If either Yamnaya or EHG could be dropped (as is the case for Levnluhta), we show the model which is more consistent with previous publications3,7,8,45 in Fig. The novel genome-wide data presented here from ancient individuals from Finland opens new insights into Finnish population history. Anthropol. A.Wes., V.M., V.K., A.S., P.O., O.B., W.H. David Poznik, G. Identifying Y-chromosome haplogroups in arbitrarily large samples of sequenced or genotyped men. Ancient Fennoscandian genomes reveal origin and spread of - Nature We see styles of artifact and burial that are intrusive (meaning unlike older practices) to the new area, in this case the Hungarian Plain and to a . Blankholm, H. P) 139167 (Equinox, 2018). Aikio, A. J. Hum. The Ancient Ancestry report provides information about your ancient ancestors based on your DNA, spread across seven groups: hunter-gatherer, farmer, Yamnaya, Native American, African, East Asian, and South Asian. First, we confirmed the deamination patterns at the terminal bases of DNA reads being characteristic of ancient DNA (Supplementary Table1). Source data are provided as a Source Data file. European population history has been shaped by migrations of people, and their subsequent admixture. Lahermo, P. et al. Honkola, T. et al. For the fill-in step, a mixture of 0.4U/l Bst-polymerase and 125M dNTP mix was added and the mixture then incubated in a thermocycler (30min 37C, 10min 80C). Biol. Commun. These results describe the gene pool of modern north-eastern Europeans in general, and of the speakers of Uralic languages in particular, as the result of multiple admixture events between Eastern and Western sources since the first appearance of this ancestry component. Specifically, AdapterRemoval was used to trim the sequencing adapters from our reads, with a minimum overlap of 1bp, and using a minimum base quality of 20 and minimum sequence length of 30bp. The molecular copy number in pre-indexed libraries ranged from ~10E8 to ~10E9 copies/l, indicating a successful library preparation, whereas the indexed libraries ranged from ~10E10 to ~10E12 copies/l, stating an admissible indexing efficiency. For the modern Saami individual, total DNA was phenol-chloroform extracted and physically sheared using COVARIS fragmentation. Halinen, P. Prehistoric Hunters of Northernmost Lapland(Tiedekirja, 2005). J. Hum. Toim.=Mmoires De. Sign up for the Nature Briefing newsletter what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. History and genetics of the Yamna culture - Eupedia Extraction for the Levnluhta samples was similarly conducted in the clean-room facilities of the Institute for Archaeological Sciences in Tbingen. Article Our data suggest that this fourth genetic component found in modern-day north-eastern Europeans arrived in the area before 3500 yBP. Yamnaya: Faces of the Indo-Europeans - YouTube Katoh, K., Kuma, K.-I., Toh, H. & Miyata, T. MAFFT version 5: improvement in accuracy of multiple sequence alignment. Science 349, 13431347 (2015). A common variation in EDAR is a genetic determinant of shovel-shaped incisors. 19, 347352 (2011). Finally, the Imiyakhtakhskaya culture from Yakutia spread to the Kola Peninsula during the same period24,53. Whole-genome sequencing of 175 Mongolians uncovers population-specific genetic architecture and gene flow throughout North and East Asia, Genomic insights into the formation of human populations in East Asia, Ancient DNA reveals admixture history and endogamy in the prehistoric Aegean, The genetic history of admixture across inner Eurasia, The spread of steppe and Iranian-related ancestry in the islands of the western Mediterranean, People from Ibiza: an unexpected isolate in the Western Mediterranean, Genome-wide analysis of a collective grave from Mentesh Tepe provides insight into the population structure of early neolithic population in the South Caucasus, West Asian sources of the Eurasian component in Ethiopians: a reassessment, The population history of northeastern Siberia since the Pleistocene, https://sourceforge.net/projects/bio-bwa/files, https://github.com/stschiff/sequenceTools.git, https://github.com/TCLamnidis/Sex.DetERRmine, https://www.genetics.ucla.edu/software/admixture/download.html, https://github.com/TCLamnidis/ContaminateGenotypes, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2016/11/19/088716, Description of Additional Supplementary Files, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, Inferring biological kinship in ancient datasets: comparing the response of ancient DNA-specific software packages to low coverage data, Admixture has obscured signals of historical hard sweeps in humans, The Anglo-Saxon migration and the formation of the early English gene pool, Dairying, diseases and the evolution of lactase persistence in Europe, Phylogenetic history of patrilineages rare in northern and eastern Europe from large-scale re-sequencing of human Y-chromosomes, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2022. We would like to also thank the sequencing team at Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology for the sequencing of the modern Saami genome. Today, the region is inhabited by Saami. An ancestry component associated with Europes first farmers (orange) is maximized in Early Neolithic Europeans associated with the LBK (from German: Linearbandkeramik). Most relevant to the populations analysed here is the admixture cline between north-eastern Europe and the North Siberian Nganasan, including mostly Uralic-speaking populations in our dataset (marked in light purple in Fig. a ALDER-inferred admixture dates (filled circles) for different populations, using Nganasan and Lithuanian as sources. Ramsey, C. B. Bayesian analysis of radiocarbon dates. Duplicate removal was carried out using DeDup v0.12.1. Carpelan, C. in Early in the North. Five replicates were run for each K value, with K values ranging between 2 and 15. 99, 163173 (2016). 3(ed. For each specimen, ~50mg of dentine powder was used for an extraction procedure specifically designed for ancient DNA retrieval58. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in Available dates for ancient populations are shown in white diamonds. 9, e1003296 (2013). Curr. Five thousand years ago, the Yamnaya migrated widely, spreading Indo-European languages and altering the human gene pool across Europe and Asia (SN: 11/15/17; SN: 9/5/19).Their travels eventually . Murashkin, A. I., Kolpakov, E. M., Shumkin, V. Y., Khartanovich, V. I. The findings are in concordance with the noted linguistic shift from Saami languages to early Finnish. The Ristola Site In Lahti And The Earliest Postglacial Settlement Of South Finland(Lahti City Museum, 2004). Horses were domesticated some time before 3,000 BC in central Asia. J. Archaeol. assembled the collection of archaeological samples. We therefore assigned it a separate population label, Levnluhta_B in this study. Ancient human genomes suggest three ancestral populations for present-day Europeans. Also known as the Yamnaya Culture, Pit Grave Culture or Ochre Grave Culture. 2b, see Supplementary Figure4a for results over multiple K values). 7, 447458 (1999). We assigned ancient males to Y haplogroups using the yHaplo program (https://github.com/23andMe/yhaplo)75. Broushaki, F. et al. Sci. We found that Bolshoy works as source in some ancient individuals, but not for modern Uralic speakers (see Supplementary Data4). The fact that the Nganasan-related genetic component is consistently shared among Uralic-speaking populations, with the exceptions of absence in Hungarians and presence in the non-Uralic speaking Russians, makes it tempting to equate this genetic component with the spread of Uralic languages in the area. The upper bound for the introduction of this component is harder to estimate. Raghavan, M. et al. The Native-American-related ancestry seen in the EHG and Bolshoy corresponds to a previously reported affinity towards Ancient North Eurasians (ANE)2,33 contributing genes to both Native Americans and West Eurasians. Alexander, D. H., Novembre, J. We used a custom script to convert EigenStrat genotypes to the yHaplo format. Chuan-Chao Wang, Hui-Yuan Yeh, David Reich, Eirini Skourtanioti, Harald Ringbauer, Philipp W. Stockhammer, Choongwon Jeong, Oleg Balanovsky, Johannes Krause, Daniel M. Fernandes, Alissa Mittnik, David Reich, Simone Andrea Biagini, Neus Sol-Morata, Francesc Calafell, Perle Guarino-Vignon, Mal Lefeuvre, Cline Bon, Ludovica Molinaro, Francesco Montinaro, Luca Pagani, Martin Sikora, Vladimir V. Pitulko, Eske Willerslev, Nature Communications The Neolithic transition in the Baltic was not driven by admixture with early European farmers. Y-chromosome analysis of ancient Hungarian and two modern Hungarian-speaking populations from the Carpathian Basin. Native American Women Deserve to Be Counted - elle.com Nature 528, 499503 (2015). We thank Mikko Putkonen for his notable efforts on early methodological testing and information provided for the Levnluhta samples. Separating endogenous ancient DNA from modern day contamination in a Siberian Neandertal. When the five-way admixture models provided by qpAdm had p-values above 0.05, but included infeasible mixture proportions and one of the sources was assigned a negative mixture proportion, we ran the model again with that source was excluded. and S.S. wrote the manuscript with additional input from all other co-authors. We note that a low but significant amount of Neolithic European ancestry is also present in the Bolshoy population. Suom.-Ugr. The resulting variants were exported to Excel and manually compared to the SNPs reported in the online mtDNA phylogeny (mtDNA tree Build 17, 18 Feb 2016, http://www.phylotree.org/). Skoglund, P. et al. M.O. Those that don't comply risk losing their funding. How Yamnaya and their ancestors swept through Europe. Patterson, N., Price, A. L. & Reich, D. Population structure and eigenanalysis. We find that K=11 results in the lowest Cross-Validation error, as shown in Supplementary Figure4b. All qpWave and qpAdm models were run using the option allsnps: YES. The adaptive variant EDARV370A is associated with straight hair in East Asians. We used the in-built automated variant caller within Geneious to find mitochondrial polymorphisms with a minimum coverage of 3 and a minimum Variant Frequency of 0.67. Cultural and climatic changes shape the evolutionary history of the Uralic languages. Derenko, M. et al. 27, 576582 (2017). For samples from the sites of Bolshoy and Chalmny Varre, we used leftover tooth powder that was originally processed at the Institute of Anthropology at the University of Mainz for replication purposes as described in ref. Their common ancestors were indeed from central Asia, thousands of years ago, and we can still see vestiges of that population today in both groups of people. Fu, Q. et al. $12 at Tocabe Indigenous Marketplace. Lazaridis, I. et al. J. E. A. Bertram, Fourier analysis of acetabular shape in Native American Arikara populations before and after . For downstream analyses, we used bamutils (version 1.0.13, https://github.com/statgen/bamUtil.git) TrimBam to trim two bases at the start and end of all reads. We imported the trimmed mitochondrial reads for each individual with mapping quality >30 into Geneious (version 10.0.9, https://www.geneious.com)68 and reassembled these reads to the reference genome RSRS78, using the Geneious mapper, with medium sensitivity and 5 iterations. The Sequence Alignment/Map format and SAMtools. Scandinavian hunter-gatherers from Motala in Sweden have also been found to carry haplotypes associated with this allele4. Kerminen, S. et al. The raw sequence data of the 16 modern and ancient individuals presented in this paper are deposited at the European Nucleotide Archive (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena). Proc. Cite this article. et al. Nature 551, 368372 (2017). 132, 11871191 (2013). Four additional individuals from Levnluhta were excluded from the main analysis and from this authentication test because of low coverage (<15,000 covered SNPs) and lack of non-UDG libraries. Fenner, J. N. Cross-cultural estimation of the human generation interval for use in genetics-based population divergence studies. This was followed by two subsequent washing steps of 450l of wash buffer (High Pure Viral Nucleic Acid Large Volume Kit) and two dry spin steps of 1min centrifugation at 14,000rpm. Our results show that all of the test populations are indeed admixed, with the most negative values arising when Nganasan are used as the Siberian source (Supplementary Data3). Evol. Sources for Amerindian (Native American) raw DNA and processed kit numbers. A reporting Summary for this Article is available as aSupplementary Information file. Genet. As a consequence, most Europeans can be modelled as a mixture of these three ancestral populations3. Loh, P.-R. et al. Genome Biol. Upper Palaeolithic Siberian genome reveals dual ancestry of Native Americans. Behar, D. M. et al. Bioinformatics 23, 372374 (2007). In addition, we generated a PMD-filtered dataset for all individuals using pmdtools (version 0.60)30. 2. J. Evol. We used a custom script (https://github.com/TCLamnidis/Sex.DetERRmine) for the calculation of each relative coverage as well as their associated error bars (Supplementary Figure1, Supplementary Note3 for more information on error calculation). J.Ke. Eur. Purcell, S. et al. volume9, Articlenumber:5018 (2018) Walsh, S. et al. Lavento, M.)3036 (Finnish Antiquarian Society & Archaeological Society of Finland, 2004). Slider with three articles shown per slide. Jones, E. R. et al. El Nio . The Simons Genome Diversity Project: 300 genomes from 142 diverse populations. Terminal base deamination damage calculation was done using mapDamage, specifying a length (-l) of 100bp (Supplementary Table1). Genetic adaptation of fatty-acid metabolism: a human-specific haplotype increasing the biosynthesis of long-chain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. carried out the processing of the sequenced reads and generating the genotypes of the modern Saami genome. Genetics 193, 12331254 (2013). Sci. As a result, many cases go uninvestigated, unsolved. Yamnaya Native Americans African East Asian South Asian 35% 25% 15% 10% 8% 4% 3% 25% Agriculture in Europe has origins in the Near East, back to the first farmers who cultivated barley and wheat in the hillocks of the Fertile Crescent. To test whether the ancient individuals from Levnluhta form a clade with modern-day Saami or with modern Finns, we calculated f4(Saami(SGDP), Test; X, Mbuti) and f4(Finnish, Test; X, Mbuti), where Test was substituted with each ancient individual from Levnluhta, the two historical Saami individuals from Chalmny Varre, as well as the Modern Saami individual, and X was substituted by worldwide modern-day populations (Supplementary Data5 & 6, and Supplementary Figures5 & 6). Sci. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles 1, Supplementary Note1). Sampling and extracting ancient DNA requires a strict procedure in order to avoid contamination introduced by contemporary genetic material. Torroni, A. et al. Biol. Massive migration from the steppe was a source for Indo-European languages in Europe. As a result of an early pilot study, the tooth samples we used were fragmented, and some of the dentine was removed. One Levnluhta (JK1968) and the two Chalmny Varre individuals consistently formed a clade with modern-day Saami, but not with modern-day Finns, with respect to all worldwide populations. Rankama, T. & Kankaanp, J. in Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe. For each Test population, if outgroup set OG1 did not produce a working full model (p<0.05), we tried alternative outgroup sets with one right population removed. Y chromosomal polymorphisms reveal founding lineages in the Finns and the Saami. The modern Saami genome was generated using Ibis for base calling and an in-house adapter trimming script. supervised ancient DNA sequencing and post-sequencing bioinformatics for the ancient individuals. For a figure of ADMIXTURE results over multiple K values see Supplementary Figure 4a. K.M. A Proclamation on Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Bioinformatics 28, 16471649 (2012). J. Hum. AllSaami corresponds to a population consisting of the two genomes from the SGDP and the genome from this study (ModernSaami). Two individuals were obtained from the 1819th century Saami cemetery of Chalmny Varre on the Russian Kola Peninsula. The populations used were: Ami, Ami.DG, Armenian, Atayal, Atayal.DG, Balochi, Basque, BedouinB, Belarusian, Brahmin_Tiwari, Brahui, Chuvash, Croatian, Cypriot, Czech, English, Estonian, Even, Finnish, Finnish.DG, French, Greek, GujaratiB, Hadza, Han, Hungarian, Icelandic, Kalash, Karitiana, Lithuanian, Makrani, Mala, Mansi, Mansi.DG, Mari.SG, Mbuti, Mbuti.DG, Mixe, Mordovian, Nganasan, Norwegian, Onge, Orcadian, Papuan, Pima, Russian, Saami.DG, ModernSaami, Sardinian, Scottish, Selkup, Spanish, Ukrainian, Ulchi, Yoruba, ALPC_Hungary_MN, Baalberge_MN, Baltic_BA, Baltic_CCC, Baltic_CWC, Baltic_LN, BolshoyOleniOstrov, Bu_kk_Culture_Hungary_MN, ChalmnyVarre, CHG, EHG, Esperstedt_MN, Ganj_Dareh_Iran_Neolithic, Hungary_MN, Hungary_Neolithic, Iran_Chalcolithic, JK2065, Koros_Hungary_EN, Kunda, Latvia_HG3, Latvia_MN1, LBK_EN, LBK_Hungary_EN, Levanluhta, Narva, PWC_Sweden_NHG.SG, Scandinavia_LNBA, SHG, Sweden_HG.SG, TRB, Ukraine_HG1, Ukraine_N1, WHG, Yamnaya_Samara. These results suggest that the geographic range of the Saami extended further south in the past, and points to a genetic shift at least in the western Finnish region since the Iron Age. To ensure the ancient origin of our samples, and the reliability of the data produced, we implemented multiple quality controls. The read alignment, as well as the multiple alignment of the consensus and the 311 reference mitochondrial genomes were then provided to ContamMix. & Miyata, T. MAFFT: a novel method for rapid multiple sequence alignment based on fast Fourier transform. 27, 22202226 (2010). Hidden and remote: new perspectives on the people in the Levnluhta Water Burial, Western Finland (c.ad 300800). and T.C.L. A multiple alignment of the consensus sequence and a reference set of 311 mitochondrial genomes69 was generated, using mafft (version v7.305b)70,71,72 with the --auto parameter. How A Handful of Yamnaya Culture Nomads Became the Fathers of Europe Mathieson, I. et al. Green, R. E. et al. The population history of Finland is subject to an ongoing discussion, especially concerning the status of the Saami as the earlier inhabitants of Finland, compared to Finns. We used multiple European and Siberian sources to capture differences in ancestral composition among proxy populations: As proxies for the Siberian source we used Bolshoy, Mansi and Nganasan, and for the European source we used modern Icelandic, Norwegian, Lithuanian and French. Individuals from this study are indicated by labels in bold. Here, we report five Yamnaya individuals well-dated to 3021 to 2501 calibrated BCE from kurgans in Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary, displaying changes in bone morphology and distinct pathologies associated with horseback riding. Greenlandic Inuit show genetic signatures of diet and climate adaptation. Of the 100l extract, 20l was used to immortalize the sample DNA as a double-stranded library. Significantly negative f3 values correspond to the Test population being admixed between populations related to the two source populations42. Nature 536, 419424 (2016). J. Hum. This indicates that the people inhabiting Levnluhta during the Iron Age, and possibly other areas in the region as well, were more closely related to modern-day Saami than to present-day Finns; however, their difference from the modern Saami may reflect internal structure within the Saami population or additional admixture into the modern population. This individual also rejects a cladal position with Finns. PLoS ONE 3, e3519 (2008). Genet 7, 6374 (2013). Human Y chromosome haplogroup N: a non-trivial time-resolved phylogeography that cuts across language families. By Sciacchitano in forum DNA Testing & General Genetics Replies: 0 Last Post: 24-05-18, 07:45. and S.P. The 3500-year-old ancient individuals from Bolshoy represent the highest proportion of Siberian Nganasan-related ancestry seen in this region so far, and possibly evidence its earliest presence in the western end of the trans-Siberian expanse (Fig. We set a pmd-threshold of 3, which, according to the original publication30, effectively eliminates potential modern contaminants based on the absence of base modifications consistent with deamination. These East European emigrants, reportedly had excellent tools than other tribes at that time. EAGER: efficient ancient genome reconstruction. This procedure eliminates the positions that are affected by deamination, thus removing genotyping errors that could arise due to ancient DNA damage. The West Eurasian cline along PC2 spans from the Bedouins on the Arabian Peninsula to north-eastern Europeans including Lithuanians, Norwegians and Finns. The source data underlying all main and Supplementary Figures are provided as a Source Data file. Hear this story. Indeed, the six Bolshoy individuals have substantial amounts of EHG but no Yamnaya ancestry. Finally, Icelanders and Nganasan used as the European and Siberian sources, respectively, yielded the most negative result for the present-day Saami as a Test. Parallel palaeogenomic transects reveal complex genetic history of early European farmers. While the Siberian genetic component presented here has been previously described in modern-day populations from the region1,3,9,10, we gain further insights into its temporal depth. Pivi Onkamo, Wolfgang Haak or Stephan Schiffels. All such qpWave runs were consistent only with maximum rank, meaning all outgroup sets had enough power to distinguish between the five different sources. We did not observe significant differences (within our resolution) in the ancestry patterns between the ancient individuals from the same site, with the exception of Levnluhta, where the individual sample JK2065 seems to derive from a different ancestry. For three Levnluhta individuals exceeding the threshold coverage of 1% in the preliminary screening, we used the non-UDG treated libraries to confirm the authenticity of the ancient data. All ancient and modern individuals from the Baltics, Finland and Russia were successfully modelled as a mixture of five lines of ancestry, represented by eastern Mesolithic hunter-gatherers (EHG, from Karelia), Yamnaya from Samara, LBK from the early European Neolithic, western Mesolithic hunter-gatherers (WHG, from Spain, Luxembourg and Hungary), and Nganasan, or subsets of those five (Supplementary Data4). PDF Ancestry Report A complete Neandertal mitochondrial genome sequence determined by high-throughput sequencing. Google Scholar. 5b). The sequenced DNA fragments were mapped to the human reference genome, and pseudohaploid genotypes were called based on a random read covering each targeted SNP (see Methods). We used a custom program (pileupCaller) to genotype the 15 ancient individuals. A high degree of population-specific drift can affect f3-statistics and result in less negative and even positive values42. 62 to enrich our libraries for DNA fragments overlapping with 1,237,207 variable positions in the human genome4. 9, 442 (2018). performed laboratory work. DNA analysis of an early modern human from Tianyuan Cave, China. In brief, the sample preparation steps included UV-irradiation for 3045min, followed by gentle wiping of the surface with diluted commercial bleaches. Bioinformatics 29, 16821684 (2013). However, no direct dating was available for the Levnluhta material, and we cannot exclude the possibility of a temporal gap between this individual and the other individuals from that site. In the case of PWC from Sweden where none of the outgroup sets OG1-4 produced a working model, a revised set of right populations was used (OG5) which includes Samara_HG to provide more power to distinguish hunter-gatherer ancestries. IntCal13 and Marine13 radiocarbon age calibration curves 050,000 years cal BP. Rohland, N., Harney, E., Mallick, S., Nordenfelt, S. & Reich, D. Partial uracil-DNA-glycosylase treatment for screening of ancient DNA. We tested the power of this method to detect contamination and find that it can detect contamination that is distantly related to the ancestries present within the test individuals already at rates of 58%, but lacks the power to identify contamination closely related to the test individuals (see Supplementary Note2). Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran Aikakauskirja96, 287316 (2017). Between these two main Eurasian clines exist multiple clines, spanning between West and East Eurasians. We found that within expected noise due to a low number of SNPs, all samples show consistency between the filtered and non-filtered datasets, suggesting a low amount of contamination in all of the samples (Supplementary Figure3a, b). If either Yamnaya or EHG could be dropped . These authors contributed equally to this work: Thiseas C. Lamnidis, Kerttu Majander. Am. Finally, all mitochondrial reads were aligned to their respective consensus sequence, using bwa aln (version 0.7.12-r1039)64 with a maximum number of differences in the seed (-k) set to 5 and the maximum number of differences (-n) to 10, and bwa samse (version 0.7.12-r1039)64. Muinaistutkija2010, 5164 (2010). Veli-Pekka, L.) 2895 (Inarin Kunta, 2003). Credit: Tocabe Indigenous Marketplace. R. Soc. PubMedGoogle Scholar. Seven individuals stem from excavations in Levnluhta, a lake burial in Isokyr, Finland. Recently, ancient DNA has brought new insights into European migration events linked to the advent of agriculture, and possibly to the spread of Indo-European languages. Int. Article To formally test the excess of alleles shared with ANE/Native Americans we performed f 4-statistics of the form f 4 (Mbuti, X; Steppe Maykop, Eneolithic steppe), which resulted in significantly . The genetic structure of Europeans today is the result of several layers of migration and subsequent admixture. An essay on Saami ethnolinguistic prehistory. They established that the Yamnaya pastoralists of the Pontic steppe contributed a substantial proportion of ancestry to modern Europeans (later, the same was found to be the case in Indians and other Asians). In 2015 Massive migration from the steppe was a source for Indo-European languages in Europe and Population genomics of Bronze Age Eurasia were published. ADS Indeed, for all other populations with evidence of this ancestry, we find much younger admixture dates (Fig. Fennosc. A majority of Yamnaya ancestry came from Caucasus-based hunter-gatherers and a minority . Our ALDER admixture estimate for Bolshoy, using Nganasan and EHG as admixture sources, dates only 17 generations ago. Genome-wide analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms uncovers population structure in Northern Europe. Nucleotide positions 309.1C(C), 315.1C, AC indels at 515-522, 16182C, 16183C, 16193.1C(C) and 16519 were masked and not included in our haplotype calls. Genome Res. This revealed robust contamination estimates for 2 male Bolshoy individuals, and 1 male Chalmny-Varre individual. 2, e190 (2006). Instead, an increased affinity was observed to modern-day Saami speakers, now mostly residing in the north of the Scandinavian Peninsula.
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