He lives an unexamined life and is thereby ignorant of his own ignorance. This is exactly what is occurring in the mind of Huizi. Are happy feelings and experiences all that humans are ultimately after? What happens if we take Mary out of her black and white bubble and show her a red tomato? Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. 1913/1983. Leiden: Brill. 2001. 2003. The Zhuangzi () is named after Zhung Zhu (), who flourished in the later half of the fourth century bce. 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Zhuangzi. Mair, Victor H., trans. Chai, David. New York: Seven Bridges Press. vres De Tchoang-Tzeu. The Ethics of Responding Properly: The Notion Qing in Early Chinese Thought. In Love and Emotions in Traditional Chinese Literature, edited by Halvor Eifring. Zhuangzi writes: Suddenly, Master Chariot got sick. Registered in England & Wales No. Since these questions might be hard to grasp in the abstract, philosophers come up with thought experiments, and based on what our understanding of the hypothetical situation is, we then move to a similar real-world scenario, having gained insight, supposedly, of how to think about those situations. The specific type of fiction that Western philosophers use is often called a thought experiment. Klein, Esther. Forthcoming. Register to receive personalised research and resources by email. Paris: ditions de lencyclopdie des nuisances. 2003. They were great friends who enjoyed debating and discussing many matters. 2015. 2015. He really has convinced himself that his knowledge and mode of thinking is complete! In The Sacred Books of the East, edited by F. Max Mller. Zhang, Gengguang , trans. Jinan : Qilu Shushe . Shun, Kwong-loi. How is it you never thought of making it into an enormous vessel for yourself and floating through the lakes and rivers in it? Searle, J., 1980, Minds, brains and programs, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, III: 417-457. Thats what it means to construct for oneself a fictional intellectual opponent with which to spar. 1994. 4This paper has two main sections. Moreover, by elaborating on the implicit premises omitted by Zhuangzi and Huizi, the actual logical process of the debate can be restored, and the logical fallacy of clandestine change of argumentative issue are revealed. Contemporary Annotations and Translations of the Zhuangzi . In comparing the features of Western thought experiments to fables from Zhuangzi, we will see that although Zhuangzis stories would likely fail to be considered good philosophical thought experiments (according to the Western tradition), the very thing that makes them fail is arguably what allows the writings of Zhuangzi to continue to inspire philosophical reflection and dialogue. His language did not hit his target the intent to make sense of things. This suggests that Zhuangzi saw Hui Shi as caught in a paradox. In this article we focus on the famous dialogue between Zhuangzi and Huizi concerning the question whether or not ren (in particular the shengren ) have qing . New York: Seven Bridges Press. 2010. Most scholars have understood qing in this exchange as referring to feelings or emotions. We take issue with such readings. Levi, Jean, trans. Zhuangzi: The Inner Chapters. Article Lin, Yutang , trans. 8One hallmark of thought experiments is that they involve stretching ones imagination for a time in order to imagine either an unusual human, an unusual situation, or both. Although some of Zhuangzis stories may fail as good thought experiments by Western standards, due to the lack of clear questions and positions advanced, I submit that in other ways, his stories are not less effective in encouraging readers to question their own views and to consider alternative perspectives. 4 0 obj . How does what he say in other places help us to understand what he might be saying in this passage? Theory of Non-Emotion in the Zhuangzi and Its Connection to Wei-Jin Poetry. Journal of Chinese Philosophy 40.2: 340354. 5Thought experiments have long been used in philosophy as a way to raise questions or pursue knowledge through considering hypothetical situations. 2004. I planted it, and it bore a fruit as big as a five bushel measure. Think of the crooked tree. Neuchtel: Peter Lang. It is vital to note that Huizis acknowledgment that Zhuangzi is not a fish demonstrates some truism in the problem brought about by SR. Dancy is mainly concerned with thought experiments in ethics, and in defending a version of moral particularism, although some of what he says can be applied to thought experiments generally. 30Perhaps if only Zhuangzi and others didnt come up with such memorable traps. 24Alternatively, perhaps Zhuangzi thinks Master Chariot is crazy, and he is inventing a character who seems accepting of such ridiculous things happening as a way of questioning the sanity of a mind that is so calm and unperturbedMaster Chariot then would be an example of how Daoist passivity can go too far. This seems at odds with Zhuangzi as one of the two main Qin, Xuqing , and Sun Yongchang , trans. Beyond the Troubled Water of Shifei: From Disputation to Walking-Two-Roads in the Zhuangzi. In The Sacred Books of the East, edited by F. Max Mller. The vehicle of story makes Zhuangzi memorable for sure who can forget the idea of someones arm turning into a rooster? Jackson has actually since changed his position on the thesis of physicalism and he no longer thinks its false. You tell me, what is the problem with the following syllogism? 2011. Van Norden, B., Ivanhoe, P., 2005, Readings in Classical Chinese Philosophy, Indianapolis, Hackett Publishing Company. Das wahre Buch vom sdlichen Bltenland. Zhuangzi then states to him Youcertainly are dense when it comes to using big things! Imaginations wander through a world of Zhuangzis human and non-human characters, but unlike with the Western thought experiments, bringing back observations of such people and situations with the express purpose of better helping and understanding our own lives is not necessarily the point. 2011. 2016. Sometimes they are also in extraordinary situations, sometimes not. The Complete Work of the Zhuangzi . Tang, Yijie. - In Les pres du systme Taoste. 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Why should we be so troubled by an arm that turns into a rooster? Zhang, Gengguang , trans. I planted them, and when they grew, the fruit was a yard across. My chin is hidden in my navel. Mair, Victor H., trans. Register a free Taylor & Francis Online account today to boost your research and gain these benefits: An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East, A logical analysis of the debate on Hao River, Department of Philosophy, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, /doi/full/10.1080/09552367.2022.2108108?needAccess=true. I filled them with water but they werent 2014. We use cookies to improve your website experience. Huizi took the utility of gourds as being their usefulness as containers or drinking vessels, and so concluded that the gourds in question being too large for this purpose had no utility; Zhuangzi pointed out that there is a perspective that Huizi had not considered -- utility not as a container but as a raft -- from which this is not so. We might glean this lesson from taking in a set of Zhuangzis stories, with the assumption that he has some consistent view. 1957. The video below (Flight from the Shadow) is an example of the type of teaching he engaged in. Xu, Bing . I used them as water containers, but they were so heavy that I couldn't lift them. Forthcoming. He makes possible travel across great bodies of waterthe Jungian symbolic unknown and unconsciousthereby, he is able to go places and do things priorly inaccessible. Wang Bi and Xuanxue. In Dao Companion to Daoist Philosophy, edited by Xiaogan Liu. Wang, Rongpei, trans. Thats what fish really enjoy!. I planted it, and when it matured it weighed over a hundred pounds. In these classic thought experiments, and many others, there is a clear question being asked. Even though the lessons are in story form, that doesnt mean that they are easy to decipher. Even though the lessons are in story form, that doesnt mean that they are easy to decipher. In Les pres du systme Taoste. endobj Recommended articles lists articles that we recommend and is powered by our AI driven recommendation engine. Albany: State University of New York Press. This was in the introduction to my book, The Linguist, A Personal Guide to Language Learning which I wrote a few years ago. 1928/1989. I filled it with liquid, new essays on wine, taste, philosophy and aesthetics, arte, psicologia e realismo. The Background of the Mencian Theory of Human Nature. Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies 6.12: 215271. The Ethics of Responding Properly: The Notion Qing in Early Chinese Thought. In Love and Emotions in Traditional Chinese Literature, edited by Halvor Eifring. 15Or to take an example not from ethics, John Searle writes about being in a room with a manual that helps him to correlate certain Chinese characters such that he can answer questions given to him in Chinese (even though he knows no Chinese) by referring to a manual written in English about which characters to give in response to which character inputs. Morgan, Jeffrey. Other philosophers have subsequently offered slightly different variations of the trolley problem, but in all of these it is assumed that the humans involved are human beings with normal capabilities and desires who just happen to be in a very unfortunate situation. Chuang Tzu. Napoli: Universit degli Studie di Napoli LOrientale.. 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG. If there werent other places where Zhuangzi seems to poke fun at so many people and schools of thought, arguably including Daoist thought,24 then we could be more confident in making a straightforward conclusion about what Zhuangzi likely thinks of Master Chariots all-embracing and arguably excited attitude towards his dramatically changing body and life. Jackson uses this thought experiment to argue that because Mary gains some knowledge the first time she sees red, she didnt know everything to know about color through knowing all the physical facts about color and so, he says, the thesis of physicalism (i.e., the idea that everything is physical) is false.8. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Zhuangzi and Huizi were strolling along the dam of the Hao Waterfall when Zhuangzi said, See how the minnows come out and dart around where they please! Chen, Guying , trans. Zhuang Zi: De volledige geschriften: Het grote klassieke boek van het Taosme Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Augustus. You get something when its time. Dschuang-Dsi. Emotionless in Confucianism and Daoism: A New Interpretation. Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38.1: 118133. Zhuangzis famous story about the crooked tree appeals to me for many reasons. For example, in Chapter 1 of the Zhuangzi there is the story of a fish named Minnow turning into a bird named Breeze and being laughed at by the cicada and student-dove.19 Here Zhuangzi suggests that it is only because the little bugs have such a small perspective that they cant understand bigger things, so while its understandable that they laugh, its due to a short-sightedness on their part. And like Zhuangzis creative innovation, turning a gourd into a boat, the greater, higher man recreates what is possible for himself. But Mary has never actually seen anything colored because she lives in a black and white world. We show that these peaceful attitudes are associated with the idea of wuwei in the Zhuangzi. Zhuangzi. His epigrams and parables praised those who achieved mastery through constant practice of a skill, following their own inclinations, He scorned complicated explanations and theories. If thats so, then its not helpful in informing us about what to do in the real-world case, and now we have two problem cases instead of one.12 He also implies that the difficult features of the actual case that were selectively removed might in fact be relevant in terms of what we ought to do in the actual case. 1891. Puett, Michael J. Such a tree has grown to a ripe old age by adapting itself to its environment. This is what the ancients call loosing the bonds. On Anger: An Essay on Confucian Moral Psychology. In Returning to Zhu Xi: Emerging Patterns within the Supreme Polarity, edited by David Jones and Jinli He. Early Confucian Perspectives on Emotions. In Dao Companion to Classical Confucian Philosophy, edited by Vincent Shen. 2004. 2001. Fundamentals of Comparative and Intercultural Philosophy. Albany: State University of New York Press. 2015. Now had I used this for holding liquids, it would have been too heavy to lift; and had I cut it in half for ladles, the ladles would have been too flat for such purpose. Such distractions can be left out of fabricated cases so that we can better focus on the relevant moral principles. Such is the happiness of fishes. You not being a fish, said Huizi, how can ______. Ren, Songyao. 2010. Beijing : Zhongguo Huaqiao Chubanshe . Oxford: Oxford University Press. Zhuangzi on Qing: Lack of Qing, Giving Free Reign to Qing, and Setting Qing at Rest :. Philosophical Researches 4: 5059. 1920. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press. 2010. The Asian master of wit and storytelling is the Daoist, Zhuangzi (sometimes spelled Chuang-Tzu). Sorensen, R., 1992, Thought Experiments, New York, Oxford University Press. 23What Zhuangzi thinks of Master Chariot we dont know for sure. ______, trans. Oxford: Oxford University Press. A logical analysis of the debate on Hao . clandestine change of argumentative issue, Restore content access for purchases made as guest, 48 hours access to article PDF & online version. WebHuizi said to Zhuangzi, Can a ren indeed be without qing? The reply was, He can.But on what grounds do you call him a ren, who is thus without qing? Zhuangzi said, The For example, Nozick claims that no one would actually plug into his Experience Machine for life, and he uses this to argue that there is something wrong with utilitarianism, the view which states that all we should care about is maximizing pleasure. Zhuangzis Doctrine of No-Emotion (pre-production draft). The Complete Works of Chuang Tzu. Emotions That Do Not Move: Zhuangzi and Stoics on Self-Emerging Feelings. Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 14.4: 521544. The Writings of Kwang-Tze. Some scholars have suggested that Huizis argument is self-contradictory; however, in fact, based on such evaluations of Huizis argument, we can conclude that Zhuangzis logic is also self-contradictory. What follows is that the expression wuqing should not be identified as a doctrine of nonemotion. Instead, wuqing implies that Zhuangzi advises us to lead a life of tranquility, calmness, and stillness. Albany: State University of New York Press. 2010. Perhaps Zhuangzi would affirm Master Chariot for being so free. The question of what exactly Zhuangzis positive project might be is beyond the scope of this paper, but the point remains that the idea that we are even wondering about who Zhuangzi is as a philosopher, or how he would want us to analyze him in light of his stories, is something that we dont typically see when we turn to Western philosophers advancing certain thought experiments. 20Zhuangzi here seems to be criticizing Huizi for not being creative enough, for being limited in his understanding of the varying uses something can have. Introduction: Emotions and the Conceptual History of Qing . In Love and Emotions in Traditional Chinese Literature, edited by Halvor Eifring. My organs are all out of order. Lenehan, Katia. 21Van Norden makes the following comment on this story as it relates to an overarching theme we see in Zhuangzi about freeing the mind: By stressing flexible responsiveness to particular contexts, Zhuangzi encourages us to think in creative and nontraditional ways. Why else would he deem the gourd worthy of destruction? A New Commentary on the Zhuangzi [in modern Chinese] . 2013. 1995. Roth, Harold D. 1991. Still, Zhuangzis resulting conclusion was not aware of fish happiness presumes that fish happiness is a real thing beyond the human-specific setting. In Dao Companion to the Philosophy of the Zhuangzi, edited by Kim-chong Chong and Kai-Yuan Cheng. PubMedGoogle Scholar. A New Examination of Evidence about the Zhuangzi. Toung Pao 96.4/5: 299369. In fact, in Zhuangzis case, the featured voices are often non-human. Guo, Xiang , and Cheng Xuanying , annot. Were There Inner Chapters in the Warring States? 2004. Albany: State University of New York Press. 2010. Wandering on the Way. 2003. People also read lists articles that other readers of this article have read. 1981/2001. Contrast the greater man with the lesser. Zhuangzi: The Inner Chapters. 2005. Si, L , trans. He accomplishes this through something reminiscent of a Socratic Dialogue. Or in Searles Chinese Room, Searle argues that because he is functioning just like a computer running a program but understands nothing of the meaning of the inputs and outputs (in Chinese) that he is manipulating, so artificial intelligence, just in virtue of running a certain program, does not have understanding. Our hypothetical logician has forgotten that for an argument to be sound the premises must be true and they must follow to the conclusion. In seeking the truth, philosophers have long used fiction and counterfactual scenarios to raise and answer questions, to foster dialogue or give a commentary on some facet of life. Our text offers three additional examples: Nie Ques conversation with Wang Ni; Huizi and Zhuangzi about gourds; the story of Cook Ding (sometimes called Butcher Ding); and the story of Wheelwright Pian. That is to say, we each contain this same oppositional force within and among us. Zhuangzi is a master storyteller and he uses that talent to teach important moral and philosophical lessons. Cao, Chuji , trans. ______, trans. Do you divert the trolley or not? The great gourd. Changsha : Hunan Renmin Chubanshe . Bradley, Scott P. 2015. I have never learned as quickly or as enjoyably as I do now on LingQ. Legge, James, trans. ______. Psychology and Self-Cultivation in Early Taoistic Thought. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 51.2: 599650. If you dont loose yourself, things will bind you. Must? School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China (Zhe-xue-yuan), Av. Wandering on the Way. Dao On another nearby track there is only one person working. Zhuangzi on Qing: Lack of Qing, Giving Free Reign to Qing, and Setting Qing at Rest :. Philosophical Researches 4: 5059. WebZhuangzi and Huizi were strolling along the dam of the Hao Waterfall when Zhuangzi said, See how the minnows come out and dart around where they please! WebZhuangzi, or Chuang-tzu, (born c. 369, Meng, Chinadied 286 bce), Most significant early Chinese interpreter of Daoism and the purported author of the Daoist classic that bears Chinn, E., 1997, Zhuangzi and relativistic skepticism, Asian Philosophy, 7, 3: 207-220. WebThe skilled balm-maker and Huizi smashing gourds. Qu Yuan was a versatile government official at that time, and he was highly What is there to dislike? Jackson, F., 1986, What Mary didnt know, Journal of Philosophy, 83: 291-295. Feng, Youlan, trans. Ma, L., van Brakel, J. Revisiting the Exchange between Zhuangzi and Huizi on Qing. 3099067 Legge, James, trans. Dordrecht: Springer. Zhuang Zi and the Education of the Emotions. Comparative Philosophy 9.1: 3246. Albany: SUNY Press. 8 Jackson has actually since changed his position on the thesis of physicalism and he no longer thinks its false. I cut it in half to make a dipper, bit it was too wide to scoop into anything. Zhuangzi is a master storyteller and he uses that talent to teach important moral WebHuizis truism that Zhuangzi is not a fish shows some appreciation of the problem of SpR, but the ensuing conclusion that Zhuangzi couldnt know fish happiness assumes that What he doesnt realize is that it is his own potential which he is smashing. Kjellberg, Paul, trans. Theory of Non-Emotion in the Zhuangzi and Its Connection to Wei-Jin Poetry. Journal of Chinese Philosophy 40.2: 340354. Learn more about Institutional subscriptions. <>>> And insofar as part of what makes something good philosophy is that it sparks wonder and further questioning, Zhuangzis stories might even do better than self-standing thought experiments. 25Because with Zhuangzi its not always clear what is being asked, or what position he is advocating, readers start to wonder about the man behind the stories, entertaining questions such as: What kind of philosopher is Zhuangzi? 1968. Keep me logged in (not suitable for shared devices). 16Piggy-backing on this, after a clear question is raised through the thought experiment, there is often a claim being advanced by the originator of the experiment. The Tradition of Emotive Writing in the Zhuangzi and Its Echoes in Later Generations. Frontiers of Philosophy in China 10.3: 340352. A snare is for rabbits: when youve got the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Overall, Zhuangzi clearly recommends open-minded flexibility as when he scolds Hui Shi for being tied to conventional thinking about how to use giant gourds. Furthermore, in giving voice to such an odd character, Zhuangzi could be challenging those of us who have a problem with unusual transformations happening to us to have a looser grip on our expectations in life. 2003. For example, 1) the situations are often highly unrealistic, beyond what normal, real-world counterfactual reasoning would get one to; 2) the characters involved have abilities or disabilities that few if any humans have and sometimes3; and 3) the situations have a way of making a point or a position more memorable than a plainly stated proposition4. Machek, David. 2010. It is to Zhuangzi that we now turn. 2011. Part of Springer Nature. Saggi in onore di Diego Marconi, Portale di risorse digitali in scienze umane e sociali, Differences between thought experiments and stories in Zhuangzi, Catalogo dei 610 riviste. One effect of this is encouraging the reader to think outside the box and see things from various perspectives.
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