He knows this will make George feel better, and everything will be alright again. Curley's wife's death triggers Lennie's death, which ends George's hopes of buying the dream farm. | Instead of the rabbits playing in the brush, the heron is swallowing the little snake whole. April 30, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 Latest answer posted December 07, 2020 at 5:10:16 PM. he wasnt shocked but he new wat was going to happen. Slim wasnt surprised that Curleys wife died because she had it coming but I thinkk he was surprised about Lennies death because George is always so protective. They freaked Lennie is smiling with delight as he dreams about the future farm, ignorant that he has attracted Curleys humiliated anger. kill Lennie, it would more humane than if they let something else Did you know you can highlight text to take a note? Curley's wife's name is never revealed as a way of showing her lack of independence and identity while also displaying the role of women on a ranch in the 1930s. Candy finds Curley's wife and runs out to find George, who, upon seeing the body, knows what happened. He shakes her violently, telling her to keep quiet so that George doesn't hear her. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. Chapter 5. bookmarked pages associated with this title. What happened that made George stop playing tricks on Lennie in Of Mice and Men? Like many of Lennies destructive incidents, his puppy dies because Lennie cant control his own strength. from your Reading List will also remove any Lennie is the one that really keeps the dream alive with his enthusiasm, leading George to believe in it. It tells us that he is a caring person & knows how the Curley felt when he lost his wife & how George felt when he shot Lennie. The other is a gigantic rabbit who berates Lennie and tells him George will beat him and leave him. Instead of companionship for George, there is a future of loneliness. . He blames Lennie as soon as he sees his wife, I know who done it he reacts with anger, Im going for my shotgun. It is Sunday afternoon and Lennie is alone in the barn, sitting in the hay and stroking the dead body of his puppy. Shortly after having thrown the puppy, Lennie picks it up again, stroking it and deciding that maybe George won't care. The final similarity in the two situations is the fearful future of loneliness facing both Candy and George. | The new coupe traveled 702702702 kilometers down the autobahn in 666 hours. . A struggle ensues Lennie panicking and Curley's wife's eyes "wild with terror" until her body flops "like a fish" and then she is still. Latest answer posted June 05, 2020 at 1:01:08 PM. Steinbeck uses imagery to portray how Candy reacts when he finds her, his face was hard and tight as wood, and his eyes were hard this gives us the idea that he is angry and is trying to bottle up his anger. He really does, so when he heard about Curleys wife and Lennie he was upset. However Candys Calm reaction is a contrast to Curleys reaction, Curley doesnt even morn his wife, this is shown in the line 'Curley came suddenly to life' and his mind was more set on how he was going to kill Lennie than feeling upset he had lost his wife. Slim cares. He also understands that it was hard for George to shoot Lennie, too. What does the title Of Mice and Men mean? after lennie died he and george went to get a drink. on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% You go on get outta my room. The more she struggles, the tighter his grip becomes, and he shakes her until her body goes limp. Slim went over to Curleys wife to see if she was alright, he cared for her, even more than Curley did at the moment. SparkNotes PLUS Lennie first reacts to his actions by thinking he knocked her out and was confused, but then realized he killed her. . This showes that he cares alot about others. Your subscription will continue automatically once the free trial period is over. I coulda made somethin of myself . I didnt bounce you hard. Later, Lennie attempts to explain how the puppy died to Curleys wife, saying, He was so little . SLim cares about curleys wifes death because he doesnt want Lennie to die because he was going to live with them on the land they were going to buy. The two are different according to the way of how they are trying to live the life they have now. He cared for her so much but he new she was going o die because no one liked her. It is not until later in the story when George confides in Slim that readers learn some clues about Lennies differences. George says, He aint no cuckoo . Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. Dont have an account? Do Eric benet and Lisa bonet have a child together? Instead of safety for Lennie, there is death. Following his comment, Curley's wife chatters on, explaining more about her lost chance to become an actress and how she met Curley. | Certified Educator. Free trial is available to new customers only. This is how George knew where Lennie had went to. He is also the one to comfort George. Curley's wife died, they both had the same reaction. Ill kill the big son-of-a-bitch myself. After Curley finds out that his wife has died, he becomes determined to kill Lennie gruesomely for revenge. Slim was worried about Curleys wifes death, he went over before anyone to see if she was okay. This tells u that Slim is a caring man and liked Curlys Wife more than just a little bit. The dog is killed by Carlson's gun - so when we learn the gun is missing at the end of Chapter Five it's clear what is going to happen next. The new coupe averaged how many kilometers per hour? When Curley found out that Lennie was dead he was really happy and forgot all about his wife's death. When he stood up the men crowded near and the spell was broken. Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. Death is a big part of the novel and it often has something to do with Lennie. You'll also receive an email with the link. She admits that she likes the same thing, and offers to let him stroke her hair. The language used by Steinbeck also supports this as it says, he said viciously, his voice shook and his eyes blinded with tears he turned and went weakly out of the barn this shows us that Candy holds his anger and true feeling in so he protects George which portrays what a good friend he is. His authority was so great that his word was taken on any subject, be it politics or love. Slim holds an unchanging, respected role at the ranch. Central Idea Essay: Who Is to Blame for the Death of Curley's Wife? Support | Privacy Policy | Copyright | Sitemap. Free trial is available to new customers only. When Lennie realizes that she is dead, he panics and paws the hay to partially cover her. Sometimes it can end up there. But then he checked for a palse but he didnt feel one and said jesus christ. Curley's wife, like the other players in the drama, is simply a character type and the only woman in the plot. To Lennies death? You aint so little as mice. Why, the poor bastard'd starveMaybe they'll lock 'im up and be nice to 'im" (94). When they died it seemed that Slim actually cared about them. Whenever George is with the other ranch workers, I think he feels embarrassed and ashamed of Lennies actions as it says, his hat was so far down on his forehead that his eyes were covered this shows us he scared and wont make eye contact with the others. Candy clings to that idealized hope, asking George if they can still buy the farm, but Georges response is among the most insightful and realistic responses in the novella. When Lennie shows her the dead puppy, she tells him it was just a mutt and no one will care, but Lennie explains that George won't let him tend the rabbits because he did a bad thing again. In the town of Weed, Lenniea lover of soft thingstouched a girls dress, became frightened when she started to squawk, and was accused of rape after the girl reported Lennie to the authorities. The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. When Lennie realizes that George is not going to beat him or leave him, he playfully finishes the story, and he adds why they are different from the others: "An' I got you. Once tragedy strikes with the death of Curley's wife, George loses hope and admits these doubts. Of Mice and Menargues that on the bottom rung of the American economy, the destitute are left with only stark and terrible choices. $24.99 CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% She also expresses her dreams of wanting to become famous. Lennie has broken her neck. You'll be billed after your free trial ends. Continue to start your free trial. . Lennie kills Curleys wife because of his inability to control his own strength and emotions. Answered by jack T #413890 8 years ago 1/4/2015 4:44 PM. What does this show us about his character? Why is he so angry at what has happened? from your Reading List will also remove any Ill shoot im in the guts. (one code per order). Slim's reaction to Curely's wifes death was shocked becauce he though she was just sleeping. Steinbeck chose the titleOf Mice and Menafter reading a poem called To a Mouse by Robert Burns, in which the poet regrets accidentally destroying a mouses nest. She shows herself to be a flirt, a conscious temptress, and a manipulator. Share Cite. How many minutes does it take to drive 23 miles? To bring out the essence of each character. Dont have an account? George and Lennie travel together because they have known each other since they were children and a natural friendship developed over time. bookmarked pages associated with this title. Slim ran over to see if curlys wife was still alive and he was very worried and when le nnie died he was concernd too. He talks to himself, asking the animal why it died: "You ain't so little as mice. How Did Critics React to Of Mice and Men? on 50-99 accounts. She discovers the puppy and consoles him about its death, declaring that the whole country is fulla mutts. She then complains about her loneliness and the cold treatment she gets from the ranch-hands. Before this episode, the reader might dismiss her as easily as George does. Carlson and the others cannot fathom why George is upset. 1+2+4+8+=?\cdots \stackrel{?}{=}=? an I done it. George is more concerned about Lennie than Curley's wife. . with a dum-dum and a dead dog. It is disturbing, then, that Steinbeck seems to subtly imply that the only way for a woman to overcome that nature and restore her lost innocence is through death. Discount, Discount Code He quietly concurs that Lennie had Carlson's gun. Slim . I s'pose you're glad. All Rights Reserved. Comment by jjspencer April 29, 2007 @ 6:15 pm This tells us that he listens and he cares. He also comforted George when Lennie died. Hes dumb as hell, but he aint crazy . Slim understood why George killed Lennie. He tries to bury Curleys wife in the hay, worrying chiefly that George will be angry with him. For a moment, the scene transfixes the men. Now George has no dream, and he will end up working like the other ranch hands and spending his money in a poolroom or "some lousy cat house.". 20% His thoughts, though, focus on the pattern he and George have established when Lennie does bad things: George scolds him, threatens to leave him, and then ends up telling him once again about their dream of a ranch.
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