Fresh jujube fruit can be kept fresh for 24 months under controlled atmosphere storage or controlled freezing-point storage. J. Hebei Agric. Plastic house and Chinese solar greenhouse cultivation (a plastic house with thick back wall as a thermal mass) have been successful in North China and have formed large-scale production regions of over 10,000ha in Dali County in Shaanxi Province and Linyi County in Shanxi Province in China. In addition, 11 jujube cultivars were recorded in Erya, a book written 2600 years ago. ), and f. apyrena Cheng et Liu (Z. jujuba Mill. J Sci Food Agric 30:129135, Article In vitro plantlets were obtained from the stem segments of root suckers in 198398. The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. In this agroforestry system, the jujube trees are grown simultaneously with cotton for 180-200 days. In l max = 22 cm, the integral constant a = 1.9 and instantaneous growth rate r = 0.14. Int.39, 917923 (2006). When I planted my Jujube as a bare root tree, I chopped it down to knee height about 2 feet tall and it finished the summer around 9 feet. Beijing Forestry University, Beijing (2016). I've heard horror stories of the roots actually damaging water pipes to get to a water source. quinequeflora Hort. Spectrosc. Liu, P., Peng, J., Peng, S., Zhou, J. Solar greenhouses along hillsides facing the sun in the Taihang Mountains of Hebei Province have the advantages of lower investment costs, better sunlight, and much better heat retaining properties than a traditional greenhouse by using the mountain as the back wall of the greenhouses107. Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill. 41, 8285 (2005). Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Generally, it is best to repot it from March to may in spring. J. have been excavated and utilized, which has greatly promoted the rapid development of the jujube industry. Ser. Zhao, A. et al. Han, Z., Yuan, D., Chen, W. & Chen, Y. PLoS ONE10, e0134519 (2015). Wang, L. et al. It has unique branch and bud characteristics, i.e., usually only the primary shoots can extend, the dormant buds have a very long life, the secondary shoots die back naturally each, the mother-bearing shoots can only extend by ~1mm per year, and the bearing shoots fall off in the fall. Luo, Z. et al. Study on cultivated model of high efficiency and cultivated techniques for Ziziphus jujuba Dongzao in Dali. Agrofor Syst 50:116, Friday JB, Fownes JH (2002) Competition for light between hedgerows and maize in an alley cropping system in Hawaii, USA. Based on a systematic study of the historical taxonomic literature, Liu et al. Typical symptoms include witches' broom, small leaves, phyllody and dense root suckers. Propagating jujubes. Anal.39, 230234 (2019). Wang, L. et al. Compd.43, 374376 (2007). PLoS Genet.12, e1006433 (2016). & Liu, M. Discussion about the scientific name of Chinese jujube and wild jujube. (3) Internet Information System for Jujube Germplasms (, which provided information observed from local areas about 700 germplasm accessions recorded in China Fruit Tree RecordsJujube. Stnic, F. Present status of jujube and advanced fruit growing techniques in Europe. The same depth should be used to plant bare-root trees as in the nursery row (or no more than 1-inch below). Xue, C. et al. in Hetian, south Xinjiang province, northwest China. (2) High-efficiency breeding technology systems for optimizing and upgrading the cultivar and rootstock structure: integrating the precise identification and utilization of excellent germplasm and the comprehensive application of innovative breeding approaches with rapid evaluation and screening methods; establishing high-efficiency propagation systems for transplant shock-free large nursery plants by integrating the use of containerized seedling production, industrial tissue culture rapid propagation, and micrografting153; registering, protecting and promoting newly released varieties worldwide; and including the top varieties in Club propagation, production, and commercialization systems, following experience in apple, kiwi fruit, etc. Acta Hortic. The third is The Illustrated Germplasm Resources of Jujube55, in which pictures and research data for 250 cultivars (57 table jujubes, 80 for dehydration, 82 for both dehydration and fresh eating, 17 for processing, and 14 ornamental varieties) were obtained from the National Chinese Jujube Repository (Taigu, Shanxi). & Liu, M. Embryo abortion and young embryo culture of Chinese jujube. Stnic, F. Characterization of two Romanian local biotypes of Ziziphus jujuba. Dried jujube (the main form) can be stored for more than 1 year at room temperature with proper insect control and for 23 years at 4C. Tree Genet. Its utilization and cultivation history can be traced back to the Neolithic age, 7000 years ago1,2,3,4,5. Creation of large hybrid populations using male-sterile germplasm as the female parent in jujube. Kor. Based on the challenges facing the jujube industry, we discuss eight research aspects to be focused on in the future. Discovery and identification of natural triploid ploidy of Chinese jujube cultivar Pingguozao. Self-alignment of the jujube genome sequences based on the 23,996 gene models identified 943 paralogous gene groups, indicating that the jujube genome may have undergone frequent intrachromosomal fusions and segment duplication during its evolutionary history. From 500 CE to 1949, the cultivation of jujube mostly followed traditional methods. Shandong Agricultural University, Taian (2008). Zhang, Z., Huang, J. Genes8, 340 (2017). Pap. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. The fruits of the tetraploids were 3050% larger in size, 47 days earlier to mature and better tasting than diploid fruits. Three representative books on jujube germplasm have been published. Ser. In addition, 2000 years ago, jujube was introduced into Japan and Korea, to Central Asia and Europe via the ancient Silk Road, and gradually into at least 47 countries (Table 3) on all continents except Antarctica (45N35S)1,2,3,5. Shanxi. Zhang, C., Liu, M., Kong, D., Wu, G. & Li, D. Diversification of resistance to fruit shrink disease in Chinese jujube germplasm. C.J. Effects of different treatments on storage quality of Dongzao jujube fruits during shelf-life period. (6) Quality and nutrition preservation with postharvest and processing technology: adapting to internet and international marketing and upgrading the jujube market structure; making jujube an essential raw material in several superfoods that are increasingly requested by the market in addition to being directly used as fresh or dried fruit13; extending different production and processing certification systems (e.g., Global GAP, Organic, etc.) Wang et al. Jujube research in the future should more precisely respond to the needs of industry, markets, and government and could even actively create and lead these demands. J. Hort. J. Jour. HortScience48, 672680 (2013). & Liu, M. Callus induction and plant regeneration from anther walls in Ziziphus jujuba Mill. Liu, M. & Wang, J. Learn more about Institutional subscriptions, Ashton PS (2000) Ecological theory of diversity and its applications to mixed species plantation systems. Jujube fruit also has very positive meanings in Chinese culture, such as a sweet life, a flourishing business, fertility, harmony, and happiness. Growing jujube trees is not difficult as long as you have sandy, well-drained soil. Based on a systematic analysis of the unique characteristics of jujube, we suggest that it deserves to be recognized as a superfruit. Wang, L. et al. Sci. All authors added information and revised the paper. Genomes12, 110 (2016). Until now, a total of 25 triploid, tetraploid, and octoploid strains have been created, among which three excellent tetraploid strains have been released as new cultivars by the Hebei Forestry Cultivar Examination and Approval Committee75,76,77. Morphological, cytological and nutritional changes of autotetraploid compared to its diploid counterpart in Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.). and its wild ancestor sour jujube (Z. acidojujuba Cheng et Liu). Chen, D. The problems and solutions of Hami jujube mechanized drying. Huang, J. et al. Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding (2017). Jinsixiaozao hort. Dongzao. Agric Res Arid Areas 30:230236, Livesley SJ, Gregory PJ, Buresh RJ (2000) Competition in tree-row agroforestry systems. Sci. 2009BADA4B03), by the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture (Project No. Agrofor Syst 11:243258, Rao MR, Sharma MM, Ong CK (1991) A tree-crop interface design and its use for evaluating the potential of hedge row intercropping. Sin.20, 305306 (1993). Univ. Lucrri tiinifice Ser. (5) Macroscopic research on jujube is still quite weak, and the existing studies in nontraditional fields such as ecological and cultural studies and the integration of primary, secondary, and tertiary industries are insufficient. indicated that jujube was sensitive to CO2 and that fruit browning occurred quickly under the conditions of 10% CO2120. Liu, M. et al. The l-galactose pathway is the major route for jujube AsA biosynthesis, and the genes encoding the key enzymes involved in the biosynthesis pathway show high-level expression during fruit development12. Dongzao. Combining these genetic linkage groups with the assembled genome sequences, pseudomolecules for each of the 12 chromosomes of jujube were constructed. Slider with three articles shown per slide. Stnic, F. Twenty years of jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) Consumers like fruits that are delicious and nutritious and that appeal to appearance and status. Twenty-four million years ago, jujube trees appeared in Northern China10. performed reference collection and analysis. Stnic, F., Dicianu, D. E. & Butcaru, A. C. Jujube fruits behaviour at controlled atmosphere storage. Liu, M. et al. Acta Hortic. The development of the jujube industry and jujube research promoted each other during this period, and support from science and technology to the jujube industry has continuously increased. Hebei12, 19 (1989). Hortic.249, 263270 (2019). Sin.33, 687 (2006). Front. Acad. To estimate these risks . Several high-density genetic linkage maps have been constructed based on segregation populations of JMS2Xing16, DongzaoLinyilizao, DongzaoJinsi 4, and DongzaoYinshanhong17,90,91,92. To view a copy of this license, visit Root distribution and interactions in jujube tree/wheat agroforestry system. Cui, Y. et al. Yangling: Northwest A&F University (2014). Eng.15, 237240 (1999). Liu, M. et al. & Liu, M. Genetic diversity and structure of 255 cultivars of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. It seems that you can pretty much . The traditional production technology development period (end of Han DynastyNorthern Wei Dynasty, or 1 CE500 CE). In the book Qi Min Yao Shu, published 1500 YA, it is clearly recorded that ancient Chinese people used to select the trees with the best tasting fruits of wild sour jujube (Z acidojujuba Cheng et LiuZ. Drain the fruit, and add rum and/or vanilla to taste. ), or Chinese date, is the most important species of Rhamnaceae, a large cosmopolitan family, and is one of the oldest cultivated fruit trees in the world. These dominant cultivars have replaced the traditional cultivars, which has greatly improved the cultivar structure in China. After entering the 21st century, in the desert of southern Xinjiang Province, China, a novel cultivation model for high early yields and high fruit quality was established. Sin.40, 426432 (2013). Storage Process3, 1012 (2002). This paper will systematically summarize its special characteristics and comparative advantages, historical and recent research advances, and future research prospects to guide researchers and professionals working on jujubes. The problem of hybrids not being obtained due to heavy early embryo abortion was solved by embryo rescue based on the understanding of the mechanism of embryo abortion and the factors affecting very young embryo culture. J. Beijing. Back to albums list. The classification system for the Ziziphus genus was proposed based on field investigations, textual research on specimens and historical documents65. Multiomics-based analysis for the molecular formation mechanisms of some important traits. Agrofor Syst 48:6177, Jose S, Gillespie AR, Pallardy SG (2004) Interspecific interactions in temperate agroforestry. Fourth, jujube can satisfactorily meet the concerns and needs of the government and the public. In addition, Hebei Agricultural University collected and preserved ~200 accessions of sour jujube germplasm and some other species of the Ziziphus genus, such as Z. mauritiana Lam., Z. spina-christi Willd, and Z. nummularia Burm. Wang, J., Liu, M. & Dai, L. Advances in tissue culture of Chinese jujube. Q: Are Jujube trees invasive? The biological characteristics of jujube are basically understood1. & Jiang, Y. Chinese Dates: A Traditional Functional Food (CRC press, 2016). Univ.21, 8691 (1999). However, until the end of the 20th century, the breeding techniques for Chinese jujube had been mainly focused on selection from seedlings, bud mutants, and local germplasm, even though some new techniques had been incorporated into selection breeding, such as marker-assisted identification and standardized techniques. Dongzao. These techniques effectively solve the problem of a short supply period for open field cultivation and can increases revenues by 35 times. Xue, M., Wang, Li., Zhang, J. J. Hortic. An evolutionary divergence analysis of jujube, pear and Prunus mume found that the 4DTv (fourfold synonymous third-codon transversion) rate of jujube peaked at only 0.50, suggesting that no recent whole-genome duplication had occurred in jujube12. Fore.32, 117121 (2004). Sun, H. & Tian, Y. Sin.36, 807813 (2009). Ji, Q. The contents of sugar, vitamin C, and cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) are around 2, 100, and 1000 times those of apple, respectively. J. Zhang, X. Metabolomic Approaches Reveal the Physiological Mechanism of China Cointree as Jujubes Stock in Resistance to Jujube Witches Broom. At the same time, traditional sparse planting systems with large crowns (row spacing and plant height above 5m) and intercropping jujubes with cereal crops (row spacing 12m) were replaced by dense dwarf planting (2m3m) and monoculture orchards. proved that the best storage conditions for fresh jujube were at a temperature of 1 to 2C, relative humidity of 95%, 2% O2 and 0% CO2124. Cross-breeding, the most powerful breeding method for fruit trees, has not been successfully utilized in jujube. The method used to study the jujube tree root distribution was based on the trench profile method described by Smit et al. J. Agric. Marketers prefer fruits that can be easily transported from production areas and have long shelf lives and large markets. Agrofor Syst 80:3340, Schroth G (1999) A review of belowground interactions in agroforestry, focussing on mechanisms and management options. J. J.W. Content variation of water soluble polysaccharides during fruit development in Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.). Chireceanu, C., Iamandei, M., Stnic, F. & Chiriloaie, A. Only approximately ten of them cause severe yield and quality losses, such as peach fruit moth, jujube inchworm, Ancylis sativa Liu, Tetranychus viennensis Zacher, jujube rust, jujube witches broom, and fruit cracking. Stnic, F. Rezultate preliminare privind micronmulirea in vitro a curmalului chinezesc (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) 387 (CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016). Meanwhile, the expansion of the MDHAR gene family contributes to AsA regeneration. Objectives such as tolerance to transportation and long storage life, varied ripening times, and multiple-use cultivars are marketers preferences. during cool-storage. Wang, J. et al. (1) Fundamental research is still weak, and the role of research in supporting major technological innovations is not strong enough. This technique has become a common practice in fresh jujube production. Agrofor Syst 84:401415, Chamshama SAO, Mugasha AG, Klovstad A, Haveraaen O, Maliondo SMS (1998) Growth and yield of maize alley cropped with Leucaena leucocephala and Faidherbia albida in Morogoro, Tanzan. During this period, jujube began to be introduced to neighboring countries in Asia, such as Japan and South Korea, and began to spread to Central Asia and Europe through the ancient Silk Road. Acta Hortic.769, 265269 (2006). Excavation and SSR identification of polyploidy germplasm resources in jujube trees. var. PubMed With the breakthroughs in cross-breeding technology, the acquisition of a progeny population and the establishment of genetic maps, genetic research into important traits was also carried out. Du, X., Li, D., Wang, Y., Sui, C. & Fan, B. Research is lagging and does not match the demand from industry in some countries. 2). Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Acta Hortic. The older the jujube the more developed were the jujube roots so that the smaller the SRL of jujube the bigger the RLD and RD of jujube. Wang, H. et al. . The modern jujube industry development period (1949present). A postharvest physiological study revealed the main factors influencing fruit preservation in jujube115. A technique for the sorted extraction and comprehensive wasteless utilization of the main functional components of jujube has been developed on the basis of systematic nutrient composition analysis54,138,139. Agric Water Manag 87:6172, Rao MR, Sharma MM, Ong CK (1990) A study of the potential of hedge row intercropping in semi-arid India using a two-way systematic design. Sin.31, 647650 (2004). The tissue culture of jujube began in 1978. In addition, other books such as Descriptors and Data Standards for Jujube Germplasm56, Test Guidelines for Distinctness, Uniformity and Stabilityjujube57, Technical Regulators for the Identification of Jujube Cultivars-SSR Marker Method provide references and technical standards for character selection, data collection, testing, and identification in jujube germplasm studies. After 1995, research on jujube tissue culture increased rapidly, and tissue culture with stem tips, stem segments, leaves, anthers, embryos, and cotyledons as explants were all successful83,86,87,99,100. Agrofor Syst 61:221236, Gillespie AR, Jose S, Mengel DB, Hoover WL, Pope PE, Seifert JR, Biehle DJ, Stall T, Benjamin TJ (2000) Defining competition vectors in a temperate alley cropping system in the midwestern USA. CAS Univ.26, 221224 (1999). volume7, Articlenumber:119 (2020) Nat. Process.2, 5255 (2010). ), (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Romania.
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