Or maybe you just don't want to be forced to create a Khan Academy / College Board account in order to access the Khan SAT practice questions! more familiar concept. even if i suffer from understanding the passage in some parts, because of having poor vocabulary knowledge, would those strategies help me ? I seemed all alone; treading the midnight clouds; and every second, expected to find myself falling-falling-falling, as I have felt when the nightmare has been on me. B) move. 35 The Berkeley scientists analyzed power capacity fade, or Batteries have come a long way since Alessandro Volta the declining ability of the battery to deliver power, such as first discovered in 1800 that two unlike metals, when when accelerating'9n a freeway onramp, as it ages. between the two parts of the study done by Ed A) Crows ability to match objects steadily improves Wasserman and his colleagues is that the second part. singing and dancing is intricately linked to a crucial development in their understanding of other people. B) Historical trends A) Plastics of all sizes were found on the oceans C) Data synthesis surface. If you find any problems or have any questions, 46 CONTINUE feel free to contact Wechat: satxbs123 We will address your concern immediately. positions may enhance foraging opportunities, but they are 25 The observed pattern of laterality across species, and also more vulnerable to predation. This uniform alignment creates a magnetic vector oriented along the axis of the MRI scanner. The middle cup was covered by a card picturing a 10 challenging problem: the thirsty crow drops pebbles into a color, a shape, or a number of items. This proves that spin rates of supermassive black holes can be determined conclusively. Diagnostic Literature P1 1 4 Which choice best summarizes the passage? Devising a task to study analogical thinking in animals is the next step. This creates a positive feedback loop in which computing informs experiments, and experimental results help refine the computing process. and outside the cells nucleus,is also a member). But it seemed that both his audacity and his respect were lost upon Miss Daisy Miller. (1986). like a bar magnet, the nucleus of a hydrogen atom D) communicate a complex scientific idea using a A) spins in a counter-clockwise direction. Diagnostic Test 1. These small ranges make them especially vulnerable to habitat changes that might result from either direct or indirect human activities. History passages are tough for sure, with their confusing wording and phrasing. their rights. Previous studies have demonstrated that conspecifics would be positioned on the left and right side of 10 strongly lateralized animals perform better than non- the school respectively. caloric reduction. on the tone of the passage? inconsistent during observation. (eds), Threatened Amphibians of the World. ", As used in the first paragraph, instruments most nearly means, Based on the passage, Burke believes that French You definitely shouldn't skip over this. Rephrase the first question using your own words. might converge, estimates of regional and global abundance D) focused on plastic accumulation in subtropical and weight of floating plastics have been limited to regions of the globe. D) The nets used in the study were unable to capture plastics smaller than 0.33 mm. than to consent to live in a community. A) lines 45-50 (SIRT longevity.) D) It does not support the claim since all four groups B) lines 50-54 (According diabetes.) of mice had the same average lifespan. A) NuSTAR provided more precise information about a finding made by XMM-Newton. If you don't have evidence in the passage for an answer, then it 100% cannot be correct. The first two tasks were our performance tasks, made even more difficult by the fact that the singing and dancing had to be completed without any 20 musical accompaniment. D) always travel in the same direction. C) quickly learned to complete the matching task. 5 mm) 20 plastic pollution in all sampled size classes. 5 D) now face extinction across all species because of The author discusses the thermal conformity of human activity. On Test Day, you will see one scored section of Reading Comprehension, which means that Reading Comprehension makes up roughly one quarter of your total points. But did you really mean what you said just now-that you would like to go up there? Most earnestly, Winterbourne declared. Loannidis, Scientific Research Needs an Overhaul, 2014 by Scientific American. Our You Want to Sing and Dance in Public? 2015 by Scientific research suggests that the process of kids losing the joy of American. tropical forest, which until this study was purely hypothetical. Passage 2 is excerpted from citizen pledges to the association his love, his intelligence, Pierre-Joseph Proudhons General Idea of the Revolution in the his work, his services, his goods, in return for the affection, 19th Century, originally published in 1851. ideas, labor, products, services and goods of his fellows; the measure of the right of each being determined by the Passage 1 35 importance of his contributions, and the recovery that can be demanded in proportion to his deliveries. needs of every individual. Khan Academy Kids, our award-winning educational app for children ages two to seven, now includes new first-grade lessons. Astronomers look for these warping effects by analyzing 60 X-ray light emitted by iron circulating in the accretion disk. chart reveal that A) lines 26-28 (Becauseanimals) A) Crow 1 was generally more successful at matching B) lines 30-33 (We rewarditems) size and Crow 2 was generally more successful at C) lines 33-36 (Several speciesitems) matching color. taxonomists to form a unit 20 Frog larvae are typically herbivores, whereas adults are carnivores, thus exposing them to a wide diversity of food, Breakdown of Known Amphibian Species, predators, and parasites. graph uses estimated figures. because B) have less ability to adapt to changing A) members of other species are less common and environmental conditions than other species do. Berkeley researchers published in 2015. decided to investigate the extent to which vehicles still meet the needs of drivers beyond this common battery retirement Passage 1 threshold. Khan Academy - Reading comprehension 88 passages 258 pages Bo gi: Bn mm PDF: 30.000 | Bn sch in: 80.000 (cha ship) Lin h: Hotline/Zalo: 0988.674.911 | Email: tailieuso@gmail.com Sn phm cng loi: Khan Academy - Writing & Language Use 57 passages Khan Academy Math 41 Practices Khan Academy Math, College Board imaging (MRI) works to a discussion of MRIs B) It is a valuable and effective technique but should practical advantages. Our data rule out a salient alternative explanation for our pattern of performance avoidance, one familiar to anyone This passage is adapted from Lan Chaplin and Michael Nortons interacting with socially awkward teens or tweens: as Why Dont You Want to Sing and Dance in Public? 2015 by 45 children enter puberty they experience a host of changes that Scientific American. mitochondria. differences in longevity are marginal after a 25% C) create mice that are essentially immortal. A neuron by itself, or even referenced in a question. We think that weve possibly found regulators of aging. Lifespan of Groups of Mice With Different Levels of Caloric Reduction In 2003 Sinclairs lab published a paper in Nature that 25 described the discovery of a gene that switched on in the yeast cell in response to calorie restriction, which Sinclair calls a master regulator in aging. Since then, his team has been searching for an analogous gene that plays a similar role in the mammalian cell. D) The contract should be dissolved if a majority of the population agrees that it is the best course of action. prioritize translatability. acted wisely to revise rather than replace their B) correct a common misunderstanding. it was a very small sail, height. superficial, their errors fundamental. to learn them so you can understand them when they come up in the future. Yeah, even if you get a sense of the passage(which you would from the blurb), you can solve the questions easily. In the passage, the yoghurt and sweetmeats are compared to a, As used in paragraph 7, air most nearly means, The characters behavior during the gift giving mainly serves to. A) lines 20-22 (Strongly overcome) B) selection. With help from XMM-Newton, NuSTAR was able to see a broader range of X-ray energies and penetrate deeper into the region around the black hole. 35 was via a spray solution 4 weeks after the seedlings were planted. other scientists have studied in greater depth. Many recent studies also demonstrate that many more organisms ingest small plastic particles than previously thought, either 40 directly or indirectly,i.e. C) aware. If you find any problems or have any questions, 42 CONTINUE feel free to contact Wechat: satxbs123 We will address your concern immediately. Almost every time I do a history passage practice using Khan Academy I get AT MOST 6/11 questions correct. Which choice provides the best evidence for the C) The higher children scored on our Theory of answer to the previous question? Santino learned to stash his rocks just out of sight and 40 casually stand just a few feet from them in order to throw off Passage 1 suspicion. In general, greater numbers as well as factor. synchronized manner) or shoals (a loose social aggregation of fish). C) is advantageous to some species and costly to B) point out inconsistencies in study results that others. Fish from high predation regions are more strongly the behalf of the fish which compete for their preferred lateralized compared to fish from low predation regions and positions within the school in a highly dynamic fashion and 35 their pattern of laterality also differs. Direct link to Hecretary Bird's post I guess you could literal, Posted 3 years ago. Amphibians have received much attention during the last 50 The Global Amphibian Assessment completed its first two decades because of a now-general understanding that a round of evaluating the status of all then-recognized species larger proportion of amphibian species are at a risk of in 2004, finding 32.5% of the known species of amphibians Line extinction than those of any other taxon. This level of autonomy is essential to 60 co-opt host cell replication systems. Group cohesion provides advantages by enhancing Many vertebrates and invertebrates show a preferential use foraging success and anti-predator behaviors. A) demonstrate the unstable qualities of a virus. B) densely populated areas. B) is concerned that there is not enough evidence to B) support the claim that supermassive black holes prove the scientists' theory. Download a PDF of the passage and the questions. B) shared by the leaders of all nations. D) has reservations about joining Miss Miller to the castle. D) observant B) it generally takes longer for the magnetic vector to return to its resting state than the axial spin. longevity of mammalian cells? Both life and This passage is excerpted from Luis VillareaI, Are Viruses Alive? consciousness are examples of emergent complex systems. C) lines 25-28 (One not) D) lines 31-33 (A bacterium reproduce) 2 Over the course of the passage, the main focus shifts 5 from As used in line 7, profoundly most nearly means A) an analysis of historical issues affecting a scientific A) painfully. Direct link to Akshata's post Hello! become extinct. They found that power fade for the chosen current-day lithium-ion. Two passage questions on the SAT Reading test (article) | Khan Academy SAT Course: SAT > Unit 11 Lesson 1: Reading Active Reading Step | Science passage | Reading test | SAT SAT Reading: How to approach a Science passage Survey step | Literature passage | Reading Test | SAT SAT Reading: How to approach a Literature passage This passage is excerpted from John P.A. properties, and a greater security against any, that are not of 10 it. C) lines 26-27 (When materialize) B) They indicate that Millers experiment regarding D) lines 37-39 (Yet acids) the origin of life on Earth has sparked debate. The strategies in this article and its videos have the potential to truly transform your score! A strict constructionist This passage is excerpted from Joseph Mascaro, Gregory P Asner, 40 would cut, dry and weigh the biomass of the worlds forests. But let us begin more iron tyranny. Is there a way to print the Khan Academy SAT lessons/practices (not the practice tests) so that I can work on my active reading and question surveying? from LiDAR in conjunction with traditional field- B) illustrate the impossibility of ever gaining accurate based estimates. B) expense of hiring scientists to carry out fieldwork C) rapid changes and improvements in LiDAR 1 technology. A Comprehensive PDF Collection of Khan Academy Official-ish SAT Practice Questions in every section, subject and level, created by Khan Academy "in partnership with" the College Board. A) endangered. What makes the amphibian case so compelling is the proportions of species are at risk in tropical countries. C) approximately 50% of the mice in the no caloric C) suggest that caloric reduction affects mice reduction group were still alive. by the end of it you should have the "bare bones" of what you're reading. If you find any problems or have any questions, 47 CONTINUE feel free to contact Wechat: satxbs123 We will address your concern immediately. Khan Academy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. ELA practice and instruction for 3rd grade, covering reading comprehension and vocabulary. Khan academy reading.pdf Khan Academy Reading Comprehension 88 Passages toefl-sat-act 0755-33352012 Contents Part 1 Diagnostic Qui Views 761 Downloads 35 File size 10MB few yards of my face; and it almost frightened me to hear it; The order was given to loose the main-skysail, which is 45 it seemed so much like a spirit, at such a lofty and solitary the fifth and highest sail from deck. Science L2 P6 1 2 The main purpose of the passage is to A used in line 2, strong most nearly means A) present research approaches used to determine A) powerful that crows may be able to think analogically. In the former, they have got an invaluable treasure. Choice B is the best answer. ", "The improvements of the National Assembly are We next measured childrens awareness that others might be judging their performance, using a task that measures Theory of Mind- or our ability to understand that others have minds and opinions that differ from ours [An] increase in Theory of 35 Mind was strongly and negatively correlated with childrens desire to sing and dance: the higher children scored on our Theory of Mind test-the more children understood that others can have a different opinion of their abilities-the more likely they are to refuse to perform. A large number of fish species form schools (a This passage is adapted from Anne-Laurence Bibost and Culum Brown, Laterality Influences Schooling Position in Rainbowfish, cohesive group of fish that swim in polarized and Melanotaenia spp. 2013 by Brown, Bibost. Direct link to k c's post i have issues with doing , Posted 2 years ago. In particular, what shapes the Santino, you see, is not human. The surveys that history of tropical ecology. It is highly likely that between populations subject to differential predation 75 this school position is the product of an active choice on pressure. Contents Part 1 Diagnostic Quiz Science Passage 1 1 Science Passage 2 3 Social Science Passage 1 5 Social Science Passage 2 7 History Passage 1 9 History Passage 2 11 Literature Passage 1 13 Literature Passage 2 15 Part 2 Science 17 20 Level 2 Passage 1 23 Level 2 Passage 2 26 Level 2 Passage 3 29 Level 2 Passage 4 32 Level 2 Passage 5 35 Level 2 Passage 6 38 Level 2 Passage 7 41 Level 3 Passage 1 44 Level 3 Passage 2 47 Level 3 Passage 3 50 Level 3 Passage 4 53 Level 3 Passage 5 56 Level 3 Passage 6 59 Level 3 Passage 7 62 Level 4 Passage 1 65 Level 4 Passage 2 68 Level 4 Passage 3 71 Level 4 Passage 4 74 Level 4 Passage 5 77 Level 4 Passage 6 Level 4 Passage 7 80 83 Part 3 Social Science 86 89 Level 2 Passage 1 92 Level 2 Passage 2 Level 2 Passage 3 Level 2 Passage 4 Level 3 Passage 1 failed to take effective measures to safeguard he was watching cars travel down the road. Some of biochemical autonomy, carrying on the metabolic of these genes are involved in making the proteins encoded activities that produce the molecules and energy needed to by the viral DNA and may make it easier for Mimivirus to sustain the organism. B) lines 20-25 (Viruses spread) D) explore reasons why a definition is ambiguous. Direct link to Laila B. I would not exclude alteration neither", "Let us imitate their caution if we wish to deserve their fortune or to retain their bequests. A) Analytical B) show that viruses are in the process of becoming B) Ambivalent something else. D) NuSTAR's X-ray data contradicted XMM- Newton's findings. 30 down to 70 to 80 percent of the original capacity. 4 The discussion of animals ability to apply a learned skill in various testing scenarios suggests that some animals A) grasp concepts because they are similar to things they experience in the wild. Read a lot. 's post Practice. internal combustion vehicles. Direct link to Paula Queen's post i don't get reading compr, Posted 4 years ago. 30 Why such a change in preferences? NuSTAR's higher-energy X-ray data showed that travels through it. Direct link to raghavagr's post I agree, that would be ve, Posted 2 years ago. D) lines 22-24 (Amphibianslungs) C) have been praised by scientists for their ability to withstand the last four mass extinctions. all of the mammalian SIRT genes (and their proteins) are Line Now a new study begins to unravel the mystery and they possible drug targets for therapies aimed at extending life, as 5 mechanism by which reducing food intake protects cells well as staving off age-related illnesses, such as Alzheimers against aging and age-related diseases. A) lines 27-28 (But Miller) B) It describes the relationship between two friends. CONTINUE B) recognized that a learned skill could be applied to a new task. Science L3 P3 Questions 1-11 are based on the following passage. apart from many other species, yet little is known about this core cognitive capacity. Our platform offers free high-quality, standards-aligned learning resources - instructional videos,. B) An online advertising firm sends advertisements C) the travel needs of U.S. drivers are likely greater to an online customer, and the customer's choices than anticipated. The cup under the matching charming and provocative, but science cannot rely on them. appreciated and then applied to a new pair of items to 20 But, what happens when crows are given problems that generate the correct answer: the BB card and in the case of AA or require more abstract thinking? height than the boreal-temperate forest depicted. extinction exists. D) initiating a series of steps that results in the D) imply that mitochondria need to be recharged in increased production of certain enzymes. Most researchers believe that the origin of life depended A Frankensteinesque contraption of glass bulbs and heavily on chemicals delivered to Earth by comets and crackling electrodes has produced yet another revelation meteorites. viruses do not merit this classification. Through photodegradation and other weathering this study processes, plastics fragment and disperse in the ocean, A) used samples of plastic pollution from all over the converging in the subtropical gyres. This is hugely important to the field of black hole science, said Lou Kaluzienski, a NuSTAR program scientist In the new study, they used both XMM-Newton and 15 at NASA Headquarters in Washington. his mentor, chemist Stanley Miller, at the University of What you don't get are things like building blocks of nucleic Chicago in 1953. Searching for Guinevere. A) lines 1-5 (Two Sun) A) Scientific observations B) lines 27-29 (NuSTARdetail) B) Expert testimony C) lines 61-63 (In1365) C) Historical documentation D) lines 63-66 (Whilevicinity) D) Statistical evidence 8 11 The best restatement of the author's view of the study's The author includes a quote from Guido Risaliti (lines findings is that the author 45-49 ) most likely to A) believes the findings eliminate previous A) help readers understand black holes as ambiguities.
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