Tell me about a time where you worked with someone that had a different work style than you, and how did you keep a good relationship? (We know people are considering a lot of places.). If you are admitted to WashU, and you choose to enroll, you will forfeit the deposit you made to your alternate choice school. You should always treat it like the latter. Why did you pick your undergraduate institution? After everyone else had gone, Dean Andy told us he thought one of the scenarios (PS with mistakes) was a 10 and total rejection of applicant. What is a book that changed your perspective on something? Why is that? Something to the effect of, How has your time in the legal field shaped your perspective on law? Tell me about a time you had a conflict with someone and how you went about solving it. What is the one thing you want admissions to know about you? This question was so important in my opinion because it had you cover a wide arrange of topics, specifically: Why this school? Expect that youll get a curve ball or two. Washington University School of Law - TLS wiki - Top Law Schools What is one of your greatest accomplishments at [undergraduate university]? What was your initial reasoning to join the military? Describe your work history and how you went from [career in science] to [career in marketing] and now to law. Whats a job you would like to have long-term / how do you think about your career post-JD? So, we started with the first scenario, talked amongst our group for a while (only 3 or 4 minutes), and then we would bring it all together. He was already accepted into Georgetown. Your co-worker, whose work is integral to the team, is having a bad day, how will you help them to feel better. Admissions person spoke a lot. What Questions Should You Ask a Law School Admissions Officer? He basically turned us into an admissions committee, and ran 3 different cases by us (all real situations he had to weigh in on in his time at admissions). How did you go about doing it? What is a time you have had to have resilience? If you could eradicate one social issue, what would it be? What Minnesota Law club/org would you join or start? You can choose from Skype, Google Hangouts, or in-person. For more information, please see our What is a criticism you have been given and how did you respond to that criticism? Please introduce yourself and describe your academic background. He asked us to rank how bad this was on a scale of 1-10. Aside from being a guardian ad litem, what else am I currently doing? He said it was to get to know us just a tiny bit better than he did an hour ago, and that he manages to achieve that goal, and with so many applicants, thats really the best he can do. ), (The interview lasted 16 minutes total, and had time to ask 2 questions. What have you learned from it? (Interview was scheduled to be 15 minutes, and although most people seem to say they are very strict on not running over, mine was 19 minutes, mostly because she spent a good amount of time answering my two questions. Where do you see your career going after law school? and our [This is a clever way of saying What are your strengths and weaknesses?]. I see that you listed (city) as somewhere you would want to practice after law school. Thats an interesting question! After everyone contributed their thoughts, he would explain what decision he had made and why, and a couple of times he asked a hypothetical follow-up question (eg. program in the U.S. Whats a time you applied for a job and didnt get it? What is something you learned about yourself from being in the military? Which top 50 law schools interview, and what are their interview Some other interesting things to mention: - He clearly did not care if people came to the same conclusions as him. she also noted I had attended a webinar and had spoken to an admissions officer and students). Begin your free lessons, save your progress, start improving today no strings attached. Sometimes its a great sign, and a prelude to an offer, but its just as often a chance for the interviewer to ask you genuine questions before they make a decision. She said that she made a careless mistake because she mis-cited a paper in French, and she was sick at the time. Remaining questions focused on my experience as an immigrant and first-generation student a lot. Talk about a time when you were in conflict with another person, but then had a major revelation in seeing where they were coming from. So, they just asked general questions (see below) and gave career advice. What do you want admissions to know about you? If you could go back to any time in your life and tell yourself something, what would it be? endobj in Taxation.) What I'm looking for in a law school, and, What about my resume (elaborating on my two jobs after graduating from college, How did you get to michigan; why michigan, What something you changed your mind about -therapy, Tell me about the law firm and how you got the job. How do you navigate through a difficult conversation? What is most important to you? What qualities do I want in a law school? It is critically important for you to deposit at another school so that you can secure your place in a first-year class should we not be able to offer a spot in ours. (Follow-up) But why law instead of doing an MPP or MBA? Affordability - Financial Aid | Washington University in St. Louis I guess if I had to give a preliminary answer, Id say (But dont memorize that!) What kind of law do you want to practice? I just finished my Skype interview with Dean Hoye. First Scenario: A student was suspended for a year for plagiarism. Whens a time you applied for a job and didnt get it? Hope this is useful and can help other applicants to Gtown not stress out about the process!! Student A was also prompted to ask the interviewer questions about the school. All three scenarios involved students with great stats. What is motivating your decision to pursue law? He said we should expect an answer in 2-4 weeks, and provided his email for any questions. Why would you like to do the JDP program as opposed to applying the traditional route? A couple notes on this: I think he was listening to how people were collaborating in the groups, so just make sure that you state your opinion, but that youre a good listener and mesh well with others. Tell me about a time you overcame an obstacle. Describe a time where you were in an adversarial position. Yes. For video, 30 seconds to prepare and 1 minute to respond. What is an obstacle you faced and how you overcame it? What job do you want to have straight out of law school? Why did someone from XX end up in XX and seek to go to law school? Interview feedback: University of Washington School of Medicine Interview Feedback . He then walked us out, thanked us each individually as we got onto the elevator, and we all breathed a sigh of relief! What made it so stressful and what did you do to get past it? Privacy Policy. Note that these questions are out of date because Cornell asks interviewees not to share the interview questions. I was asked why I didnt choose to first go to law school in Japan and then to try to enter an LL.M. Tell me about a time you had to deliver difficult news to someone. (He had us go around and say Student A or Student B without any discussion. Best, Andy". Basic All-Purpose Interview Advice You must be prepared to talk about the following: your rsum and experience your interest in law in general your interest in their law school in particular You should probably be prepared to talk about these: an academic or professional accomplishment a mistake, failure, or weakness a time you worked on a team Are you someone who solves complicated problems using easy solutions or do you solve easy problems using complicated solutions? WashULaw's flexible curriculum blends traditional theory with opportunities to participate in a wide variety of lawyering skills courses and cocurricular activities that encourage the development of practical skills and interdisciplinary learning. WashU has generally proven a good investment for its students; the website Payscale ranks it 155 (out of 1,978 schools) on its list of best-value colleges. Tell me about a book youre currently reading or recently read. PDF Successful Interviewing Guide - Washington University School of Law Something disappointing and how you handled it? As someone whos based in [US region], whats enticing about moving out to the east coast for you? After the discussion, he offers closing remarks and brings up why he does these interviews, which I think might be helpful information to know, since I was certainly curious about this - after all, hes not really looking for a right/wrong answer, and this interview doesnt ask any traditional questions. (Except tuition). Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Tell me about a time you had to ask for help. Privacy Policy. You will be on your way to a successful interview experience by completing the following steps: Choose your interview date at . Should this be minor, major, or game over? What was your favorite class or professor? How did you end up choosing your major/minor combination? When did you seriously begin considering law school, what were your first steps? Name a time when you had to work with a difficult person, what made them difficult to work with, and what did you do about it? Sorry, 7Sage Admissions Course is not available in your region (CZ). Obstacle you've faced and you overcame it. If you are a current student or alumni of WashU, please feel free to get in contact with any of our school career services: Danforth Career Center (Arts & Sciences, Engineering, and more) WashU Law; Sam Fox And in this Covid world, I am particularly happy to get the chance to connect with so many of you all over the world. In 2022-23, Washington University School of Medicine will continue a "Virtual Interview Experience" (VIE) format. Note: During the first two scenarios, he randomly called on people, and he asked them specific questions. How many hours per week do you spend on social media? We were given a packet of 4 scenarios but we only got through the first 3. You talked about [this topic] in your personal statement - can you talk more about what you learned from that experience? Overall, it was informal, conversational, and everyone was really friendly. It wasn't about getting the answers "right." Law School Interviews - 7Sage Its okay to give yourself time to think by saying something like, Wow! endobj To prepare, you might think about what qualities would be important to you if you were admitting students (passion? It was then followed by a time I had to overcome a struggle, but my answer for the leadership question actually encompassed this question as well so the interviewer did not ask for another answer to it. For re-applicants not offered an interview, read more. The reasoning is that Why Georgetown wasnt required, so Amy didnt do anything wrong. If the applicant is someone you know, please decline the interview in the Volunteer Portal. The Dean ultimately said that this had a big impact because he did not like that the student did not own up to the seriousness of the situationshe was suspended for a year. I used the word Unique however, others used words such as honest, hard-working, etc. Tell me about an experience you had in an extracurricular, internship, or job that makes you proud, particularly one where you have to dig in. See alsoWhat Questions Should You Ask a Law School Admissions Officer? Hes not going to assume Amy is disinterested because that could be totally off the mark. Have you been to St. Louis? Telling about current job/why I left to do research, Plans 5+ years out of law school or in general after law school. When does WashU give out secondaries it is July 20 what is going on. (career goals question), Something you want to convey back to the admissions committee? What do you expect to be the biggest challenge? Just be yourself, be honest and you'll do great. What was the most memorable class you took in university? He thinks that she is not telling the full story. We took about 2-3 minutes to silently read the addendum, then presented our opinions of whether it was no issue, minor, major, or game over. We had to of course justify our opinion. A lot of people in the group interview thought this wasnt unforgivable, especially given that the previous two were pretty big ethical violations, but as it turns out it was a rejection as well. Many questions will be about experiences you have listed on your resume. I got a unique question that was along the lines of recall a time where you received new information and used it to make a different decision than you had originally intended on making. What do you think you will bring to our law school? Do you have any concerns with Law school? Tell me about your journey from choosing your undergrad degree to your decision to apply to law school. Why Law? Good luck to everyone applying! It felt much better to speak to real people than a camera, and I had fun. Why did you switch from [one field] to [another field]? Genuine questions are usually more broad: whats student housing like? Im a fan of questions like this because Im a fan of authenticity in general. In addition, Notre Dame inflicted a new form of waitlist the waitlisting of admitted applicants who didn't deposit quite fast enough when they unexpectedly closed their deposits early. The ABA is thinking about adopting a uniform bar exam. The pandemic has been draining; tell me about your strategies for self-care during it. If you had a chance to collaborate with anyone alive or dead, who would it be with? Those invited will have three (3) interviews in total. Toward the end, she explained a bit about the process. How did you end up accomplishing the work? What is one thing you want the admissions committee to know about you? This wrapped up the interview. I'm KJD and I'm betting that's why there are a bunch of UG-related questions. Tell me about a time where you analyzed a large set of data, how did you go about it and what was the outcome? She also asked if I had even been to St.Louis which I responded that yes I have and that Ive actually self-toured the school to which she was surprised/happy about. Work at a firm, government, etc? Also, having a solid answer on why you want to go to law school is definitely a must. What are you looking for in a law school experience? Wait List Information - Washington University in St. Louis Note: Interviewer said Northwestern gave them a list of questions on the online platform, but currently they were unable to access. When you and a colleague didnt see eye-to-eye - what did you do? What is something that you have learned from playing trumpet? The last application issue discussed an otherwise glowing application that unfortunately had a series of spelling and grammatical issues in the personal statement as well as a reference to a different law school. In addition, some positions may receive well over 100 applicants, and so it may take additional time to review everyone that has . We ask that you plan to be available from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. on your selected date. What do you want to do with your JD right after law school? Whats your backup plan if you dont go to law school? What have you learned at your current job? Student A The scholarship committee member was very sweet and genuine, and I really feel that shes in my corner. He asked one more question on the Oxford case - he explained the issue in a different way in his own words with a bit more integrity and honesty, and asked if we would still rescind the offer. We did them one by one. How would you advise the president on this topic? Make sure you show up early for in-person interviews. How would you describe yourself in one sentence? Should I go to WUSTL law school or USC law school? - Quora Why Michigan? What did you do to resolve those? This might be because it was with the director of admissions or maybe because my friends did their interviews a few years ago Duke uses a service called InitialView to interview prospective international students. What were your first steps? The interview lasted 25 minutes and 40 seconds. Tell us about a time when you failed. It was very informal. Phone Interview: 19.41%. Finally, the Dean asked us to describe in one word an adjective for successful applicants. He also cared about order and structure he noticed people who did not follow his instructions precisely or spoke out of turn. [Interviewer also asked a lot of questions based on Student As resume]. (I dont recall the exact wording). For each question, youll have thirty seconds of prep time followed by sixty seconds of talking time. Describe a time when you had a difficult conversation and what did you do about it. We invite you to become part of our welcoming, nurturing and . What is a time you changed your behavior to make someone else more comfortable? Historic Law School Waitlist Movement and the Current Cycle Tell me about your current role and what you do and do not like about it. What opportunity at UT Knoxville are you most excited about? What is the specific clinic you are interested in and why? Left time for two questions and spent about five minutes answering them. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Tell us about a time when you messed up an important play. However, her personal statement had typos, including the wrong school name. What kind of role do you see yourself occupying at Harvard Law? What kind of student to you expect to be? What would you be doing if it wasn't law? What is something that youd like the admissions team to know that may not be easily gleaned from your application? What are three words your manager would use to describe you. There was time for around 2 questions. What are the top 3 factors that contribute to your success? What prompted that interest? One thing you would like admissions to know about you, What is motivating you to pursue law? - He gave us his email at the end, and then followed up with a nice note (which I responded to of course): "Hello [FIRSTNAME], Just a quick note to thank you for being a part of our group interview. How would you cheer up a classmate who was visibly upset in class one day. Student C (an hour long, group of 6, with dean of admissions): Everything currently on 7sage is spot on, pretending to be admissions committee with the same scenarios, I think for question 6, one shouldnt say intelligent or smart.. If you worked at YLS admissions, what would you describe as your biggest strength? Tell me about a time you were part of a team with low morale/motivation. A law school would never interview someone that they are not interested in! If you had to defer for a year, and resume building was not an issue, what is something you would like to do during this time? I divide questions you can ask them into two categories: genuine questions and suck-up questions. How has your personal, educational, or professional background contributed to your interest in studying law? The Admissions Officer that interviewed me was super friendly and the interview overall was pretty informal. (I answered these questions within the first 10 minutes). Are you set on moving back to the northeast post graduation? How would you cheer up a classmate who was visibly upset in class one day? Once he hears from all our groups, he states his own opinion before we move onto the next scenario. Everyone else gave it a 7-9. You've been to grad school before; what do you think will be challenging about Harvard? Interviewer asked about my interest and what I would like to do in the future with my law degree. Tell us about a time you failed an important goal and what you learned as a result. roxinthebox January 8, 2020, 3:54am #16 Thank you so much for the advice! And now on campus and online Washington University in St. Louis is making its final pitch to prospective students. Does everyone get an interview invite (or else an R) from WashU? Admission officer started off by describing how much they loved my Personal Statement, [Interviewer asked for student to give a brief bio], [Question about interests and hobbies on rsum]. Note: I was allowed 1 minute and 30 seconds for each question so I had plenty of time to provide some depth. Name a time you analyzed a large data set or did extensive research on something. >> What do you do? /OCProperties <> What experience prepared you most for law school, and a characteristic that would describe you. What did you do in your graduate program? How long did you live in New York and what do you think is the difference between the city that you live in and the city of New York? He called Georgetown saying he was withdrawing from the program. All applicants admitted through the Binding Early Decision Program will be awarded a full tuition scholarship for 3 years. Have you ever been to Durham? When have you dealt with a frustrating situation and how did you overcome it? If you had to choose any contemporary or historical figure to be your mentor, who would it be? But that because she didn't, it showed a level of carelessness - and a lack of interest in Georgetown; so why would he waste a seat on her? The interview lasted about 10-12 minutes. We were asked to give a weight by percentage of stats vs. rest of the application. What's the best compliment you've ever received? What is the one accomplishment youre most proud of?What contemporary news issue are you following? What would you have done differently if you were that person? USC o. What is a time when someone said I displayed good judgement, what was it and what was my thought process to reach that decision? Talk about why you decided to go into each one. Although you will not conduct an This was true before COVID-19 and it's more true today. Your general experience at your UG school/why you chose it, A time your opinion/viewpoint did a 180 on a topic, What you're looking for in a law school experience (implied why Washu, but also a chance for my interviewer to sell the school's relevant resources), Your thoughts and approaches to leadership and teamwork. Talk to me about [the hobbies or interests you listed on your resume]. Answer (1 of 5): No one can tell you where you should go, because no one knows what your life's priorities are. What do you feel like you bring to the University of Chicago community? What is a misconception you think that civilians have of military people? What is the best example of your leadership? If you had to delete all but three apps from your phone, what would you keep and why? For written, 5 minutes to answer.) Dont try to memorize linesyoull only sound stilted. 2 0 obj I dont know if that means the application pool increased or if he wanted to meet more people. How will you react if you are not in the top 10% of your class? She started off by asking me about a few specific things on my resume such as my recent job change and what I do for work now. Its normal to be a little nervous. What are pros and cons of HLS? What It's Like to Apply to Washington University School of Medicine why law?but the written questions may be hypotheticals about current affairs. What do you think you want to do after law school? What do you look for in deciding to apply to a law school and what drew you to Columbia? I had thought that when I heard it, but didn't want to take a stance after I heard a few people play it safe. Talk about a time where you worked with someone that had a different work style than you, and how did you keep a good relationship? Common stages of the interview process at Washington University in St. Louis according to 239 Glassdoor interviews include: One on One Interview: 25.53%. Tell us about a time you motivated a disinterested team member. Talk about a time where you worked with people that had disagreements, and what did you do to resolve those. She mentioned in the beginning that although the admissions team had read my application in its entirety, she had only read my resume (so more context was needed for some questions)). Learn about our admissions consulting and editing services. Then he went on to give us application scenarios where we had to act an admissions committee. What is your back up plan if you do not go to law school? Some examples from the past: Note: A few questions required a video response (1 minute), and a few questions required a written response (5 minutes). The Dean then weighed in, and he believed that this should be rated as a 7. % B-HKZFDJ%;q9WB';2%zlZ4s8F^1732; n[q78r%| 4k%:fvP!AEF@v' Br,Nn!e(!hpL,@zQ9d[q-dq1!B{n=X) 4> Tell me about a book that influenced you or a book youre currently reading. B writes a Why Georgetown addendum and personalizes the personal statement for Georgetown. Explain to us a little more about your multiple attempts on the LSAT. (or something like that). The average student loan debt of a 2018 WashU graduate was $22,500, which is also considerably less than the national average of $29,200. What do you think of the Burka ban in France? He is currently getting his graduate degree at Oxford. The group interview actually went exactly how it was described on the 7sage 2019-2020 Interview Questions section! He also asked a follow-up question, "what if he had written from the start that he was under academic investigation for plagiarism and apologized sincerely for the incident and said he hoped the committee could forgive him?" Five Employee Benefits That Help To Attract & Retain Staff - LinkedIn After we gave our answers, the dean explained that A) this showed a lack of integrity because he was fleeing the issue rather than confronting it, and was likely guilty; and B) he should have been extremely transparent about what had happened and volunteered ALL the information he had right from the get-go without making the admissions committee chase him down only to be stonewalled (it disrespected Georgetown, he said). I'd be interested in at HLS. How did you like your undergraduate experience? An eligible position is one in which you are: The interview was pretty much how the other student from the 2020-1 cycle described it! What is one thing your friends and family would say about you? It was a group of 7 applicants, with Dean Cornblatt himself conducting the "interview." Talk about a time you had to deliver difficult news and how went about doing it. Give an example of an experience of turning hostility toward friendship. Prospective Students - Washington University in St. Louis The student was an ED applicant. Some will require a video response; some will require a written response. Then, we were asked to go around and say our name, hometown, and a fun fact about ourselves. Questions about my research, especially in artificial intelligence. I never got an email about an interview or the "impressed" email I've seen others talk about. Here are my "situational" takeaways: 1. The school wanted to have a hearing, but he withdraws from the program so that he can keep his record clean of misconduct.
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