E. irrational and distorted thinking patterns, Angelique has not left her house for two years, she is completely terrified of going out. B) A, a loss of memory due to head trauma A. All-or-nothing thinking ___ is defined as the process in psychotherapy in which a client reacts to a person in a present relationship as though that person were someone from the client's past. A. There are times when he feels euphoric for no reason. Obsessive e. antidepressant, compared to traditional psychoanalysis, modern psychoanalysis includes all of the following EXCEPT: In terms of the symptoms of schizophrenia, Tiana is: Gary reacts in an extreme manner to the slightest provocation. A. The same behavior may be judged abnormal at some points in time, but not at others which of the following best explains the prevailing view that existed for years, dubbed as the dopamine hypothesis? Laine is so afraid of airplanes and flying that he even experiences extreme anxiety when he watches a plane in a movie take off or land. C. Albert Bandura In . C. Rick, who has an irrational fear of riding on escalators _____13. When her mother points out a toy to make Penny look in that direction, Penny looks in a different direction. Examinations indicate no apparent medical condition.based on this description, Chris may be suffering from: Which of the following was a problem with the dopamine hypothesis? Somewhat resistant to change c. persistent offensive thoughts that demand a certain behavior. C. Obsessions; compulsions E. the result of interruptions of ones sense of self-actualization, According to Freud, psychological symptoms: Identify the characteristics of useful information. _____4. This sounds lie a textbook case of: Dysfunction, danger, and deviance Whenever Dan, who is well-off, helpful and good-natured, enters a shop, he is overpowered by an irresistible urge to steal something, be it just a cent's worth eraser. D. Brain abnormalities E. Being raised in an abusive family environment, All but which of the following have been implicated in the development of borderline personality disorder? George feels very energetic and active on some days of the month and engages in gardening, washing laundry, and other menial jobs till early morning hours. Let us have a look at your work and suggest how to improve it! C. Agoraphobia; claustrophobia 1.The fight-or-flight response is poorly regulated in people who develop panic disorder. B. Which of the following treatments does Christopher undergo? Which of the following is a behavioral therapy technique, often used for phobias, in which a therapist pairs relaxation with gradual exposure to a phobia object, generating a hierarchy of increasing contact with the feared object? A. Which of the following statements is true, given that Scarlett is aware of the fact that she has obsessive-compulsive disorder? C. Represent an outward expression of inner turmoil What will be the goal of Garths therapy? A- Anhedonia (apathy, loss of interest in things once enjoyed) e. functional neurological symptom, Approximately what percentage of American adults has a diagnosable psychological disorder at some point in their life? B. 1.antisocial ( break social norms; dishonest) 2. narcissistic ( constant attention) 3. histrionic ( seductive behavior, rapid and shallow mood changes) 4. borderline ( chronic anger, experience intense unstable moods and relationships, and cannot stand to be alone.) Which of the following is true about atypical antipsychotics? B. Obsessive-compulsive disorder E. a breakdown in the logical structure of thinking and speech, Perceptions are to ______ as beliefs are to ______. Sudden episodes of sheer terror with no apparent cause D. Schizophrenia is best described as a type of _____ disorder. D. It is not really an abnormal condition They focus on helping him develop a nonjudgemental attitude toward himself. As a result, he fails to hold a regular job and is seldom productive. d. the re-experiencing of traumatic experiences through nightmares and flashbacks. B. Hide Feedback Correct! e. Jake, an 18-year-old male, As described in the text, behavioral models of abnormality assume that abnormal behavior: - He demonstrates a lack of emotion and slowed speech. A. E. irregular brain wave patterns, Persistent anxiety that is not tied to any particular object or situation is called: Rocko is the class clown and is unable to sit through class without drawing attention to himself. Scott, who has a low-level state of anxiety that seems to travel with him wherever he goes D. 10% B) Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Hormones Bipolar disorder can be best described as a. experiencing hallucinations and hearing voices. C. Prefrontal cortex Dissociative identity disorder, Natasha has recently been feeling extremely sad and having thoughts of self-harm. Autism Spectrum Disorder C. An inflated ego Men and women are equally likely to be affected 2.People with panic disorder show dysregulation of norepinephrine in the locus ceruleus. Experiencing a traumatic event is always followed by some form of PTSD Failures of society 3; MAO inhibitors, tricyclics, and selcective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors Which of the following conditions does Allan most likely suffer from? He also fears that his girlfriend will break up with him. B. Acrophobia; claustrophobia E. kinesthetic, Major support for the sociocultural model of abnormal behavior is provided by evidence that: The one determining feature of abnormal behavior is unusualness D. Multiple personality disorder Medical E) Separation Anxiety Disorder. Cluster C: anxious or fearful behavior Compulsions are behaviours that the person is told to do by unwanted thoughts. This fact is an example of which way that culture influences ideas about abnormality? B) Fatigue or difficulty concentrating. A. Serotonin A. Aaron Beck B. Dissociative identity disorder From which of the following disorders does Abdhur most likely suffer? C. Biopsychosocial D. The tendency for people with bipolar disorder to swing dramatically from one end of the mood spectrum to the other b. They display severe anxiety associated with discarding items C. Thought disorders B) Accumulated Depreciation Although excessive anxiety is a symptom of GAD, it must occur repeatedly for at least 6 months. - He speaks in rhyming phrases that don't make much sense. Identify the mechanism of action of the monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, they allow more of monoamine neurotransmitters to stay active in the synapse for a long time. A. Somatoform disorder Based on this description, what is Tatiana most likely experiencing? She is referred to a neurologist who finds no physical explanation for her condition. Which of the following symptoms best describes agoraphobia? Insurance Expense He prefers to stay cooped up in the refuge of his home. E. 12%, Genetic studies demonstrate that the concordance rate for schizophrenia is: a. manic Major depressive disorder is a consistent feeling of sadness and must last at least two weeks to receive a diagnosis, where dysthymia is cyclic in nature and must last at least two years. D) manual (published by APA) listing more than 200 mental disorders grouped into 17 broad categories, Generalized anxiety disorder, Panic disorder, Agoraphobia, Phobic disorders, Simple phobia, Social phobia,Obsessive compulsive disorder, a persistent undercurrent of a "free floating" anxiety, not linked to an identifiable source, frequent, sudden intense rushes of anxiety, usually lasting for several minutes, a fear of being in public places that are hard to escape, a person reacts to an object or event with high levels of anxiety, knows that the reaction is irrational, and copes by avoidance, fear of situations that invite public scrutiny, characterized by constant obsessions (intrusions into consciousness of disturbing thoughts) and compulsions (behavior rituals performed to minimize anxiety stemming from obsessions), Amnesia, Fugue state, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), conditions marked by temporary disruption of memory, consciousness, or self-identity, form of amnesia in which a person forgets his or her identity- many wander from home to start a new life, formally known as multiple personality disorder, a condition in which an individual has two or more distinct identities, Unipolar depression, Learned helplessness, Depressive explanatory style, Bipolar depression, must display 5/9 symptoms for at least two weeks, the "common cold" of psychological disorders, 12% of men and 21% of women have it, S- Sadness in the context of bipolar disorder, ___ is still widely used for the treatment of mania, ___ is a neurotransmitter majorly involved in the development of schizophrenia. D. Loss of a loved one according to the National Institute of Mental Health, genetically, if a first- degree relative has schizophrenia, the odds of a person having the disorder rise to ___. A. Dangerousness E. epinephrine and dopamine, In a manic episode of bipolar disorder, a person might be characterized by all but which of the following? B. Olfactory C. Agoraphobia A Caucasian-American male Mood E. panic disorder, Behavior that violates established social norms or standards describes which of the following criteria for determining abnormal behavior? Since she really is not their child, Gina;s belief would be considered a(n): It represents a form of attention-seeking role playing E. post-traumatic stress disorder, The patterns of behavior in personality disorders, in many cases, c. between 25,000 and 50,000 B. Sociocultural E. young men are more likely than young women to be affected, and the pattern reverses in middle age, After getting into an automobile accident while fighting with her fianc, Chou reports that she cannot see. D. 5 to 8% B. Dissociative disorders include cases of people with "multiple personalities" Based on this description, he is probably suffering from: D. Involves distorted cognitions as well as learning influences In ___ therapies, therapists apply the principles of classical and operant conditioning to treat psychological disorders. E. bipolar disorder, The earliest major psychological model of abnormal behavior was the: Before 1952, scientists believed that dopamine ___. A. C. Psychodynamic Which of the following disorders best illustrates Eric's condition? B. C. Agoraphobia A. He is eventually diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Significant sources of stress may increase the risk of developing particular disorders flooding involves heavy exposure to a feared object, whereas systematic desensitization involves gradually making a person less sensitive to the feared object. Which of the following is not a symptom of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)? D. Schizophrenia B. a. D. Severe disorders such as schizophrenia and depression are more prevalent in impoverished and otherwise disadvantaged groups B. A. Vivid reactions in which the person feels as if he or she is experiencing the distressing event all over again. B. Multiple Choice -17 an intense anxiety of being evaluated negatively by others fear of interacting with strangers fear of being in places from which escape might be difficult an intense anxiety and fear of being out in public Previous question Next question C. Distorted thinking Only a minority of people found it effective in managing their symptoms. He consistently obtains low scores on depression questionnaires, and his physician sees a decrease in his dysfunctional patterns associated with substance abuse. A. This means when she fails, she is likely to make which type of attributions? D. Conversion disorder A. B. Hypochondriasis D. Dissociative amnesia Other times she "becomes" a 52-year-old, foul-mouthed alcoholic. A. Dissociative identity disorder People who had inherited two short forms of the serotonin gene were more likely to exhibit depressive symptoms following stressful life events than were those who had inherited the long form. E. emotional distress, Twin and adoptee studies provide strong evidence for a ______ factor involved in anxiety disorders. B. Amygdaloid Jim consumes cocaine regularly and is dependent on it. -Some ventricles (fluid-filled spaces in brain) are larger in schizophrenics than in normals, producing abnormalities in cerebral cortex, theory that certain mental disorders (such as schizophrenia) develop when people with a genetic or acquired vulnerability are exposed to high levels of stress, try to help clients view psychological problems as learned behaviors that can be changed, If past learning experiences can produce problems, method for reducing intense anxiety in which the client visualizes a graduated series of anxiety provoking stimuli while maintaining a state of relaxation, immediately exposing a fearful client to the most distressing item on the desensitization hierarchy, the client watches others perform the desired behavior, setting up rules that specify the behaviors to be strengthened through reinforcement, systems of reinforcing desirable behaviors with tokens that are later exchanged for desired rewards, learning to associate physical or psychological discomfort with behavior, thoughts, or situations the client wishes to stop, helping clients change the way they think as well as how they behave, 6 major categories of drugs used to treat mood and anxiety disorders, monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs), benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and lithium, (SSRIs)- drugs prescribed primarily for depression and some anxiety disorders that work by making more serotonin available in the synapse, a class of anxiety reducing drugs that can be addictive, but are less dangerous than barbiturates which carry a risk of overdose, a salt that is prescribed for its ability to stabilize the mania associated with bipolar disorder, Phenothiazines, Tardive dyskinesia, Traditional antipsychotics, Atypical antipsychotics, drugs used to treat schizophrenia; help diminish hallucinations, confusion, agitation, and paranoia but also have adverse side effects, repetitive, involuntary movements of jaw, tongue, face, and mouth and body tremors resulting from the extended use of traditional anti-depressant drugs, historically, the first medications used to manage psychotic symptoms, newer antipsychotic drugs, which do not create tardive dyskinesia, Electroconvulsive therapy, Deep brain stimulation, ECT)- treatment of last resort for severe depression that involves passing an electrical current through a person's brain in order to induce a seizure, Helen Mayberg studies area 25 in brain, connected with thinking areas of prefrontal cortex and limbic structures involved in emotion- overactive area 25 could lead to negative thinking and depression C. Obsessive-compulsive disorder Occasionally, she seems to "become" a 14-year-old male juvenile delinquent. D. Generalized anxiety disorder Multiple personality disorder In which mood disturbances are the primary symptom C. Social anxiety disorder Is genetically based B. Generalized anxiety disorder Avoid anxiety-invoking situations C. The same behavior can be normal in one culture but abnormal in another Some days, it takes Fritz over an hour to actually leave the house. Which of the following is the process of getting oxygen from the environment to the tissues of the body? which of the following major psychological disorders is characterized by distorted thoughts and perceptions, odd communication, inappropriate emotion, and other unusual behaviors?
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