It is also connected by energy lines with what may be other pyramids or energy centers in the area. You dont have to go far to find academic references to other ancient First Nation stone constructions all over the continent and islands of the Great South Land. S! Gympie Pyramid of Australia described in Ramayana November 3, 2013 39 Gympie Pyramid is a low terraced structure located in the outskirts of Gympie in Queensland, Australia. Who built the Gympie pyramid and when remains a mystery, as the site has been plundered and destroyed in the most part. Thanks to Brett Green and Mick Dale for oral assistance and permission to use photos and drawings from The Gympie Pyramid Story. Ancient statuette of the Indian goddess Lakshmi dug up near the Gympie Pyramid. Gympie Pyramid in Australia, Lakes in New Zealand,More . The now famous pyramid was practically unknown until the 1970s, when a local Original Elder decided to come out publicly and let the world know about it. The head is carved from a yellow conglomerate stone, usually an unlikely material for sculpture, which is not found anywhere near Gympie, if indeed it is found in Australia. The Originals knew they could always find water on that Rocky Ridge top, even in dry season. This is just a brief summary that I post, as time permits. Parachute May Have Been Invented By Ancient Chinese Not Leonardo Da Vinci, Mysterious Unknown Caves And Tunnels Discovered Beneath The Olsztyn Castle, 168 Unknown Geoglyphs Discovered In The Nazca Desert By Drones. Since the Aborigines did not make this type of construction, they have been ruled out. It's also suggested that in constructing the railway, workers found either an entrance to the pyramid, or a large underground chamber containing artifacts. Their energy and ways to communicate are very similar to that of the North American Sasquatch that Im familiar with. We ended our activities due to Government eviction and legal proceedings. The writer also found that an L-shaped dowsing rod, when held loosely in the hand, spun around freely by itself on the pyramid, usually a sign of a powerful site. Djaki Kundu - the Gympie Pyramid story. Those parts of the mines were sealed and concealed, at least in the official version. Quite possibly it was regarded as a place of evil spirits. A prophecy exists to the effect that a pyramid will be found in central Australia sometime this century, and that this site will be a major spiritual centre. The statue is in the Gympie Museum. Gold mining might be a clue, but the site might have been occupied by successive cultures and we might never know the whole story since it has been suppressed, hidden and officially debunked. Mick and Melanie examining evidence of the Road Departments work We arrived at the pyramid site and I have to admit it wasn't what I'd expected. Are The Ten Commandments Based On The Forty-Two Principles Of Maat That Appeared 2,000 Years Earlier? [14], Marilyn Pye also suggested the stones used in the construction of the church's retaining wall in 1938 (see above) had been removed from the pyramid. The pyramid is 30.4 metres (100ft) high and has six stone terraces varying from 10 metres wide at the bottom to two metres wide towards the top, and incorporate some natural rock features. The archaeological value of these objects has been reduced by them being taken out of context, but they are still interesting. This lady said nothing but bade him welcome by gestures. Legend of Gympieand the Gympie Pyramid The Gympie Pyramid located in the outskirts of Gympie in Queensland, Australia is a terraced structure that some claim was built by ancient Egyptians long before Europeans came to Australia, while others say it was built by an Italian vineyard owner in the 1950s. Another pyramid, or a building which looked like one, is believed to have existed at what is now Tin Can Bay, on the coast from Gympie. On of these such ruins near Queensland, Australia Gilroy asserts is actually a part of a pyramid built by the Egyptians or the Phoneticians. The group was attacked from many local sources and academics because it conflicted with written histories. Due to other similar events, the society was forced to close and members went off into their own private research areas. Its interior remains unknown and has been a source of speculation, and there are believed to be three or four entrances, some blocked, leading into it. I removed all gubbi / gabi references as you asked. [1] It consists of the rounded eastern end of a sandstone ridge, and is located on the Gympie Connection Road, some 5km (3.1mi) north-east of the town of Gympie in Queensland, Australia.[2][3]. The Dhamurian Society had an excellent information site for years and a few years ago (about when the bypass was announced) it suddenly disappeared from internet viewing. Thanks are also due to Daphne Salt for much help with the photographs, and to Laurie de Lia for making the visit to Gympie possible. The well-known surveyor Len Beadell is said to have found a pyramid on the Nullabor plains, and was told by the local aborigines that the pyramid was outside the dreamtime, and that it was very bad luck to talk about it. Apart from these inconvenient ailments, plus ticks and the mozzies that are really not so bad, Im still fully functional and keep working full time to gather and share knowledge. There are also theories that the construction was the work of extraterrestrials, without much evidence to support it. Make sure to relax and stay healthy! Gavin Menzies suggests that it is "direct and persuasive evidence of the Chinese visits to Australia" and that "its size, height and shape are typical of Ming Dynasty observation platforms". There is a powerful healing vortex at the top, near the grinders, and three people, including local resident and pyramid supporter Mick Dale, have, on separate occasions, experienced considerable healing for back problems there.14. The dry wall construction shown here is the same as the construction of the GP terraces. The pyramid became a source of much speculation and interest as unusual phenomena were reportedly seen or experienced on it, and unusual artefacts found nearby suggesting contact with earlier civilisations, and was given publicity by writer Rex Gilroy. Most of these are believed to have been removed by early settlers. Mick Dale, Personal Communication (PC), 6. Other pyramids are believed to have been seen in New South Wales. Some out of place objects that have been found in the area are statues of Hindi gods and gold. Greg Jefferys points out that it would have made a good fort given its location,12 but there is no evidence for this, and it does not 'feel' like one. The carved yellow stone head was found next to the pyramid in 1985 after the construction of the railway line alongside the pyramid. The present writer also unexpectedly encountered a white-clad lady, this one with black hair, a couple of days later on the topmost terrace. One ex-serviceman, Cyril Bromley, fell into one of the plants during WWII training exercises, and he ended up strapped to a hospital bed, "as mad as a cut snake." Bromley also told a story of an officer who unknowingly used a leaf as toilet paper. Thank you so much dear friend for all of your very hard work and dedication to this very important cause. Yesterday in another mountain range, we heard several whoops and wood knocks and saw a Yowie in the distance, but photos came out blurry. If anything, they were afraid of the site and left it alone. The [], , If you appreciate this article, please consider a. Early settlers naturally regarded the pyramid as an easy source of stone and it was quarried to supply new buildings, doing much damage and removing all the inscribed stones. There are plenty of websites addressing the Gympie pyramid, many unworthy of attention and a few interesting ones. However, subsequent damage to the pyramid resulted in the discovery of carved stones used in its construction. Three large flat stones roughly shaped as diamonds have been found on the site. It is believed to represent the Egyptian God Thoth in ape form. Inspection of the soil in the terraces reveals only poor or rather thin native soils, becoming sandy in the top trenches, and show no sign of backfilling with more fertile soils. W. H. Rands, also a geologist, described Rocky Ridge in 1889 as "a drift of water-worn pebbles consisting of quartz and of hardened, waterworn sandstone". However, no such examination has been found and when interviewed, the archaeologist denied that he had even seen the inscriptions. The amount of corrosion on the statuette suggests that it must be of ancient origin. While on the . Other smelting related objects were found on the site, suggesting that smelting was done on site. Greetings Jakub. Brett Green mentions that local residents used to see 'Nim Nim' lights on top of the pyramid, and other phenomena have been encountered. The image to the left was supplied to me by Brett Green and it was claimed to be an old photo that shows the summit of the Gympie Pyramid site prior to a previous land owner running a bulldozer over it. In addition, "a statue (the 'Iron Man' or 'Gympie Ape') of non-Aboriginal manufacture [had been] found nearby, and some crude inscriptions on a stone block dug up in the area". Gold mining sites - Gympie is called "The Town that Saved Queensland", but for its memorabilia, gold mining still continues to play a part in the town's fortunes. The structure is been known as the 'Gympie Pyramid.' It isn't a full stone pyramid, rather a hill terraced by a spiral of stones with an altar stone on top. The following, from the previous comment, correllates with Kabi oral history and Kabi Tribal knowledge: 25. Brett J. (Tin Can Bay has nothing to do with tin cans. If so, nothing else has been found on it to support this theory. While digging tunnels, minors discovered bottomless vertical shafts, perfectly round and smooth, that went deeper than five kilometers into the ground. The purpose of the pyramid is not known. To date their purpose in doing so remains unknown. If the pyramid is bulldozed and skeletons found, it will create a serious problem for the plans of the Queensland government, since it would have to regard it as a sacred site. Gympie was a gold-mining area, which would account for members of other civilizations being there. The Gympie Pyramid (Djaki Kundu local traditional name) is a low terraced hill located in the outskirts of Gympie in Queensland. It's a site that's become relatively well known, as some claim its origins predate colonial history and could be either Egyptian, South American or Chinese. The Gympie Pyramid is a tourist attraction for the town of Gympie, which otherwise does not have a great deal to offer, and has brought in people from around the world. From all I could find online, there is hardly anything about what was found in Gympie nor about the Dhamurian society. It will be interesting when we are finally able to put together maps of the psychic centers around Australia. Aboriginals taken to it in recent times declared they felt sick, and wanted to leave. It includes the ruins of six or seven low terraces associated with early settlers. Other smelting related objects were found on the site, suggesting that smelting was done on site. As a guardian of Djaki Kundu, I am priveledged to have been given the stories of the sacred place which have been handed down the generations since time immemorial. Promoting peaceful spiritual interspecies communication. Allow this video to speak for itself. It will be interesting when we are finally able to put together maps of the psychic centres around Australia. He attributed the construction of the terraces to Italian wine growers or other immigrants in the nineteenth century. There is also a pile of stones that look like a collapsed building. What we know is that the site was purchased in 2005 by the Dhamurian Society, an obscure group meant to investigate the pyramid that has done nothing more than try to debunk it. What is known as the Gympie Pyramid is the rounded eastern end of a sandstone ridge north of the town of Gympie that had stone terraces cut into the sides, giving it a pyramidal shape. Its interior remains unknown and has been a source of speculation, and there are believed to be three or four entrances, some blocked, leading into it. Im reading every article. If so, this would suggest a sacred site. Subscribe here: The bypass construction should definitely bypass it and leave what is left of it as it is. Gympie Pyramid of Australia in Ramayana BooksFact 20.2K subscribers Subscribe 109 6.1K views 4 years ago Ramayana written by Sage Valmiki describes about Java Island of Indonesia, Coral sea,. Greg Jefferys, The Gympie Pyramid; a nice little mystery that Australian Academia like to ignore (incorporating his 1990 archaeological report). And the terraces were too high for cultivation, the more so when you consider that they become more pronounced towards the top of the pyramid. Irrespective, the Queensland government intends to bulldoze the pyramid in the near future and put a highway through the site. Today (March 4th) we did a wonderful hike in the lush tropical rainforest of Paluma Range National Park, QLD. Mick Dale (PC) and Jefferys 2007, page 2. After exploring the controversial Gympie Pyramid in Queensland, Australia (see video here: https://youtu. The ape is made of conglomerate iron stone and shows a squatting ape figure. Yawalla. It is an energy centre, and also a tourist attraction for Gympie. She gave her name as Nitarla, and said she was one of three such guardians (this name was also given to Mick Dale by another source as the name of the guardian. Early settlers naturally regarded the pyramid as an easy source of stone and it was quarried to supply new buildings, doing much damage and removing all the inscribed stones. Dowsers have found the pyramid is on a major energy line, and energy rays out in four directions, like a Maltese cross. There is too much information to include in posts, these are brief summaries that still require hours of work to produce. There have been many objects found there that do not fit in with the theory that it was built in the 19th-20th century. For those of you who think that this is an ideal life, I need to clarify a little. The pyramid may serve the function of drawing energy down (or up) and then radiating it over the countryside. Thanks and blessings to all on your respective journeys and growth, Your email address will not be published. It took him seven years of search through many tribes before he finally found the Kadaicha in the Kimberley, who passed on to him the knowledge and succession of the Kimberley Kadaicha. Either way, the railway is said to have removed the artifacts and filled up the chamber. It is not a pyramid in the Egyptian or South American sense. Amanitore Nubian Warrior Queen And Her Pyramids, El Mirador: Ancient Pyramids Hidden In The Lost City Of The Maya, Kingdom Of Nubia: Pyramids And Priceless Secrets Of A Civilization Forgotten By History And Neglected By Archaeology. Either way, the railway is said to have removed the artefacts and filled up the chamber. I will have to review and process the sound tracks before I can post and share with this interested audience. Aboriginals taken to it in recent times declared they felt sick, and wanted to leave. He was thoroughly 'spooked' and left the area. Wheeler, along with local historian Dick Gould and Elaine Brown (former history officer of Gympie Regional Council[7]) have dismissed this claim. The Gympie Pyramid is a nickname for an archaeological site otherwise known as Rocky Ridge, or Djaki Kundu by the Gubbi Gubbi/ Kabi Kabi people. Best blessings dear friend. Blessings, Im curious to know why the stones were removed from the pyramid and taken to town for a church wall. Wheeler reported that the archaeologist also "described how investigation of the stone wall and Gympie Ape statue by a colleague in the Archeology Branch of the Queensland Department of Community Services had produced no support at all for the claimed existence of pyramids in the Gympie area". On the one day I had the chance to swim in the ocean so far, I saw a few jelly fish which in the last few years have invaded the beaches in Queensland causing their closure in some seasons, and while surfing through the waves, I got hit by one which instantly felt like a burn and left me with a rash on the thigh. The head has healing properties. Fortunately they were recorded in a diary by John Green, a great grandfather of Brett Green, a local historian who has spent much of his life researching the pyramid, and is the author of a book entitled The Gympie Pyramid Story. The pyramid is approximately 5 km from the centre of Gympie, and is located north of the town on the Tin Can Bay road. Indeed, the Original Peoples used to build stone structures. Stone for many of the terraces has been shaped, and squared and some of the larger stones used would be extremely heavy. Some of the first colonists wrote of the permanent villiages in their diaries. Local objections have been overruled, and no attempt is being made to excavate or find out more about the pyramid while it still exists. I was a member of the Dhamurian Society who spent 30 years trying to save the GP site for its ancient connections and those of the Kabi Kabi people (Gubbi and Gabi etc are false names). Modern scholars have debunked a variety of alternative theories that claim that the site was constructed by extra-terrestrials, ancient Egyptians, Phoenicians, the Mayans, or that the Chinese built a pyramid on the site. He also has had good connection with the Yowie and has been called to intervene in cases when people are frightened by them. 29. A lecturer in archaeology at the University of Queensland, Dr. Pranganell, said in an interview with the editor of the Gympie Times on 9 September 2006: The University has no intention of trying to test the myth as any digging on the site (of the Gympie Pyramid) would just give credibility to something that was impossible.? A piece of bloomery iron was found more recently on the pyramid. Normally the destruction of such a center would have very serious consequences. It is quite significant that two of the most intriguing and important archaeological sites in Australia were destroyed during those years, as to erase traces of past history. Cauper owned the land between 1875 and 1890. When we drove to Gympie, we passed by the Mounts Coolum, Cooroy and Pomona, that are roughly pyramidal in shape and generally aligned on a south-east line from Gympie. It quite possibly had a ritual function, particularly given the pillars on the summit, and was possibly also used as an observatory. I should have met you before and known this, but I didnt. from where they vanished. Dowsing has indicated there are a number of burials on the pyramid, but these have not been dug.11 If so, this would suggest a sacred site. We support the tribes involved in its protection. Sasquatch Close Encounter Network for Interspecies Communication, The mysterious Gympie pyramid, plus Yowie encounter in the deep bush, If you cant go to the Yowie Mountain, the Yowie Mountain will come to you, by SunBw Sasquatch Close Encounter Network for Interspecies Communication, Recent Yowie encounter reported in Queensland Sasquatch Close Encounter Network for Interspecies Communication,, Follow Sasquatch Close Encounter Network for Interspecies Communication on, A deeper study into HOPI KNOWLEDGE, by SunBw, Gifting, altars, tree structures and spirit plates, by SunBw, Unraveling the Mysteries of Yowies, video interview. Written by: Gordon De L. Marshall - New Dawn, This article has been republished with permission of New Dawn Magazine. According to aboriginal legend, lakes or seas used to extend from the coast almost to the base of the pyramid, which is apparently supported by geological evidence. What is known as 'The Gympie Ape' was found in a paddock diagonally opposite the pyramid, by Dell Barry and Ken Blakemore, a former owner of the pyramid. 1. Inscribed stones from the gateway were apparently found quite recently under the floor of one of the Gympie churches from where they vanished.4. [9], In 1938 a retaining wall, featuring polygonally-cut stone, was built at the Surface Hill Uniting Church by relief workers, at a cost of 3000. Brett J. Psychics maintain the Gympie Pyramid has links with nearby and as yet undiscovered pyramids in the Gympie area, with pyramids in central Australia and the Nullabor, and with remains in Antarctica. The Gympie Pyramid is a nickname for an archaeological site otherwise known as Rocky Ridge, or Djaki Kundu by the Gubbi Gubbi / Kabi Kabi people. Several unusual objects have been found in and around the Gympie area. [3], Writing in the Omega Science Digest (2004), Anthony G. Wheeler discussed several assumptions made by amateur archaeologists over the decades in his article "In quest of Australia's lost pyramids". One of the most frequently encountered apparitions are soldiers wearing bronze helmets and armor and holding shields. recordings and images of deceased people and other content that may be culturally sensitive.
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