Yeah, I was wondering about that. Sullivan denies charges of signature fraud on primary petitions - Demoralized - Thursday, Jan 27, 22 @ 11:16 am: We dont have a vaccine mandate in Illinois so theres nothing there for him to end. It had been passed by Congress as an effort to stem instances where people falsely claimed to have . I stand proudly with Pro Life voters. Try reading a little about history, maybe google Kent State massacre. He struck me as sincere, Shumway said. Veterans are responding to Richard Irvins latest attack ad on Jesse Sullivan, calling on Irvins campaign to pull the ad and apologize to families who have lost loved ones serving in military or civilian roles abroad. Im Jesse Sullivan. Spot pulled for typos because only the best people are working on this campaign. It almost reinforces what the actual veterans say in Irvins ad. Shipley is one of the most prominent figures in the field, the closest thing it has to an influencer. Elsewhere in the news . - Ron Burgundy - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 1:22 pm: In a primary, and specifically your first run for anything, you need to be telling people who you are and not refuting who someone else says you are. - Give Us Barabbas - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:27 am: Spot must have been QC checked by the guys that made the wraps for the back of the semi trailers. No public funds shall be used to urge any elector to vote for or against any candidate or proposition, or be appropriated - Thursday, Jan 27, 22 @ 4:48 pm: To seal the stolen valor/pro military bonafides, we need some icing on the cake, Sullivan riding in an M1 Abrams tank, ala Michael Dukakis, October 1988. That began to change in 2004, after an Arizona man was featured in a local newspaper as a highly decorated veteran who had, among other improbable exploits, assisted in the capture of Saddam Hussein. Justwhat? Its astonishing to me that the Republican Party as a whole really is not concerned about peoples health and that they might be killing people with their anti-vax, anit-mask stance. He has gone from being a joke to a dangerous joke. He set up Google news alerts for key phrases: prisoner of war, Navy Cross. I started coming across these guys putting themselves in local media as heroes, Caffrey told me. - Chambananon - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:42 am: State law prohibits State employees from using State resources for political purposes. I cant think of anyone using that phrase other than in context of being a police officer. I just need help in finding out if he does indeed have these medals.. More than a quarter of Pontiac's inmates are seriously mentally ill, Mississippi River flooding continues in Northwest Illinois, Pritzker says he doesn't expect major movement on Mayor-elect Johnson's tax ideas, *** UPDATED x1 *** Elections have consequences, *** UPDATED x1 *** Full Danville City Council votes Tuesday on ordinance to outlaw abortion medication, instruments. - The Dude Abides - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 12:32 pm: @47th Ward The Pro Life message will help him in the Primary but hurt him in the Federal should he secure the nomination. . And finally, I proudly served our nation in uniform doing counterinsurgency work in Helmand Afghanistan with the US Department of Defense. More than a quarter of Pontiac's inmates are seriously mentally ill, Mississippi River flooding continues in Northwest Illinois, Pritzker says he doesn't expect major movement on Mayor-elect Johnson's tax ideas, *** UPDATED x1 *** Elections have consequences, *** UPDATED x1 *** Full Danville City Council votes Tuesday on ordinance to outlaw abortion medication, instruments. Why not use pictures of Irvin with Dems? This is just so goofythe real winner out of all this is JB Pritzker. He prides himself on being atrue conservativeand apolitical outsider,but hispast work for a Democratic candidateand aleaked photoof him wearing an Obama shirt years ago tells a different story. The first one claimed he served in the unit from Band of Brothers and also stormed the beach at Normandyit just didnt make any sense.. If you cant answer Did you serve? was an overdiagnosed condition cooked up by antiwar leftists; that accusations of war crimes in Vietnam were overstatedbut what captured readers attention was his exposure of military fakers. He also stated that he was a military veteran that was shot while serving his country., In response, Jowers posted an image of his DD 214, but it was oddly cropped, with key information outside the frame. - Rudys teeth - Thursday, Jan 27, 22 @ 1:35 pm: Since Jesse spent time in Afghanistan, he should have no problem riding the Red Line from 95th Street to Rogers Park to meet and greet the voters. More than a quarter of Pontiac's inmates are seriously mentally ill, Mississippi River flooding continues in Northwest Illinois, Pritzker says he doesn't expect major movement on Mayor-elect Johnson's tax ideas, *** UPDATED x1 *** Elections have consequences, *** UPDATED x1 *** Full Danville City Council votes Tuesday on ordinance to outlaw abortion medication, instruments. /s. In 1998, Burkett self-published Stolen Valor: How the Vietnam Generation Was Robbed of Its Heroes and Its History, which he wrote with the investigative journalist Glenna Whitley. Is it the all-arms-on-deck, save the ship, community health/resilience strain? When Rambo came out, everyone was a Green Beret. Shipley tried to keep things more or less professional, but his fans could be less scrupulous. He added that he, like Foley, was an Airborne Ranger with combat wounds: I served my country, I took a bullet for my country. I did listen to the ten minute interview Mr. Sullivan did with WGN. Then she decided to try to get the legislation passed. Theyre always loaded questions, Lindinger told me. The Court found that the Stolen Valor Act violated the First Amendment. (On, exposed liars are secured targets.) In a forum called Special Forces Brothers, which is associated with Guardians of the Green Beret, fifty-seven hundred current and former Green Berets help vet claimants. And as far back as 2007, when Jowers applied to work at the Taylor County jail, he claimed to have been an Airborne Ranger. - Arsenal - Thursday, Jan 27, 22 @ 11:49 am: I gotta admit I find this guy interesting, but until he can actually put his petitions on the street, I feel like I should ignore him. One evening, she mentioned Foleys military medals to her father, a retired colonel in the Air Force. Seems like we need an honest debate on which side of American best suits our group survival. Call this coward Richard Irvin, at (630) 555-1212, and demand him to be straight with Illinois Republicans.. In 2015, Eric Lindinger, a Gulf War veteran, had a job that involved a lot of cross-country driving. . They love our country. and then talking up Jesse Sullivan, who says, Im an outsider and a man of faith called to protect and serve. I find it scary. Callahan County, an agricultural region outside Abilene, Texas, is a place where people pay attention to their neighbors. Last night I got a robo-poll that I would presume was commissioned by the Sullivan campaign. Thats why Republicans are fighting for the chance to finish second in the general election, and why 47ths proposed ad for Jesse is the right call. The guy would usually be polite, but the interactions felt more like interrogations than like conversations. . Help Illinois Colleges And Universities Go Green. - Amalia - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 1:09 pm: - Carlos Danger - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 2:08 pm: Sorry, comments for this post are now closed. There was no evidence that he was an Airborne Ranger or a sniper, that he had received a Purple Heart or a Silver Star, or that he had been wounded in combat. And which side best fits the need for human sacrifice. To me, the long-winded explanation looked more like Sullivan had led a small group of advisers alongside soldiers in combat areas than actually leading what most would consider combat patrols. That still took courage, so why embellish it? Burkett caught so many people distorting or inventing their military service that he wondered whether the dissemblers might be evidence of a national phenomenon, a weird ripple in the American psyche. By 1989, Burkett was averaging one FOIA request a day. - Huh? - Just Me 2 - Thursday, Jan 27, 22 @ 11:24 am: What if my local school district actually cares about the health of the kids, their teachers, and their families (such as grandparents) and decided to require masks locally? - 47th Ward - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 1:41 pm: ===an attack like this from an opponent with the credentials to make it.===. I am pretty confident that Sullivan will carry Menard County. Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar Jesse Sullivan hires Other than showing that 6 sheriffs from counties most Illinoisans have never heard of support him, dont know what the point of this commercial is. We have to do something and have urgency. Robert Hayes . That night, a representative from Military Phonies e-mailed Amber, saying that it usually took the group several weeks to put together a complete record, and pointing her to a list of Silver Star recipients compiled by a military historian named Doug Sterner. - Steve Rogers - Thursday, Jan 27, 22 @ 11:20 am: When it takes 200 words to say something you could say in 20 words, you really have a communication problem. Well, he doesnt, I would end those on day one. Because I think most peoples first instinct is that calling into question someones service is rather icky. Joey Gibson. They deserve a leader who has theirs. He wrote that an official at the National Archives told him that he was probably the Archives number one individual FOIA user.. Ad Choices. underscored the importance of DOD civilians to the overall effort, saying, Civilians who volunteered to serve at the front in Afghanistan were critical to protecting our nation from jihadist terrorists who use mass murder as their principal tactic in a war against all civilized people. - Thursday, Jan 27, 22 @ 1:11 pm: - lenoard - Thursday, Jan 27, 22 @ 1:22 pm: I have an idea take all the republican candidates fo r Governor put them in a sack shake it up really good. You would call them out even to hunt down violent criminals. Jowers was well known, and largely well liked, throughout the county; I heard stories of people calling him for help wrangling loose goats and managing family disputes. My father served 30 years in the Air Force and I have regard for servicemen. This is awful. He presented no ideas or solutions for the state of Illinois, which is more of the same for a campaign that seems to have no relationship whatsoever with the truth. Military Phonies was already looking into Jowerss background. - well - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:48 am: Its a decent message for the primary, but it loses a lot of points because of how illegal the ad is. When the Culture Wars Come for the Public Library. - Three Dimensional Checkers - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:17 am: Thanks bros, but I dont need to be saved especially by someone of Jesse Sullivans ilk. Operation Stolen Valor | Forums Rich Miller also publishes Capitol Fax, a daily political newsletter, and - Long Time Independent - Thursday, Jan 27, 22 @ 11:43 am: Jesse should start running campaign commercials for a running mate and not worry about the Governors race yet. They would send them harassing e-mails, or theyd get a phone number and post that up on YouTube, and people would be calling it really late.. Congress passed an amended statute, which made it illegal to fraudulently wear medals, embellish rank, or make false claims of service in order to obtain money or some other tangible benefit, making stolen valor an issue of fraud rather than of speech. F. A debate about stolen valor has no upside for Sullivan, the best he can do with voters on this issue is fight it to a draw. - girl in the woods - Thursday, Jan 27, 22 @ 4:06 pm: This is a crazy word salad- sounds like Trumps speeches. Through games of Sunday, scoring is up when compared to March and April of 2022. - The Dude Abides - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:15 am: Ill give it a C-. My wife is a big fan of Fifty Shades of Grey, so I wrote some books in that vein for our fortieth anniversary, and they sell more than all my other books combined, he told me, sounding a little abashed. I am not a veteran. When Bart went to introduce himself to his new neighbors, no one answered the door. He was a darn good deputy, Terry Joy, who had been the sheriff of Callahan County since 2013, told me. And these top-down mandates from Governor Pritzker who thinks he knows best. Researching potential phonies was once a lonely enterprise; now there are a dozen Web sites, message boards, and Facebook groups that provide instruction and crowdsource the work. The activity has become a type of bonding exercise for former service members; some even seem to be reliving their war experience when hunting down phonies. Since Shipley started his channel, confrontations between service members and potential impostors have become wildly popular on YouTube. We do have some military police in the Illinois National Guard. He talked about his sniper training and the bullets hed taken for his country. northwest crackdown on fake veterans in "operation stolen valor" Phony Vets Scam more than $1.4 Million and Damage Image of Honorable Veterans U.S. Attorney Jeffrey C. Sullivan today announced some of the results of "Operation Stolen Valor," a year long effort to investigate and prosecute those who lie about their military service for financial gain or other reasons. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Jan 27, 22 @ 12:25 pm: Im looking forward to seeing Governor Sullivan riding the CTA after he ends the mask mandate. Im lethal with a keyboardyou cant lie to me, he has said. Hood Texas - Breaking Radical Globalist Jesse Sullivan's Stolen Valor Scandal And The Anti-Israeli Magazine He Founded Could Destroy His Candidacy For Illinois Governor:. - Red Ranger - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 11:52 am: If youre explaining, youre losing. Thirty Years Later, Its Still Burning. He made one little mistake and look what happened. But when Shumways wife, Marcia, Googled Jowerss siblings, she discovered that they had died more than a decade after his military service. Not the job of the guard to be our daily police force. - Streator Curmudgeon - Thursday, Jan 27, 22 @ 1:39 pm: Why do interviews with Republican candidates sound like 1980s exchanges between Gene Okerlund and Jesse The Body Ventura? Operation Stolen Valor is a year-old federal law enforcement effort that has resulted in a dozen cases under investigation in the Pacific Northwest, with fraud totals of more than $1.4 million. Im respectful, like all military people are. Jowers seemed thrown by his opponents tough-guy posturing, and offered a different vision for law enforcement in the county. (Other patterns Shipley has noticed: there is a disproportionate number of phonies in Georgia, liars tend to be junior enlisted men, and stolen valor is primarily a white problem.). Hes trying everything to bury the baggage thats exposed serious contradictions about his past and his record,said DGA Illinois Press Secretary Yael Sheinfeld. Republican candidate for governor Jesse Sullivan stands in a soybean field and points to his home in Petersburg, Illinois, in a campaign video. Theyve got our backs. Kinda awkward that his LG running mate hasnt commented yet. Schimpf was initially reluctant to say anything about Sullivan, but eventually issued this response: Although Jesse Sullivan, who is not a veteran and has never been on active duty, should be commended for having worked in Afghanistan as a civilian contractor, his claim to have led combat patrols flies in the face of Department of Defense regulations and established practices. Even sending civilian law enforcement officers to an area they dont normally work is not ideal and is awful for an officers home life. but were not going to try to run our sheriffs department like the military., Around Christmas, Bart Kendrick went public on Facebook with his accusation about Foleys residency, sure that it would tank his candidacy. Im laughing because it happened a lot, he said. Hed be enjoying an All-Star Special at Waffle House, where veterans can get a ten-per-cent discount, when a man would start asking questions about his military service. They would track down the guys family, his mother, his wife. - Back to the Future - Thursday, Jan 27, 22 @ 12:22 pm: The comments by Retired and Still in Illinois reinforces my thought that using the NG in chasing down violent offenders is not a very good idea. Sullivan was recruited to be in the Army's Human Terrain System, which. - sal-says - Thursday, Jan 27, 22 @ 12:25 pm: Seems to be a LOT of wrong-headed thinking in politics these days. Speak much Jesse? I have entire National Guard units that spend their weekends watching my videos on a big screen in an auditorium, seeing what Don is doing, Shipley said. United States v. Alvarez - Wikipedia Jesse Sullivan said he would "absolutely" use the National Guard to hunt down violent criminals, calls pandemic mandates "unAmerican" Thursday, Jan 27, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller * WGN. By signing up, you agree to our User Agreement and Privacy Policy & Cookie Statement. People who lie about having served often seem less interested in money than in belonging to an esteemed group. could go in and take his medal, Sterner said. In the evening, the truck had been replaced by a patrol car. Sullivans campaign responded with a 300-word background statement which claimed Sullivans Army team leader never left the base. ==. LOL. Now, with just days to go, hes trying anything he can to grab voters attention in a last-minute hail mary. Its like cancelling someone onlineyou cant fix the bigger problem, so you just attack this stranger., Shipley partly blames himself for seeding these confrontations. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:08 am: It always creeps me out when evangelicals go into to politics to save us. Adding Welp, they removed the ad. When I think of the Guard I think of disaster response not vigilantism. Monday, May 9, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller, * Background is here if you need it. - Joe Bidenopolous - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 12:58 pm: Everyone knows this, including Republicans, who will have no chance of claiming theyre anything other than pro-life for the general election. I feel like Bailey/Irvin/etc. If something strikes him as wrong, he feels obligated to fix it. These are just as good as, if not better than, jelly beans., Dear Deborah, Ive lost my phone and we need to talk., Stolen Valor: How the Vietnam Generation Was Robbed of Its Heroes and Its History, Restoring Valor: One Couples Mission to Expose Fraudulent War Heroes and Protect Americas Military Awards System. The role of patient is well defined in our society, he said. Hes a young, handsome made-for-TV candidate and already has way more money than any of his opponents could ever likely hope to raise. Well do a FOIA, and were very specific about the information we ask forwhat units they may have been in, what awards they couldve had, the time they served, what their discharge rank was, and their combat history., Ed Caffrey began following stolen-valor Web sites when he was on active duty in the Air Force. I am concerned that he may not have received [the medals] but is implying that he has, she wrote. Jesse talks about Donald Trump's speech to Turning Point USA's Student Action Summit, where he veered off into bizarre territory when he announced that he tr. It has since been revealed that during his time as a student at St. Louis University back in 2006, he founded the magazine One World. Support Renewable Energy Credits. 2019 valor thieves; Ken Woerheide . The Facebook page for the Clyde Police Department was soon flooded with comments from angry people across the country: Hey Clyde PD, you have a POS Poser in your midst; Leroy Grant Foley those brand new cuff links will look good on you. Foley was placed on administrative leave. One of the appeals of patienthood is the special dispensationwe reduce our expectations of that person, we give them attention. The role of veteran, which comes freighted with its own set of expectations and benefits, is similarly alluring. Most stolen-valor cases dont involve master criminals but, rather, average men who want to be treated as if they were extraordinary. - walker - Thursday, Jan 27, 22 @ 3:07 pm: This guy might have some talents. - Roadrager - Thursday, Jan 27, 22 @ 11:12 am: - New Day - Thursday, Jan 27, 22 @ 11:14 am: Oh my. He found that the actor Brian Dennehy, famous for playing Rambos law-enforcement antagonist in First Blood, had lied about suffering combat wounds in Vietnam. But one thing I learned from that experience was that many if not most are also civilian police. In reality, hes an honorably discharged military veteran, Robert Dalton, the Clyde police chief, told me. A D, I guess? Bart Kendrick, whose family has lived in the county since the nineteenth century, takes particular notice of vehicles. Same can be said for his extensive experience in public health and mental health. Saying he was called to protect and serve in this context implies that he is/was a police officer. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 12:24 pm: That would be a far better use of resources and messaging, but egos and this needed want to steal valor to gun up I dont know its poor by a campaign and its crew that makes this whole thing performance art for cryptocurrency. - Rudys teeth - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 11:26 am: Sullivan, as an outsider and a man of faith who wishes to protect and serve, is running for the wrong office. Its only early until its late. He did his job good, got along with people good. Jowers had worked for the sheriffs office for eight years, five of them as chief deputy. Thursday, Jan 27, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller, * WGN Radios John Williams interviewed Republican gubernatorial candidate Jesse Sullivan. I spent 30 years in civilian law enforcement and 8 years in a military police guard unit in Illinois. Currently she is working to get Glenn Youngkin elected the next governor of Virginia this November, as well as with a number of stellar 2022 Republican candidates for U.S. Senate, governor, and U.S. Congress. Absolutely. A few of Military Phonies half-dozen volunteer researchers are registered private investigators, which allows them access to specialized databases. So I guess he could get rid of those. The True History of Sgt. Slaughter's Stolen Valor - MEL Magazine By last year, his videos had been viewed fifty million times. You gotta be entertaining, you gotta be funny, he said. They need to distinguish themselves, otherwise the campaign messages blend into each other for the GOP primary voter. According to DOD records, Sullivan was a Human Terrain Analyst under US Army TRADOC G2, who led.
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