God be merciful to him. [39][40], Belief in the baptismal story is a critical element of faith among Branham's followers. [124][125] Kydd stated that it "is impossible to get even an approximate number of people healed in Branham's ministry. However the swelling number of competitors and emulators were further reducing attendance at Branham's meetings. [172], The leadership of the Pentecostal churches pressed Branham to resist his urge to teach and to instead focus on praying for the sick. [203][177], In 1964, Branham said judgement would strike the west coast of the United States and that Los Angeles would sink into the ocean, his most dramatic prediction. [89] His preaching style was described as "halting and simple", and crowds were drawn to his stories of angelic visitation and "constant communication with God". [162], Branham critics Peter Duyzer and John Collins reported that Branham "performed numerous miracles", drawing a crowd of 11,000. [162] According to Historian Catherine Wessinger, while rejecting Christianity as a false religion, Jones covertly used popular Christian figures to advance his own ideology. [127] Branham was openly confronted with such criticisms and rejected the assertions. [30] Shortly thereafter, he began attending the First Pentecostal Baptist Church of Jeffersonville, where he converted to Christianity. [127][128], From the early days of the healing revival, Branham received overwhelmingly unfavorable coverage in the news media, which was often quite critical. [123][128][131], At meetings in Vancouver during 1947, newspaper reporters discovered that one young girl had been in Branham's prayer lines in multiple cities posing as a cripple, but rising to walk after Branham pronounced her healed each time. He chooses a people. [143], Ern Baxter, who participated in most of Branham's campaigns between November 1947 and 1953 including his tours to India and Europe, reflected on the exaggerated reports of miracles in the healing revival in a 1978 interview. [245], Weaver wrote that Branham gradually revised and embellished some of his prophecies over time, sometimes substantially. [185] He believed healing was the main focus of the ministry of Jesus Christ and believed in a dual atonement; "salvation for the soul and healing for the body". [177] Before he died, some of his followers had already begun compiling his sermons and treating them as oral scripture, with a significant minority of his followers believing in his divinity. 21 Jsus a dit, dans Jean, au chapitre 3: Si un homme ne nat de The old sow hog, the old slut dog, once a year, one moment, that's for her babies. [194] By the end of his ministry, his message required an acceptance of the oneness of the Godhead and baptism in the name of Lord Jesus Christ. Shortly after Branham's death, his followers divided in multiple feuding groups. [190], He believed that "eternal life was reserved only for God and his children". 4th 691, 188 P.3D 580, 80 Cal. [161] The bad feelings and breakdown of cooperation between the leaders of the movement contributed to the end of the healing revival. Elle offre aux tlspectateurs, auditeurs et internautes des programmes d'missions, d'informations, de socits, et de divertissements la lumire de la Parole de Dieu. "[63], Branham had been traveling and holding revival meetings since at least 1940 before attracting national attention. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, "Not all Branham churches are racist or embrace the anti-race-mixing position," "but the theology clearly invites racism. [225] Summarizing the contrasting views held of Branham, Kydd stated, "Some thought he was God. [123] According to historian Ronald Kydd, Branham evoked strong opinions from people with whom he came into contact; "most people either loved him or hated him". [173] He taught that immoral women and education were the central sins of modern culture. [181][204][25] Branham also taught the belief that Cain's modern descendants were masquerading as educated people and scientists,[205] and were "a big religious bunch of illegitimate bastard children"[206][103] who comprised the majority of society's criminals. [9] His racial teachings on serpent seed and his belief that membership in a Christian denomination was connected to the mark of the beast alienated many of his former supporters. 1955). Branham reported that in his visions he saw seven major events would occur before the Second Coming of Christ, including the prediction of the rise of Adolf Hitler, the Second World War, the Italian occupation of Ethiopia, and the rise of communism. [145], Some attendees of Branham's meetings believed that some healings were staged and accused him of selectively choosing who could enter the prayer line. Branham believed the events of 1963 indicated the rapture was imminent. Bin sa ce rpet,bin j'aurai bien aim savoir si d'autres personnes qui l'on connue et suivi en t'en que vivant disent un livre a se sujet, de temps autre, mystre, complot, dans tous cela dans cette priode il y avait dj des camras donc des films aurait t important pour toutes ses connaissances et de voyages en voyage The tribe filed a racketeering case against them to recover their money. Branham told his audiences that his wife and daughter had become suddenly ill and died during the January flood as God's punishment because of his failure to embrace Pentecostalism. [244] Branham also claimed that he foretold the coming of the 1937 Ohio River Flood, the same flood he told his audience led to the death of his wife and daughter. Polygamy is a point of conflict among Branham's followers; not all groups accept the practice. [8] Branham briefly stopped campaigning and said he would have to take a job to repay the debt, but the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International ultimately offered financial assistance to cover the debt. [187] As a result, he believed that from a very early date, the church had stopped following the "pure Word of God" and had been seduced into a false form of Christianity. [96] According to Bosworth, this gift of knowledge allowed Branham "to see and enable him to tell the many events of [people's] lives from their childhood down to the present". [10], Branham told his audiences that he grew up in "deep poverty",[10] often not having adequate clothing, and that his family was involved in criminal activities. [108][106] The Los Angeles Times reported on the healing in an article titled "Ex-Rep. Upshaw Discards Crutches After 59 Years". [303][304] In 2001, Evans pleaded guilty to charges of embezzlement,[305] and Voice of God Recordings returned the funds to the tribe. [281] The organization disbanded in 2018 following widespread allegations of sexual molestation of children. [39][34] Branham said he made several suicide attempts following their deaths. Branham believed in positive confession. [99] Supplicants seeking healing submitted prayer cards to Branham's campaign team stating their name, address, and condition; Branham's team would select a number of submissions to be prayed for personally by Branham and organized a prayer line. [185] He believed and taught that miracles ascribed to Christ in the New Testament were also possible in modern times. He is to come according to Luke 17:30. [241][k] In his later years, he came to believe all denominations were "synagogues of Satan". [15] He claimed that at his birth, a "Light come [sic] whirling through the window, about the size of a pillow, and circled around where I was, and went down on the bed". [143] Michael Plaff, a doctor, was pronounced healed of cancer by Branham during one meeting. Branham later claimed he saw a car in 1960 that fulfilled his vision. [296], Polygamist followers of Branham's teachings have also been reported by news media in the United States for marriage to minors. [222] As described by Branham, the characteristics of the Laodicean age resemble the modern era. [181] The doctrines Branham imported from non-Pentecostal theology and the unique combination of doctrines that he created as a result led to widespread criticism from Pentecostal churches and the Charismatic movement. [81] He decided to publicize Oral Roberts during Branham's absence, and Roberts quickly rose to prominence, in large part due to Lindsay's coverage. [181] He believed that the story of the fall of man in the Garden of Eden is allegorical and interpreted it to mean that the serpent had sexual intercourse with Eve, and their offspring was Cain. William Marrion Branham (April 6, 1909 December 24, 1965) was an American Christian minister and faith healer who initiated the post-World WarII healing revival, and claimed to be a prophet with the anointing of Elijah, who had come to prelude Christ's second coming; some of his followers have been labeled a "doomsday cult". [154] Branham reported his annual salary to the IRS as $7,000 ($66,633 in 2020 dollars) while his manager Gordon Lindsay's was reported at $80,000. [203], Branham taught an unorthodox doctrine on the source of original sin. "[239] His final statement on the subject convinced a number of his followers he was indeed claiming divinity. [81][92] His illness shocked the growing movement,[93] and his abrupt departure from the field caused a rift between him and Lindsay over the Voice of Healing magazine. One newspaper reported, "Rev. He died in prison in 2021. Every effort has been made to accurately transfer the verbal Message from the magnetic tape recording to the electronic page, and is transcribed unabridged and distributed by Voice Of God Recordings. [87] He remained a strong Branham supporter until his death in 1958. Any Christian's a segregation. [127][128] Additionally, Branham's procedures made verification difficult at the time of his revivals. She is designed, alone, for filth and unclean living. [194] Branham lamented that more so than any other teaching, Pentecostals criticized him for his predestination teachings. In 1997, the O'odham Nation in Arizona accused Wayne Evans of defrauding their tribe of over $1 million and giving that money to Voice of God Recordings. [149], The "word of knowledge" gift used by Branham was also subject to much criticism. According to Pearry Green, the broader Pentecostal movement considers Branham's version of the serpent seed doctrine repugnant and in their point of view, it was the "filthy doctrine that ruined his ministry. People began to circulate healing testimonies which, when they were checked out by reputable journalists and reporters, even those who were friendly to the movement, were found to be false. [3][311], Pearry Green was a defendant in multiple criminal cases concerning his financial dealings. [172] Weaver also attributed Branham's eschatological teachings to the influence of a small group of his closest followers, who encouraged his desire for a unique ministry. Mercer would punish girls by cutting their hair, and force boys to wear girls' clothing. William Branham of Jeffersonville, Ind., prayed for her and assured the heartbroken mother her daughter would live. Kidston was intrigued by the reported miracles and invited Branham to participate in revival meetings that he was organizing. Paul Cain, Bill Hamon, Kenneth Hagin, and other restoration prophets cite Branham as a major influence. [211], According to Steven Hassan, "Branham's sermons lay the foundation to believe that black people are the inferior race. Reporters subsequently found no evidence of a resurrection; no funeral parlor in the city corroborated the story. [187], He stated the corruption came from the desire of early Christianity's clergy to obtain political power, and as a result became increasingly wicked and introduced false creeds. There was also evidence that Mercer sexually abused children. His closest followers, however, accepted his sermons as oral scripture and refer to his teachings as The Message. [273] The news media have also reported critics of Branham's teaching being threatened and harassed by his followers. The governments of South Africa and Norway intervened in order to stop his healing campaigns in their countries. "Grace" is five. The confusion created by the situation led ministers to claim Branham had deceived them. [She] was beaten and forced to wear masculine clothes that covered much of her body, hiding her bruises. Il est parfois considr comme le fondateur du mouvement La pluie de l'arrire saison (en).Ses partisans voient en lui l'avnement d'un . [256], The more controversial doctrines Branham espoused in the closing years of his ministry were rejected by the Charismatic movement, which viewed them as "revelatory madness". [87] Branham's return to the movement led to his resumed leadership of it. [41] In his early references to the event during the healing revival, Branham interpreted it to refer to the restoration of the gifts of the spirit to the church. [97] While he stated his personal admiration for Branham, the troubling number of deaths led him to suggest "there is a possibility that this whole thing is wrong". [227], Branham claimed the sermons were inspired through an angelic visitation and the appearance of what he believed to be a supernatural cloud in Arizona that was visible in the American Southwest on February 28, 1963. "[126] No consistent record of follow-ups of the healing claims were made, making analysis of many claims difficult to subsequent researchers. Peter Duyzer presented evidence that Branham falsely claimed to be hunting in Arizona when the cloud appeared, and was actually in Texas where he was assisting with efforts to have the death sentence of Leslie Elaine Perez overturned. Sims, who attended both the KKK rallies and the healing revivals, was surprised to see some of the same groups of people at both events. However, Plaff had died of his cancer just days after being pronounced healed. However, according to multiple Branham biographers, like Baptist historian Doug Weaver and Pentecostal historian Bernie Wade, Branham was exposed to Pentecostal teachings from his conversion. Branham . [80] The first addition to the team was Jack Moore and Young Brown, who periodically assisted him in managing his meetings. [246] Critics of Branham investigated his prophecies. [57] In September 1936, the local news reported that Branham held a multi-week healing revival at the Pentecostal Tabernacle in which he reported eight healings. [182] Many different followers of Branham's teachings have claimed to be his immediate successor, or an Elisha to his Elijah. Branham held interracial meetings even in the southern states. [96], Branham would often request God to "confirm his message with two-or-three faith inspired miracles". [160], In the closing years of the revival, Branham helped launch and popularize the ministry of Jim Jones, the founder and leader of the Peoples Temple. See? Jones later said that he and Branham "did not see eye to eye", and accused Branham of being disingenuous. [252] The expectation of his resurrection remained strong into the 1970s, in part based on Branham's prediction that the rapture could occur by 1977. [264][142], Branham's followers do not have a central unifying leadership. LA FOI 29.12.1957 JEFFERSONVILLE, IN, USA . [293][294][295] Homicide detectives working the case said the group was radicalized by Branham's teachings, leading to their deaths. [199] Branham once told women who refused to dress according to his instructions "not to call themselves Christians" but qualified his denunciations by affirming that obedience to the holiness moral code was not a requirement for salvation. The sick person would then simply be forced to accuse himself of lack of faith, or in some cases, throw his faith overboard. When speaking to poor and working-class audiences, he tended to use poor grammar and folksy language; when speaking to more educated audiences and ministerial associations, he generally spoke using perfect grammar and avoided slang usage. Joseph Coleman, a follower of William Branham in the United States with influence over multiple churches, was connected to "a multi-million dollar fraud through an investment management company". If I was a colored man, or a brown man, or a yellow man, or a red man, I would be just as happy about it. [260], Edward Babinski describes Branham's followers as "odd in their beliefs, but for the most part honest hard-working citizens", and wrote that calling them a cult "seems unfair". Les Ouvriers de la 11e heure selon la bible et le prophete william branham. [81] Baxter generally focused on bible teaching; Bosworth counseled supplicants on the need for faith and the doctrine of divine healing. They believe that William Branham, or "Brother Branham," was the final prophet to the church, in fulfillment of Malachi 4:5. [193] As Branham began offering his own viewpoint, it led to the alienation of Pentecostal groups adhering to Trinitarianism. She's not even in the original creation. [199] According to Edward Babinski, women who follow the holiness moral code Branham supported regard it as "a badge of honor". [94], Most revivalists of the era were flamboyant but Branham was usually calm and spoke quietly, only occasionally raising his voice. [128][148], Their expectations had been raised so high, only to be dashed after all the excitement was over. [68] Time magazine reported on his St. Louis campaign meetings,[77] and according to the article, Branham drew a crowd of over 4,000 sick people who desired healing and recorded him diligently praying for each. Among the prophecies was also a prediction that the United States would "elect the wrong president" as a result of giving women the right to vote, which he later interpreted to be John F. Pohl stated that many people Branham pronounced as healed later died and produced witnesses to validate his allegations. [123][128] Pohl also claimed Branham was frequently given and accepted large financial gifts from individuals who he pronounced as healed, including those who subsequently died. William Marrion Branham . [179], Throughout his ministry, Branham taught a doctrine of faith healing that was often the central teaching he espoused during the healing campaign.
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