On the contrary, they are made to accept what they are being taught on faith alone. (coming from and eighth grader), 2) because we already have school 5 days a week, 5) family time if you don't get to see your parents as much, 6) you might have a huge project and it is do on Monday so you We relish on our weekends the chance to have fun and see the people we love. I personally think that we shouldnt have. This already happens in the best online schools, of which the U.S. already has several dozen, often operating statewide, such as the Florida Virtual School and Ohio Virtual Academy. Children are spending less and less time with their parents;those who work outside the home spend on average one hour 21 minutes a day looking after their families - including meal times. Measured by simple clock hours or days per year in school, we look good alongside Europe and decent in comparison with most of Asia. It may also be hard for teens to hold that job. is very unusual and very lucky, for the rest of his life. Students have to take what their teacher says, and theres no way to know if the teacher is lying. Saturday school is not the only solution - Eastside This Saturday, May 17, Cherry Hill seniors were expected to be in school. Bit by bit, One issue with saving energy is that on the fifth day, most schools would still remain open for sporting events, community gatherings, tutoring or other extracurricular activities (Work). kid in class who, for whatever reason, would rather not be there, not only doesn't learn anything himself Share the post "Saturday school should not be mandatory", Responsible for guiding and facilitating the process known as Hanks Media. They are told when to talk, when to move, even when to pee. The great thing about chicken soup is you can pop it in one pan (or into a slow cooker), throw all the ingredients in together and let it simmer away. After all, when each day counts as 25% of the learning, students are less likely to miss a day. learned to use it. WE ARE LONDON! Addition of new people to their connections: 3. by the Board of Trustees of Leland Stanford Junior University. School buildings unused in the summer are wasted resources. 8 Although many parentsparticularly poor and working-class parentswelcome the prospect of schools tending to a larger portion of their kids' lives, others are so enamored of their summer cottages, travel plans, grandparent visits, after-school piano lessons and soccer leagues that they balk at any big shifts in calendar or schedule. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. These days were chosen as the weekend because of their importance in two major world religions, Judaism and Christianity. As it is, we students already feel as if we have almost no time within each day for personal matters. "Some teachers will pile up work on the weekends and it's always good having two days to do it all," said sophomore Tania Ledesma. Creativity is killed as you are rewarded if you repeat what youre told. 6 Frequent traffic, sleeping in, and unexpected emergencies can all factor into why a student misses school. Or learn about the 5 Animals That Could Take Over the World (If They Wanted To). Yes, a six-day school week is a good idea. We do it all for him. Since the student does not want to be there, he or shewill probably still be lacking the education that he or sheneedsduring Saturday schooling. It's not all wasted time but neither are these minutes spent in ways that boost test scores, enhance college-readiness or deepen pupils' understanding of literature, geography or algebra. A paper constitutes a certificate of knowledge instead of practical realizations. 1. Thus, when they become adults many of them dont pursue work they love, and instead choose to do work that feels like a never-ending drudgery. This limits my time that I am able to spend on homework, and causes me to stress out. and slowly make the needed changes. Kids in China already attend school 41 days a year more than students in the U.S. Now, schools across the country are cutting back to four-day weeks. Who wrote the music and lyrics for Kinky Boots? Yes, it will disrupt everything from school-bus schedules to family vacations. Longer school days and years also aid working parents; for many of them, 2:30 dismissal times and three-month summer breaks are more burden than benefit. Do you think kids should have school on weekends? The class system assumes intelligence is proportional to age. While the ingredients in chicken soup pack a powerful nutritional punch, they don't cost the Earth. When they return to school in late August or early September, many children, especially the least advantaged among them, have shed a sizable portion of what they had learned by Maya full month's worth, by most estimates, adding up to 1.3 school years by the end of high school. times a day, the difference between language as he uses it and as those around him use it. You cant compete against the world, you only compete against a few classmates, Not everything youre good at is being taught or developed in school, School has never admitted its got a problem, Quality of education doesnt seem to improve over time. We act as if we thought he would never notice a mistake A fascinating new study by University of Maryland analyst Dave Marcotte shows that even the loss of a few instructional days can erode academic performance. The university cancelled the exam and ordered me to reset and allow students use only pen and paper. Twelfth-grade students who explained a reason for involvement in the KoreanWar in 2006. Schools in Singapore operate 40 weeks a year. At school, children are made to believe that sacrificing today will bring them great rewards tomorrow. Finally, if youre one of those very intelligent people who gets annoyed every time someone criticizes school, please stop reading immediately! Currently the school day is about six and a half hours and goes about 180 days a year. From my personal experience, I usually end school and then have hours of extra curricular activities, because I am a dancer. Oh, we make a lot of nice noises in school It's actually easier to add an hour to the school day or a few weeks to the year than to alter the established routines of schools and school systems. The child soon learns not to ask questions - the teacher Because there is work due on Saturdays, students work on Friday night instead of procrastinating until Sunday. }, Having learned to hide his curiosity, he later learns to be ashamed Please reload the CAPTCHA. including many of the "concepts" that the schools think only they can teach him, and many In some cases instead of going to four hour sessions, some schools will have Saturday schedules that follow that of aregular school day. You're Using ChatGPT Wrong! attitude or severe depression. I will present points that will strengthen my argument and show why we cannot allow this to happen., Kids always love three day weekends.Teachers also love them. . In the University, Professors are not hired based on their pedagogic abilities. To find out more about what our reporters are up to go to communitychannel.org/london360 Why should we suggest different for our children at such a crucial time in their development? Every good parent wants the best for their child, but young people are constantly tested by the education system. The schools will save a significant amount of money and students will excel academically and behavior will improve drastically. By glorifying graduation, school makes you believe that learning has an end. Join any high school programs for accelerated learning. I was a publications (yearbook) adviser at Hanks for seventeen years. it until it does work. Mind you, I said what they make/do, not what they learn; be it in history, in languages, in engineering or in physics. setTimeout( Not a. come to school to learn," we tell him, as if the child hadn't been learning before, as if living Saturday schooling can be a benefit but overall, it does take away time from family and many other things. Some students have close relationships with their parents and want or need to spend time with their parents. Where things start to get complicated is that time spent in school does not equal time fruitfully applied to learning basic skills and core contenta mismatch that looms larger in the U.S. than in most other places. Possible Reasons for Weekend Classes 1. But we must not be naive. The opinions expressed on this website are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hoover Institution or Stanford University. Let children be children at the weekend. There are good arguments in favor of and in opposition to longer school days. "He who labors diligently need never despair, for all things are accomplished by diligence and labor." a few feet away, are not really there. Even the perfect student will be late to class more than a few times. You cant teach in school unless youve been to school, even if youre the smartest person on earth, The false security a certificate gives you kills your desire to grow limitlessly, Teachers are allowed to teach their beliefs and their definition of morality to pupils/students. What counts here, and the only thing that counts, is what we know, what we think is important, Children are made to pay for the errors of their parents e.g. Did Socrates teach Plato on Saturdays as well as weekdays? Nor is it news that "time on task" has a powerful influence on educational attainment. of grades, exams, marks. ); I think Amys rules may be a little too overbearing, especially as we do need to let our children make their own path. According to debate.org, a student might not even be interested in what any is teacher is trying to teach them. A school district in Kentucky saved 400,000 dollars per year, which over the course of seven years added up to 2.8 million dollars, just, There are multiple advantages and disadvantages to a four day school week. Students spend much of their time, often between 12 to 16 hours per day, at school or at a special after-school academy called a hagwon. This programming takes place mainly at school, where for over a decade they have to do things they hate doing yet which society rewards them for. An understandable concern for parents, teachers, and students about the 4-day school week is the extended time required to be at school during the day. by being corrected all the time - if corrected too much, he will stop talking. MyHoover delivers a personalized experience atHoover.org. She attributes this to the success of her two daughters, which, as many have pointed out before, is based on a Chinese philosophy in which failure is unacceptable. Visit a KIPP school or another high-performance institution and you find that a big reason for the longer day is that it accommodates these nonacademic pursuits without sacrificing the instructional core. if ( notice ) I think all too often children in this generation take their school education for granted, as it is a free service which requires no input from the student to be accepted. Exams in school are a foolish formality. people, seeking the awareness of the world and responsiveness to it they had when they were little, Hoover scholars form the Institutions core and create breakthrough ideas aligned with our mission and ideals. Im simply writing for the people who love to think different. Saturday 02 October 2021 13:57. To raise their grades: 5. in order to exploit their labor, in farm, store, mine or factory. his curiosity. he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people's. A Saturday School program was implemented at Franklin Junior High School, Franklin, Tennessee, after discipline problems worsened. Even an early morning choir class can boost credits and allow students to attain goals of early graduation or similar goals. function() { Soon he becomes dependent on For the foolish ones who want to stay foolish. Attention spans are assumed. However, many schools, including MSMS, seem to use this punishment as a means to avoid addressing the actual problem at hand. Short breaks provide time for students to receive enrichment education. of the world, themselves, and other human beings. But our acts, as opposed to our Bullying Throughout our over one-hundred-year history, our work has directly led to policies that have produced greater freedom, democracy, and opportunity in the United States and the world. But some of it reflects the inexorable expansionism and unquenchable appetites of the public sector and its employees. Site content 1996 - 2023 The Natural Child Project. The modern school system formed today is pure garbage. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Eighth-grade students whose principals reported classroom disturbances at least weekly in the U.S. Eighth-grade students whose principals reported classroom disturbances at least weekly in Japan. Therefore, they have to provide for themselves as well as save up for college. Communities that have experimented with "year-round" schooling have often had to backtrack under pressure from the summer-vacation industry, including camps needing counselors, resorts needing waiters, pools needing lifeguardsand all of them needing clients with "traditional" vacation schedules. My first reason on why we shouldn't have saturday school is because if we had saturday school the students definitely wouldn't want to come because it leads to stress. What are some examples of how providers can receive incentives? It will give parents one day a week to be off of work and without their children. A better time to make up these grades would beafter school, lunch time, or in the morning before school. School imposes unnecessary psychological issues on childrens learning (bullies, peer pressure, self-image issues, etc.). Not only does the student not want to go toschooling on a Saturday but it also gives them only one day to actually rest and finish weekend homework. Here are 10 reasons why there shouldn't be Saturday school (coming from and eighth grader) 1) because you need sleep 2) because we already have school 5 days a week 3) because of chores. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Students will be arriving at school much earlier and getting home even later than before. .hide-if-no-js { know, what you want, what you wonder about, what you hope for, what you fear, what you like and dislike, We sit him down at a Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Indeed, the 1994 "time and learning" commission underscored that point in its recommendations, which urged schools to set aside a full 5.5 hours every day for "core subjects"nearly doubling the time devoted to them. To have more ease about academic life: Advantages of Weekend/Saturday Classes 1. This will allow them to recharge. Examining the days forfeited to snow and other "unscheduled closings" in Maryland in 2002-2003, he concluded that two-thirds of the elementary schools that failed to make "adequate yearly progress" (the federal benchmark under "No Child Left Behind") in math that year would have done so "if they had been open during all scheduled school days.". Everyone is bundled up in the same class and weighed on the same balance. thing in it - is the other children, but he has to act as if these other children, all about him, only Facebook Twitter E-mail None 0 Shares 0 Thomas Collette Required courses in those four years consumed 3,280 hours in French schools versus 1,460 in the U.S. Young Germans routinely devoted two hours a night to homework. For further details visit our privacy policy. 9 Reasons to Not Go to School Bullying Obesity Street Drugs Prescription Drugs Socialization State and Federally Mandated Objectives Artificial Environment Standardized Testing Lack of Learning 1. Youre only as smart as your teacher, if you are smarter, he/she could misinterpret your difference for folly and fail you, You must pass all subjects to be considered successful, even if youre a specialized genius in 1 or 2, You are punished for exploring your creativity (drumming the bench, drawing in your book, etc.). ", Some of these tutoring sessions only last up to threeweeks, but some will go all the way to about a month or two. According to show more content According to Inside Higher Ed, schools are encouraging kids to develop many unhealthy habits. "Summer learning loss" is no joke. Another reason why schools should not be loner is because longer days would mean little extracurricular activities. ); Homeschooling with a virtual tutor is amazing because the best teacher can be accessed by everyone worldwide, at their schedule and they can learn at their pace. In addition, they are taught that they should be serious, uptight, and constantly worried about future ends. Copyright GV Media Group Ltd. All rights reserved. Even after internships, youre judged based on your internship report. School, however, is conditioning children to fear making mistakes, and to avoid failure at any cost. They protected the notice.style.display = "block"; Because the teacher is always right and more knowledgeable than everyone else, itll be difficult for school to witness any improvements. Everything we teach about reading, a task far simpler the chief and indeed only exploiters of children these days are the schools. It's scarcely news that young Americans devote less time to formal learning than their international counterparts. every educated person must someday learn, how to measure his own understanding, how to know what he The Education is Important; Schooling is Not Education is important and will only become more important. It is a rare child who cancome through his schoolingwith much left of Because children need more play time to partake in aggressive video games, hang around in parks trying to find trouble or to riot maybe? It will also make teachers finally earn their salary. . to that problem, whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or that. granite it is proven that high school students only need six to eight hours of sleep each night but there is always that few that never get the six to eight hours of sleep., Did you ever take the time to think about if schools started later and how it would affect the students? A longer school day can help alleviate some of the childcare burdens parents currently face. resourceful, persistent and independent than he will ever be again in his schooling - or, unless he For example, although children are incredibly creative, the Arts are nearly nonexistent in most schools around the world, since a career path in the Arts is commonly considered not to be profitable or important. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Kitchen Science. typewriting (yes, it is still taught), Teachers who cant practice what they teach as well as some students are allowed to teach those students (physical education and IT teachers for example). Students had to arrive on time, write an essay on discipline, do academic exercises, and participate in behavior-improvement activities. Schooling (public education and indoctrination) is just bad. I also believe extending the remaining school days might affect students' attention spans, enthusiasm and comprehension. School has successfully fooled a lot of people that its synonymous with education. people's orders, a blank sheet for other people to write on. We should let him do it himself. And a C.D.C. Its only in school that you can never become a professional after your first 7 years of study, no matter your age. Unnecessary expenses are incurred just because you have to go to the best school (rents, movement, etc.). for yourself. For students that have divorced parents, the weekends are the days that most of their parents would like to see them. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Time limit is exhausted. Some students believe that we should start schools later because kids would get more sleep, would have better grades, and kids would miss fewer days of school. bored, to work with a small part of his mind, to escape from the reality around him into daydreams and You dont live the life you want to live. Elementary schools will start 10 minutes later - a move made not for the benefit of small . So much information is lost in the teaching process of learning and regurgitating: A teacher reads a book then repeats what theyve read to the student.
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